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Celogeek edited this page Aug 25, 2016 · 1 revision


In your terminal, type this :

cd /tmp
git clone
cd git-redmine-suite

The first time it will take a while, and press "Enter" at all question "cpanm" will ask.

Now you have to add the GRS path to your "bashrc" file :

export PATH=$HOME/.grs/grs/bin:$PATH

GRS will check update every day, and purpose you to do it. Accept it !


You are now ready to setup your GRS.

Note: The Automatic Setup is faster but you need to have an available profil activated.

Now, only "weborama" and "celogeek" is bundle with GRS. But the profile can be export and save on a remote server. If you are in those case, use the "automatic setup".