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Alf is splittable

oysteinjs edited this page Nov 22, 2013 · 6 revisions

See also [[alf-is-non-splittable|Alf-is-non-splittable]].

Block content other than <p>, <ul> and <ol> flowing in an alf-region are non-splittable by default. This means that the block element will not be displayed unless there's room for the entire content in a single region. If you want to allow content to be split over several regions, you may set the alf-is-splittable class on the element(s) in question.


The content in the first <div> will flow in an alf-region, and the second <div> will be moved in its entirety to the next available region if the current region hasn't got enough room for it.

   This is a really, really, really, really long text and will fill out most of a region.
   This text is also super long, so there's not room for all of it in the same region as the previous div.

The content in the first <div> will flow in an alf-region, and the content overflowing the current region from the second <div> will be moved to the next available region.

   This is a really, really, really, really long text and will fill out most of a region.
<div class="alf-is-splittable">
   This text is also super long, so there's not room for all of it in the same region as the previous div.
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