Open Source Neural Simulator for Robot Learning.
SplatGym is a simulator for reinforcement learning free space navigation policies in Gaussian splat environments.
It has the following main features:
- Novel View Synthesis - Generate photo-realistic images of the scene from any arbitrary camera pose.
- Collision Detection - Detect collision between the camera and the underlying scene objects.
To run a pre-built image:
docker run --gpus all \
-u $(id -u):$(id -u) \
-v /folder/of/your/data:/workspace/ \
-v /home/$USER/.cache/:/home/user/.cache/ \
-p 7007:7007 \
--rm \
-it \
--shm-size=12gb \
To build image from scratch, run the following command at the root of this repository:
docker build .
First, install nerfstudio and its dependencies by following this guide. This project uses nerfstudio 1.1.3
. Then run the following command:
> sudo apt-get install swig
> pip install -r src/requirements.txt
Refer to collision_detector to build the collision detector for your architecture. In your build folder, your should now have a pybind_collision_detector.cpython-<version>-<arch>-<os>.so
Now set PYTHONPATH to allow python to find all splat gym modules
> export PYTHONPATH="<path to collision_detector>/build:<path to SplatGym>/src":$PYTHONPATH
Refer to examples/poster_env for an end-to-end example using demo data.
To use the gym environment, a scene must be trained using nerfstudio
> ns-train splatfacto --data <data_folder>
Point cloud must be obtained for the scene
> ns-train nerfacto --data <data_folder> --pipeline.model.predict-normals=True
> ns-export pointcloud --load-config <nerfacto config> --output-dir <output_dir>
Then the gym environment can be constructed from python:
from nerfgym.NeRFEnv import NeRFEnv
config_path = Path("...")
pcd_path = Path("...")
nerf_env = NeRFEnv(config_path, pcd_path)
The environment follows the Gymnasium Env API and can be used seamlessly with existing reinforcement learning libraries.
A training script has been written to use PPO to solve the free space navigation problem. This can be invoked:
> python3 src/ train --num_training_steps 300000 --env_id free
You can find a paper writeup of the framework on arXiv.
If you use this library or find the documentation useful for your research, please consider citing:
author={Zhou, Liyou and Sinavski, Oleg and Polydoros, Athanasios},
booktitle={2024 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC)},
title={Robotic Learning in your Backyard: A Neural Simulator from Open Source Components},
keywords={Training;Visualization;Solid modeling;Three-dimensional displays;Navigation;Virtual environments;Reinforcement learning;Collision avoidance;Software tools;Robots;Vi-sual Navigation},