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Resource: UnitAIOverrideDef

Michael Starkweather edited this page Jun 15, 2019 · 1 revision

UnitAIOverrideDef Extra Fields

Name Type Description
TreeRootName string The name of the root of a BehaviorNodeDef that will replace the root of this unit's behavior tree
BehaviorVariableOverrides Dictionary<string, BehaviorVariableValue> Overrides of behavior variables for this unit, also contains "fake" variables for weights of new influence factors
AddInfluenceFactors List<string> The name of the influence factor type that should be considered in influence map generation, weights are gotten from the above BehaviorVariableOverrides table
RemoveInfluenceFactors List<string> The name of a vanilla influence factor type that should be removed from influence map generation


    "Name": "TestUnitOverride",
    "Priority": -1,
    "Selectors": [
            "TypeName": "TeamName",
            "SelectString": "Player 1"

    "BehaviorVariableOverrides": {
        "PreferHigherEvasionPositionFactorWeight": {
            "type": "Float",
            "floatVal": 1
        "PreferHigherEvasionPositionFactorSprintWeight": {
            "type": "Float",
            "floatVal": 0

        "Float_SprintExclusionRadius": {
            "type" : "Float",
            "floatVal" : 200.0

    "TreeRootName": "test_AI_root",

    "AddInfluenceFactors": [ "PreferHigherEvasionPositionFactor" ],
    "RemoveInfluenceFactors": [ "PreferInsideFenceNegativeLogicPositionalFactor" ],