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Celogeek edited this page Aug 27, 2016 · 1 revision

The reviewers' guide

This guide lead you to :

  • review the tasks
  • merge into devel

What your jobs ?

You can get the list of your "pending" review.

  • git redmine review pending

The field GIT_PR need to be filled inside the task or you will not be able to start the review.

It list all the review in all project with the current GIT_REPOS set to the local repositorie url.

Start a review

To start a review,

  • git redmine review start XXX

The XXX is the number of the task. It will create a branch locally. Your redmine will change from "to be code reviewed" to "review in progress".

You can avoid any questions :

  • git redmine review start -f XXX

And automatically do a rebase origin/devel

  • git redmine review start -r XXX

Both can be combinated.

Thing to do

During a review, you have to compare with origin/devel to check the changes. Eventually fix some issue.

Then you can "finish", "abort" or "reject" the task.


To have a proper diff, start by a rebase

  • git rebase origin/devel

Or start the review with auto rebase :

  • git redmine review start -r XXX

Check diff

Then you can check the diff

  • git diff origin/devel

Apply patches

You can apply all the change you want and commit it. It will be only a local change.

Reject a task

If a task has too much stuff to be fixed, you can send it back to the latest developer of the task.

The $TASK_SLUG below is the developer branch, it should be the same has yours without the "-review-"

  • git push -f origin HEAD:$TASK_SLUG
  • git redmine review reject

It will edit a message file. Put everything you want for the developer to known, then save.

The task is sent back to the developer with the error message. It is reassigned to him.

Accept the patch

To accept your change, just finish it.

  • git redmine review finish

It will apply the changes, merge into devel, save the change log. It will ask and reassign to the releaser the task.

You can also speed up with "force" and "auto-reassigned" options :

  • git redmine review finish -fa

Abort a review

To abort a review :

  • git redmine review abort

Cancel the review, set the status back to "to be code reviewed".


They is more in review.

  • git redmine review

This list you all the command and the shortcut