An exploratory research project to generate new Bliss vocabulary using machine learning techniques.
The Bliss language is an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) language used by individuals with severe speech and physical impairments around the world, but also by others for language learning and support, or just for the fascination and joy of this unique language representation. It is a semantic graphical language that is currently composed of more than 5000 authorized symbols - Bliss-characters and Bliss-words. It is a generative language that allows its users to create new Bliss-words as needed.
We are exploring the generation of new Bliss vocabulary using emerging AI techniques, including Large Language Models (LLM), OCR, and other models for text generation and completion.
- Python 3
- Version 3.9+. On Mac, Homebrew is the easiest way to install.
- Clone the project from GitHub. Create a fork
with your GitHub account, then run the following in your command line (make sure to replace
with your username):
git clone
cd baby-bliss-bot
Always activate and use the python virtual environment to maintain an isolated environment for project's dependencies.
Create the virtual environment (one time setup):
python -m venv .venv
Activate (every command-line session):
- Windows:
- Mac/Linux:
source .venv/bin/activate
- Windows:
Run in the baby-bliss-bot directory:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the following command to lint all python scripts:
We performed experiments with a number of existing models listed below to understand how useful they are in helping with generating new Bliss symbols etc.
Conclusion: not useful
See the in the documentation folder for details on how to train this model, training results and the conclusion about how useful it is.
Concolusion: not useful
See the Texture Inversion documentation for details.
directory contains all notebooks used for training or fine-tuning various models.
Each notebook usually comes with a accompanying dockerfile.yml
to elaborate the environment that the notebook was
running in.
directory contains all jobs used for training or fine-tuning various models.
All utility functions are in the utils