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Gen2 edited this page May 20, 2017 · 1 revision


A “capcode” may be used by staff to attribute the post to Anonymous ## Mod (and alike). To use a moderator capcode (only available in the moderator interface), simply append ## Mod to your name and/or tripcode with a space before it. A common mistake when trying to use a capcode is leaving out the preceding space; that is required to seperate it from a standard secure tripcode.

Administrators may use anything, such as “Admin” or “God”, as a capcode.

Custom capcodes

It is possible to configure certain or all capcodes to display differently.

$config['custom_capcode']['Mod'] = array(
	'<span class="capcode" style="color:purple"> ## %s</span>',
	'color:purple', // Change name style; optional
	'color:purple' // Change tripcode style; optional

Taken from Capcodes