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Preferences menu

Ian edited this page Jan 31, 2025 · 17 revisions

Clicking settings > preferences on the menu brings up the preferences dialogue box.


The 'Bands and Markers' table can be amended, items set visible True/False, marker colours changed and rows can be deleted, added, imported and exported. In-cell editing is possible for existing rows; the database is updated ONLY when the cell is exited - e.g. by Tab.

To 'delete' a row, a row is clicked in and the button pressed. A single row can be deleted, or all rows deleted as selected by the filter. There is no confirmation for 'delete all,' it does what it says. Added rows are sorted in frequency order after entry.

Importing a QtTinySA 'CSV' export is possible, as is import of a 'CSV' file typically used for 'RF microphones' with columns ID, frequency, name and colour (ID is not imported).

The Signal Level reminder lines can be individually turned on and off.

The default detection threshold for the peak tracking markers can be set.

"Auto Points" preferences include choosing the number of points per Resolution Bandwidth (2 for lowest scan speed, 3 for best power accuracy) and limits can be set for the maximum and minimum number of points (that are set automatically).

If a mixer or LNB external to the TinySA is being used, populating the 'LO Frequency' box appropriately will make the spectrum display show the LNB input frequency instead of its output frequency (i.e. the IF that the TinySA is actually scanning). Ticking 'True' for the 'LO above....' box is for cases where the LO is above the IF, e.g C-band. When 'True' is checked, the normal spectrum display sweeps "backwards" and shows the correct frequencies, but the 3D spectrum is inverted on the frequency axis (which is not easy to fix).


The tinySA's date and time can be set to sync with the PC.

If multiple devices are connected, one can be chosen to use.

The display update interval can be set between 5mS and 200mS. On low-performance devices like the Pi3b setting it to 100mS will prevent it being frozen by GUI updates.

There is an option to continuously save sweep data to CSV files. See the relevant Wiki section for more information.

All preferences are stored in the database when the dialogue box is closed. There is no 'undo changes'. The database is located in a user configuration folder and the path to this is shown in Help > about.