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Tim Burke edited this page Mar 12, 2014 · 2 revisions

#modtool - Working with MoMo hardware modules

modtool is a program that sends commands to MoMo hardware modules and allows you to test them, debug them and program them. It is written in python and all of its functionality is built on top of the pymomo.commander library. If you are comfortable in Python and looking to script your MoMo module, you should jump directly to using pymomo.commander in Python scripts. If you are looking for a command line application to simplify common MoMo related tasks, modtool is right for you. Modtool runs equally well on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows provided that you have installed all of its library dependencies.


modtool can do the following things:

  • Reprogram any MoMo module with new firmware
  • Run premade hardware testing scripts on any MoMo module
  • List attached modules and interact with them
  • Configure any MoMo module
  • Debug MoMo modules
  • Dump MoMo sensor or system logs

Using Modtool

modtool is a command line program that lives in tools/bin. If you have added tools/bin to your $PATH, you can run modtool by executing:

$ modtool help

All of the modtool commands are documented in the internal help system, which can be accessed by using:

$ modtool help subcommand

Connecting Your Hardware

Using modtool requires that you connect your MoMo device to your computer using a bridge between your computer and the MoMo bus (MIB). This could be done using a MoMo Field Service Unit (FSU) that connects to the MoMo and to the USB port of your computer, or it could be done over bluetooth. In either case, your fsu will show up as a COM port and modtool interacts with the FSU by sending serial commands to that COM port. Modtool will try to guess which COM port your FSU is plugged into but if it cannot do so for some reason (like you have multiple virtual COM ports), then you will have to specify the correct port. You can do this by passing a -p parameter to modtool.

To verify that everything is working, attach your MoMo to the computer and run:

$ modtool list

If the command finishes correctly, your MoMo is correctly attached and modtool can find it. If there is a communication error, try passing the correct COM port. On linux this could look like:

$ modtool list -p /dev/ttyUSB0

On Windows it could be:

$ modtool list -p COM3

You will need to replace those port identifiers with the correct ones for your system. Once you have verified connectivity, you can use all of modtool's features to interact with your MoMo device.

Modtool Commands

Listing and Describing MoMo modules

Each MoMo unit is composed of various boards that all perform specific tasks. You can see what boards are attached to your MoMo controller unit by using:

$ modtool list

To get more information about a given module use:

$ modtool info <INDEX>

where INDEX is the index for the module given in the result of the 'modtool list' command.

Reflashing a Module

If you want to update the firmware code running on an attached MoMo module, you can do so using the modtool reflash command. You will have to specify which module to reflash using either its name or its address. You can find the names and addresses of all the attached modules using the modtool list command. To reflash a module by address use:

modtool reflash -a N <HEXFILE>

To reflash by name:

modtool reflash -n gsm_mod <HEXFILE>

The reflash command clears the controller's firmware cache to make sure there's room, pushes the hex file to the controller, finds the module by either its name or address and then sends an RPC call to that module for it to reflash itself. The command waits for the reflashing to finish before returning. Note that since the module cannot communicate during reflashing, the wait time is just a timer based on the maximum time that the reflashing could take. You should not remove power from your MoMo unit or try to use it during the reflashing process. Doing so will definitely cause the firmware to be programmed incorrectly and could potentially brick the module. It is, by design, very hard to brick a MoMo module however so you should be safe.

Reflashing the Controller

Reflashing the controller module is done with the same command as reflashing a module. You need to pass it a valid controller hex file:

$ modtool reflash --controller <HEXFILE>
Sending Firmware
Transmission Progress: [########################################]
Firmware stored in bucket 4
Reflash in progress
Reflash complete.

Recovering a Bricked Controller

If you program a nonfunctional firmware image into the MoMo controller, it will become nonresponsive and you will not be able to interact with it using modtool. In order to restore functionality, you will have to recover it to a known-good firmware image. To make this posible, a valid backup firmware image can be stored in the controller's 1MB serial flash chip. Upon reception of an alarm sequence during reset, the controller's bootloader will reflash this backup firmware, allowing you to regain control and use the standard controller reflashing procedure to flash a new firmware image. N.B. This process requires that you have previously pushed a backup firmware image to the controller at least once before bricking it.

The process for recovering a MoMo controller is:

  • Remove power from your MoMo device, but leave it plugged into the field service unit.
  • Execute the modtool recover command
$ modtool recover
Attempting Recovery...
Please cycle power on the attached MoMo...(press return when done)
  • When prompted, connect power to the MoMo device and press return within 5 seconds.

Modtool will automatically detect a valid recovery process once it is initiated and provide you with a status update until it finishes (it takes about 10 seconds to finish). If it does not work, try pushing return more quickly after cycling power. A sucessful recovery will look like this:

$ modtool recover
Attempting Recovery...
Please cycle power on the attached MoMo...(press return when done)
Waiting for reflash to complete
Reflash complete

$ modtool list
Listing attached modules

If there is an error during recovery, you will see a message like this:

$ modtool recover
Attempting Recovery...
Please cycle power on the attached MoMo...(press return when done)

modtool uses the alarm pin on the 6-pin MIB connector to signal a recovery to the controller and check its progress. If you have not wired that pin correctly, then modtool will not be able to recover your device.