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Gen2 edited this page Jul 2, 2017 · 5 revisions


Ensure your web server, MySQL installation, PHP, and other things are working as they should. Clear out the document root where you want to install NPFchan, and clone the NPFchan repo to the document root directly. Set appropriate permissions on relevant directories.


Due to the insecurity of the default password (password) you may want to run the initial installation without being exposed to the public Internet.


Run install.php. You will encounter an error. You should probably read my upstream bug report at for details. In addition to this error, you will get another error later on related to tables not existing. To get around this, you need to make sure that inc/instance-config.php has your database details defined, and you need to run the following scripts:


Do note that you will need to login to mod.php for any of these scripts to be ran. (Default username and password: admin/password)

UPDATE_SCRIPT__HASHING_OF_IP_ADDRESSES.php is only used for vichan migrations and upgrades from versions of NPFchan which did not support IP hashing at the time.

Once you have run those scripts, you should be good to go. You may want to run install.php again. In any case, make sure .installed is present.


White page of death

Make sure you installed the dependencies listed in README.MD, and restart php-fpm. If you get offered a download for install.php, you've incorrectly configured NGINX.