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Raspberry Pi OS12

Ian edited this page Feb 9, 2025 · 5 revisions

For version v1.0.2 I have been able to compile a PiOS12 executable with "nuitka". This is in the releases folder as QtTinySA_arm64.tar.gz


Running the Python programme QtTinySA on a fresh installation of Pi OS 12 'bookworm'. Python3 is installed by default with the OS.
It is necessary to install 'python3-pyqtgraph' and 'python3-pyqt5.qtsql' using the package manager or at the command line:

sudo apt install python3-pyqtgraph
sudo apt install python3-pyqt5.qtsql

the following dependencies will probably already be installed as part of the standard OS:

sudo apt install python3-numpy
sudo apt install python3-opengl
sudo apt install python3-pyqt5
sudo apt install python3-serial

From the desktop, open a Terminal, cd to the QtTinySA directory and run the programme by entering:


The 3D graph doesn't work across a X11 remote desktop session such as X2Go, but it does work with VNC when using Wayland and TigerVNC.

If you get an error like this from running the Python code:

python3 QStandardPaths: wrong permissions on runtime directory /run/user/1000, 0770 instead of 0700

It is caused by a very out-of-date package 'platformdirs' that is in the PiOS12 repository. It can't be updated using PIP because this is forbidden on PiOS12, so you have to create and update a 'virtual environment' using:

python -m venv --system-site-packages envname source envname/bin/activate pip install platformdirs --upgrade

Then QtTinySA should work normally, but whenever you want to use it you have to activate the 'virtual environment' using the source command above.

('envname' can be any environment name you choose, I used 'tinySA')