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2.1. Installation
For the manual installations (using the command line or terminal) I mention a specific release version, for example version 3.6. Please check on the releases page for the most current version, as it may be newer.
VLC is optional, but you will need it installed if you need to do any audio/video coding. Optionally, install ffmpeg for speech to text and waveform display, see https://phoenixnap.com/kb/ffmpeg-windows..
See https://github.com/ccbogel/QualCoder/releases/ You have two options, attached to the release:
- Newer releases contain an exe file created on Windows 11. Double-click to run, it takes up to 20 seconds to start.
- Since version 3.6, there is also a Windows installer available at the release page.
On first use of the exe, Windows may ask you to allow to run QualCoder. This is because it is from an unknown publisher. It costs a lot of money to get a trusted publisher certificate - so that will not be possible for the foreseeable future. If you are uncomfortable with these warnings install from the source as detailed next.
Alternatively install from source
Seriously consider using a virtual environment (commands in point 6 below). Not using a virtual environment may affect other python software you may have installed.
Download and install the Python programming language. Please use Python 3.10, 3.11 or 3.12 on Windows, other versions may cause issues. Python3. Download the file (at the bottom of the web site) "Windows installer (64-bit)" IMPORTANT: in the first window of the installation mark the option "Add Python to PATH"
Download the QualCoder software from: https://github.com/ccbogel/QualCoder from the Green Code button. This is the newest, but not yet officially released code. Click the green button "Code", and then "Download ZIP". Alternatively, choose the most recent release zip, see right hand side of this page for the link to Releases.
Unzip the folder to a location (e.g. downloads). (Tip, remove the doubled up folder extraction QualCoder-master\QualCoder-master when asked where to extract. Just QualCoder-master).
Use the Windows command prompt. Type "cmd" in the Windows Start search engine, and click on the black software "cmd.exe" - the command console for Windows. In the console type or paste, using the right-click mouse copy and paste (ctrl+v does not work)
In the command prompt, move (using the
command) into the QualCoder folder. You should be inside the QualCoder-master folder or if using a release (the Qualcoder-3.6 folder). e.g.
cd Downloads\QualCoder-master
- Install and activate the virtual environment.
pip install virtualenv
Create a virtual environment called env.
virtualenv env
Activate the virtual environment, this changes the command prompt display using (brackets): (env)
- Install python modules.
command uses the most recent installed version of python. On soem Windows OSpy
does not work, instead usepython3
You can use a specific version on your Windows, if you have many python versions installed, e.g. py -3.12 See discussion here: Difference between py and python Type the following to upgrade the installer:
py -m pip install --upgrade pip
Install the required python modules, this may take 10 minutes.
py -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Wait, until all modules are installed.
- Run QualCoder from the command prompt:
py -m qualcoder
- If running QualCoder in a virtual environment, to exit the virtual environment type:
The command prompt will then remove the (env) wording.
- To start QualCoder again:
If you are not using virtual environment, as long as you are in the same drive letter, e.g. C:
py -m qualcoder
If you are using a virtual environment:
to the Qualcoder-master (or Qualcoder release folder), then type:
py -m qualcoder
There is an executable file in the releases page for Ubuntu 24.04 for the 3.6 release. Download and double click to run.
Alternatively, run QualCoder from the source code inside a python virtual environment, so that the system installed python modules do not clash and cause problems. I have added the additional code to do this here.
Install venv I am using python3.12 you can choose another recent version if you prefer.
sudo apt install python3.12-venv
Download and unzip the Qualcoder folder.
Open a terminal and move (cd) into that folder. You should be inside the QualCoder-master folder or if using a release, e.g. the Qualcoder-3.6 folder. Inside the QualCoder-master folder:
python3.12 -m venv qualcoder
Activate venv, this changes the command prompt display using (brackets): (qualcoder) Note: To exit venv type deactivate
source qualcoder/bin/activate
Upgrade pip before installing the modules:
pip install --upgrade pip
Install the required python modules, may take 10 minutes:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install QualCoder (the dot is important):
python3 -m pip install .
To run type
After all this is done, you can deactivate to exit the virtual environment. At any time to start QualCoder in the virtual environment, cd to the Qualcoder-master folder (or Qualcoder-3.6 release folder),
Then type: source qualcoder/bin/activate
Then type qualcoder
Try downloading the Ubuntu 24 executable and running it with DistroBox https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Distrobox. Or try downloading the Windows exe and running it in Wine, https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Wine
Try downloading the Ubuntu 24 executable and running it with DistroBox. Or, try downloading the Windows exe and running it in Wine, https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Wine
To run from source code:
Please view the Debian instructions above to run QualCoder in a virtual environment.
