#1147 Support Evm Tx Input data decoder
#1139 Support EVM method call erc20 factory
#1127 Add EVM contract details EVM transactions
#1131 Support EIP-1559 gas information on EVM Tx details page
#1120 Add EVM contract details Cosmos transactions
#1130 Support EVM contract and transaction hash in the main search
#1128 Implement EVM tx details
#1129 Support custom evm minitia
#1116 Add EVM contract details assets
#1112 Add EVM contract details bytecodes
#1109 Add EVM contract details overview
#1106 Add EVM contract details HTML skeleton layout
#1123 Implement block EVM tx list
#1122 Support batch json rpc requests
#1113 Add message EVM tag to transaction lists and details
#1121 Add EVM related tx section on the cosmos tx details page
#1111 Support basic EVM account details and saved account
#1118 Implement base evm method chip
#1117 Add JSON RPC request and get block data from JSON RPC
#1105 Add base minievm branch with its sign mode and pubkey type
#1151 Add redirect logics for /address path to /accounts and /accounts to either /contracts or /evm-contracts
#1141 Separate loading logic for evm contract cosmos and evm txs for more reasonably state logic
#1146 Bump pnpm to version 9
#1133 Refactor evm denom and amount for each method
Bug fixes
#1152 Fix duplicate contract evm txs due to refetch on mount + cached data
#1145 Shorten value in evm txs table amount and render amount in evm txs details
#1142 Fix minievm bugbash (wording, spacing, and alignment)
#1143 Fix missing daemon name and block time info
#1134 Fix evm contract evm txs loading state and evm tx details ui
#1137 Bump axios and remove initia js client usage
#1126 Fix tx message detail alignment in small screen
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