This is the first release of eProsima AML-IP (Algebraic Machine Learning - Integrating Platform).
This release includes the following User Interface features:
- C++ API
- Python API
- Add implementation of DDS entities.
- Add implementation of Multiservice protocol.
- Add implementation of Asynchronous Multiservice protocol.
- New internal package
to include the demos packages. - Dockerfile for creating a docker image with AML-IP.
- Add Custom RPC communication over DDS.
This release supports the following Deployment Scenarios:
This release includes the following new AML-IP Nodes:
- Status: node that listens to other nodes status.
- Main: node that sends training data and collects the solution to that data.
- Computing: node that waits for training data and retrieves a solution.
- Edge: node that sends data and waits for the inferred solution.
- Inference: node that waits for data and retrieves an inference.
- Agent: node in charge of the communication with the network.
- Model Manager Receiver: node that receives statistical data from models and sends requests to those models.
- Model Manager Sender: node that sends statistical data from models, receives requests and sends replies to those requests.
This release includes the following new AML-IP Data Types:
- Status: status messages sent by each node with its id, type and current state.
- Job: messages that represent training data.
- Job Solution: messages that represent the solution for a given set of training data.
- Inference: messages that represent a partial data-set.
- Inference Solution: messages that represent the inference of a data-set.
- Model Statistics: messages that represent statistical data from models.
- Model: messages that represent a problem model request.
- Model Solution: messages that represent a problem reply with the requested model.
This release includes the following Demos:
- Collaborative Learning
- TensorFlow Inference
- TensorFlow Inference using ROSbot 2R
- Workload Distribution
This release includes the following Documentation features:
- Online documentation publicly available hosted on ReadTheDocs.
- API Code Documentation
This release includes the following Continuous Integration features:
- Continuous Integration deployment in GitHub Actions.
- Compile with -Wall flag Clang job.
- Add Address Sanitizer check to all tests.
- Add Python Liner test to the Python API.
- Disable Data Sharing from test.