These install instructions are currently untested
Retrieve the current package code from this repository
git clone https://github.com/ccbogel/QualCoder.git
Make install_fedora.sh
executable (chmod +x install_fedora.sh
) and run the ./install_fedora.sh
script from the terminal. Make sure the qualcoder folder is in the same directory as the install.sh script (i.e. as it appears when you download the QualCoder-master folder). The script is for python version 3.12.
This script installs the dependencies using dnf and the ebook libraries with a work-around, specified at https://github.com/ccbogel/QualCoder/issues/72#issuecomment-695962784.
Fedora uses wayland with does not work well with the Qt graphical interface (for now). I suggest you also install xwayland.
See https://github.com/ccbogel/QualCoder/releases/ Attached to the release (version 3.6 and up), you will find two options ('X' representing the current version):
- QualCoder_X_arm64.dmg: App bundle for newer Macs with Apple Silicon (M1 ... M4 processors)
- QualCoder_X_x86_64.dmg: App bundle for the older Macs with Intel processor (core i5, i7, etc).
The app bundles are compiled on macOS Sequoia. They might also work on Sonoma and Ventura. If you are on an older version, consider updating your OS or install QualCoder from source as described below.
Note: We are currently not able to sign the app bundles, so you will get a warning that QualCoder is from an unregistered developer. You have to manually allow the app to be executed, if your Gatekeeper is active. Follow these steps:
- Double-click the downloaded dmg-file.
- Drag QualCoder into the link to your applications (ignore the
folder also in the window). - Start QualCoder by double-clicking the app within your applications folder. You will get an error that QualCoder is from an unregistered developer. The app will not start.
- Go to Settings -> Privacy and Security -> Scroll down until you see a message stating QualCoder was prevented from starting. Click on "open anyway".
- From now on, QualCoder should start without issues.
The below instructions are to install from the source code. There have been various macOS install issues raised, which is why the various options are shown below.
Install a recent version of Python3, e.g. 3.10, 3.11 or 3.12. (Note: Python 3.13 is not supported yet) and VLC. You will also need to install developer tools for macOS. See here: https://www.cnet.com/tech/computing/install-command-line-developer-tools-in-os-x/
Download the latest release "Source code" version in ZIP format, from the releases section of the project here on GitHub: https://github.com/ccbogel/QualCoder/releases/tag/3.6 and extract it into /Applications
Open the Terminal app (or any other command shell)
Install PIP (if not yet installed, try typing
pip3 --version
and hit ENTER)
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
python3 get-pip.py
-> You should now be able to run pip3
as above.
- Install Python dependency modules using
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you are on an older, Intel-based Mac, you must perform the following step after installing all the other requirements (only for version 3.6 and above):
pip install "numpy<2" # don't forget the quotation marks
Be sure that you are in the QualCoder-Master directory before doing Step 6.
To change the directory, enter or copy and run the script below.
cd /Applications/QualCoder-3.6
From the QualCoder-Master directory run the setup script:
python3 -m pip install .
Assuming you downloaded the 3.6 version. You can now run with:
python3 /applications/QualCoder-3.6/qualcoder/__main__.py
Alternative commands to run QualCoder (Suggestions):
From any directory:
From the QualCoder-Master directory:
python3 -m qualcoder
You can install QualCoder anywhere you want, so the path above depends on where you extracted the archive.
Another option to run Qualcoder is shown here: https://www.maketecheasier.com/run-python-script-in-mac/. This means you can right-click on the qualcoder.py file and open with --> python launcher. You can make an alias to the file and place it on your desktop.
Another option to install on Mac:
Open the Terminal App and move to the unzipped Qualcoder-Master directory, then run the following commands:
pip3 install -U py2app
or for a system installation of python sudo pip3 install -U py2app
python3 setup.py py2app
2.1. Installation
2.2. Settings
2.3. AI Setup
2.4. Working in a Team
Managing Data
3.2. Files
3.3. Cases
3.4. Attributes
4.1. Coding Text
4.2. AI Assisted Coding
4.3. Coding Text on PDFs
4.4. Coding Images
4.6. Code Organiser
Analyzing the Results
5.2. Journals
5.3. Reports
5.4. Graph
Advanced Options
6.1. Imports and Exports
6.2. AI Prompt Library
Other Information
7.1. About The Developers