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7.1. About The Developers

QualCoder Developer edited this page Feb 11, 2025 · 1 revision

About The Developers


Hello, my name is Colin Curtain and I am a lecturer from Australia. I have many interests including clinical pharmacy, computer programming, research, statistics and clinical decision support. I completed a PhD evaluating computerised clinical decision support in 2014. When doing my PhD I used R as the statistics program of choice. This is where my interest in qualitative data analysis came from, which ultimately led to this project.

I thought I would share QualCoder in the hope that it may help others. Software bugs are possible and functionality could be further extended. I work on the programming for this in my spare time, it is not my full time job for me.

If and when you use QualCoder and publish your results, I would really appreciate it if you let me know the bibliographic information of your work.