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Meeting Minutes for May 20, 2021
- Roll Call (Tony C)
- Quorum Achieved
- Roll Call
- Approve Agenda
- Review/Approve Minutes (May 6, 2021)
- KMIP V3.0
- KMIP wiki review (required profiles and test cases)
- Interop Test
- New Business
- Markup Text
- TCG update
- Next Meeting
- Call for Additional Attendees
- Adjourn Meeting
Motion to approve Agenda
- Tim H moves, Tim C seconds. No objections, abstentions, or comments. Agenda approved
Motion to approve previous meeting minutes from May 6, 2021
- Tim H moves, Greg S seconds. No objections, abstentions, or comments. Minutes for the May 6, 2021 meeting approved.
- Working our way through the content for the Profiles, Test Cases and Usage Guide content as noted for the KMIP 3.0 proposal on the wiki (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/kmip/wiki/KMIP-3.0)
- Tony C asked the authors of the Profiles, Test Cases and Usage Guide if they had received any content from proposal authors. Both Judy F (Usage Guide) and Tim H (Profiles/Test Cases) stated that they had not received content.
- Tony C encouraged the proposal authors to provide the assigned content
- Tony C as started to reach out to TC members who have traditionally participated in Interop events to begin to compile the list of participants in the Interop Test planned for September 2021.
- Tim C asked if there were any costs associated with participating in this Interop Test. Tony C noted that there are no external costs/fees. Only the internal costs (e.g. engineering resources, etc.) associated with an TC member participating in the event.
- Mark J stated that P6R will participate in the Interop Test. Tony C will add them to the participants list.
- Other TC members interested in participating in the Interop Test should contact Tony C.
- Tony C noted that use of Markdown is being raised in other OASIS TCs. Markdown would be used as a replacement for the current MS Word formatted documents.
- TC members briefly discussed their experiences using Markdown and its benefits
- Markdown would make documentation more amenable to machine readability
- Links to several Markdown resources were provided
- Mastering Markdown: https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/
- Markdown Cheatsheet: https://guides.github.com/pdfs/markdown-cheatsheet-online.pdf
- Tony C recommended that TC members familiarize themselves with Markdown and we can include considering changing to Markdown for KMIP 3.1 and later as a topic on the agenda for the KMIP Summit planned for later this year.
Judy F passed on an update from her colleague Chandra N on the TCG Storage WG.
- The TCG Storage WG group have completed a ballot on the key format for key injection for (NVMe) KPIO (key per I/O). The group voted to support the KMIP defined key format as the one to prioritize. The TCG defined key format will be deprioritized for now.
- Once they WG has more clarity on the KMIP key types etc. they (via Chandra N) will be engaging with the KMIP OASIS TC regarding a new profile etc.
Tim C raised that the update going on with ISO 27040 Information Technology - Security Techniques - Storage Security is also raising some other KMIP updates/profile needs. More details will be provided at a future TC meeting.
- Next TC Meeting: June 3, 2021
- None
- Tim H moves, Tim C seconds, No objections, abstentions, or comments.
https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/8qlAxojyTV8drjUS9jfRFpvONqQ_EDGfAREXDE9MzNkHr81ZAfiSW7XfaW-kLjuh.u-xC93iJOGWGuaUk Passcode: d!5A8uu1
3.1 (Planning)
3.0 (Current development version)
2.0 (Obsolete)
1.4 (Obsolete)
1.3 (Obsolete)
1.2 (Obsolete)
1.1 (Obsolete)
1.0 (Obsolete)
Meeting Minutes - Work in Progress
List of known KMIP Implementations
Recharter related organization list (Historical Information Only)