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bergsma edited this page Sep 26, 2014 · 3 revisions


###Convert special ascii characters in a string to their external representations.


result = tointernal string ;


  1. str string

The str or list variable to convert,

Return Value

list result
  • externalString : The converted list or string, with escape sequences converted to external representation.

The STATUS variable is set to $ACKNOWLEDGE

When the argument is an array variable, all the elements in the array are converted, and the result will be a list array list result

  • externalString : The converted list or string, with escape sequences converted to external representation.

The STATUS variable is set to $ACKNOWLEDGE

When the argument is an array variable, all the elements in the array are converted, and the result will be a list array


  • %ARGUMENT: Invalid arguments. Usage: result = tointernal string ;

  • %BOUNDS: Subscript is out of bounds in toexternal()


Escape sequences are required to insert special characters into strings. The tointernal() function converts the following escape sequences into their internal ASCII representations.

  • \" - double quote, ASCII 34
  • \' - single quote, ASCII 39
  • \` - back quote, ASCII 96
  • \a - bell, ctrl/g, ASCII 7
  • \b - backspace, ASCII 8
  • \f - form feed, ASCII 12
  • \n - linefeed, ASCII 10
  • \r - carriage return, ASCII 13
  • \t - tab, ASCII 9
  • \v - vertical tab, ASCII 11
  • \nnn -octal value nnn
  • \xnn - hex value 0xnn

The toexternal() functions converts the following internal ASCII values to the external forms:

  • ASCII 7 converts to \a
  • ASCII 8 converts to \b
  • ASCII 12 converts to \f
  • ASCII 10 converts to \n
  • ASCII 13 converts to \r
  • ASCII 11 converts to \v
  • ASCII 34 converts to \"
  • ASCII 124 converts to \174 (octal) (for messages only, encodes the pipe '|' character)
  • all unprintable and nonwhitespace characters convert to \nnn (octal)


puts "Create an example for the function 'toexternal'" ;

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