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bergsma edited this page Sep 26, 2014 · 5 revisions


###Create or convert a variable or value into a octal format


result = octal value ;
octal variable [= value] ; 


  1. list value

A value of any type.

Return Value

octal result
  • 0x000000 - 0x1777777 : A octal value is 4 bytes.It is displayed as an 6 character octal number.

The STATUS variable is set to $ACKNOWLEDGE

When the argument is an array variable, all the elements in the array are converted, and the result will be a vector array octal result

  • 0x000000 - 0x1777777 : A octal value is 4 bytes.It is displayed as an 6 character octal number.

The STATUS variable is set to $ACKNOWLEDGE

When the argument is an array variable, all the elements in the array are converted, and the result will be a vector array


  • %ARGUMENT: Invalid arguments. Usage: octal variable [= value] ;

  • %IDENTIFIER: 'variable' argument is not a valid identifier, literal, or reference




put octal -2

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