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Releases: mikitex70/plantuml-markdown

Fixed pip installable packages

01 Jun 16:01
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In release 3.1.1 there was an extra file in pip packages that that was preventing the plugin from working properly.
This new new release fixes the packages.

Fixed compatibility with Markdown 2

29 May 19:08
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Fixed a compatibility issue that prevented the usage of the plugin with Markdown 2.x.

Added diagram caching

02 May 11:09
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Added diagram caching to avoid re-render unchanged diagrams.
To enable caching, the configuration option cachedir must be set to a path to be used as a cache.

The plugin is now available also in chocolatey (thanks to @majkinetor).

Renamed module from `plantuml-markdown` to `plantuml_markdown`

31 Mar 16:25
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THE PLUGIN NAME HAS CHANGED FROM plantuml-markdown TO plantuml_markdown.
The the tools configuration (markdown, mkdocs, ecc.) MUST be changed accordingly.

Sorry for this new change in the module name, but the dash was a big problem for who needs to import it.

Fixed UTF-8 character handling in `svg_inline` format

16 Mar 16:36
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Fixed handling of UTF-8 characters in `svg_inline`

Fixed package bundle

03 Mar 10:18
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Fixed a small error in building bundles for pip installation.

PlantUML server support

02 Mar 09:08
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With this version the diagram rendering can be done using a PlantUML server.
To overcome a Python module name conflict with another library, THE PLUGIN NAME HAS CHANGED FROM plantuml TO plantuml-markdown.
The the tools configuration (markdown, mkdocs, ecc.) MUST be changed accordingly.

Added options to limit image size

24 Nov 14:04
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  • Added width and height attributes
  • Fixed navigable links in inline SVG (resolves #18)

Added two new output formats

17 Nov 18:06
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  • svg_object: generate a object tag for embedding svg diagrams
  • svg_inline: insert svg diagram directly in the document

Fixed wrong HTML attribute `classes`

04 Nov 19:23
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The generated HTML was containing a wrong classes attribute instead of
the class attribute.