Medical Image captioning on chest X-rays for ELTE data mining course.
Computational image tagging (also known as labeling) is the process of providing a computer an unlabeled image and receiving metadata about that image in the form of a full piece of writing that in some way describes the contents of the image capturing some meaningful and human interpretable information about it.
Modern image captioning algorithms are not If, Else ... ‘classical’ algorithms but instead trained neural networks. Neural networks have been shown to perform well on this task (Karpathy and Fei-Fei 2015, 1) and are currently providing state of the art solutions for this problem. This success can be attributed to the capturing of high level visual features that have semantic meaning and the recent progress in the field of natural language processing (NLP), specifically in generative tasks like creating meaningful sentences i.e sequence generation.
This project will loosely follow the article Medical Image Captioning on Chest X-Rays by (Chempolil 2021). The aim here is to recreate some of the results, explain choices in data cleaning and model as well as give an intuition into the field of image tagging's current state as well as its shortcomings.
Specifically this study will compare two models. The first will contain an encoder decoder recurrent neural network that will be initialized with pre trained weights. The second will be a global attention model. The goal of the project will be to evaluate both models and observe the advantages of the global attention network for a medical image tagging task.
Enoder decoder:
Evaluation method | bleu1 | bleu2 | bleu3 | bleu4 |
Greedy search | 0.107364 | 0.05736 | 0.0333 | 0.01467 |
Beam search | 0.11906 | 0.045302 | 0.020128 | 0.005991 |
Attention mechanism:
Evaluation method | bleu1 | bleu2 | bleu3 | bleu4 |
Greedy search | 0.26455 | 0.16700 | 0.106902 | 0.058529 |
no Beam search due to timeouts
- Data loading
- Data visualisation
- Data sampling and split into `test.pkl` and `train.pkl`
- Model definition
- Training
- Evaluation
- Model definition
- Training
- Evaluation
Ben Abacha, Asma. 2017. “NLM at ImageCLEF 2017 Caption Task.”
Chempolil, Ashish Thomas. 2021. “Medical Image Captioning on Chest X-Rays.” Medical Image Captioning on Chest X-Rays.
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Karpathy, Andrej, and Li Fei-Fei. 2015. “Deep Visual-Semantic Alignments for Generating Image Descriptions.”
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Tang, Quan, and Yu Zhang. 2020. “Attention-guided Chained Context Aggregation for Semantic Segmentation.” 1.
Vinyals, Oriol, and Alexander Toshev. 2015. “Show and Tell: A Neural Image Caption Generator.”