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Version 11 Full Changelog

SC edited this page Dec 24, 2020 · 1 revision

Difficulty Tweaks

  • Reworked how assaults scale up over a heist.
  • Grenadier tear gas damage per tick normalized to 6 damage for all difficulties.
    • Grenadier gas will feel more threatening on low difficulties, but marginally less punishing on Death Sentence.
  • Slightly increased bot HP. They now have 200 HP per difficulty increase (previously 175). They felt a bit too squishy to be reliable.
  • Normalized multiplayer scaling between difficulties.
  • Blue SWATs will now spawn with M4s (or their faction equivalent.)
    • This was an idea presented to give them some much needed firepower on Hard and Very Hard. They will still use Mp5s on Normal.
  • Lowered the damage grace values on Normal and Hard to 0.4 (from 0.45).
  • Lowered the damage grace on Very Hard to 0.35 (from 0.4).
  • Increased the Taser tase delay to 0.75 (from 0.5).
    • This was done to not only allow it to be better communicated as it now syncs with the taser charge sound, but also allow a reasonable amount of time for a player to react to a Taser.
  • Changed the tactics for Reinforce groups on all difficulties.
    • This was done so that they properly behave defensively and act as a buffer zone for besiege groups during assaults.
  • Changed the Stealth silent alarm thresholds to change between difficulties in increments of .05 vs .1.
    • This led to difficulty in stealth being incredibly difficult quickly as you scaled up but also incredibly easy on lower ones.
  • Increased pager counts on DW and DS to 3 and 2 respectively.
    • This was done to allow a bit more leniency in stealth as the former 2 and 1 values felt too mean.
  • Removed Noise Radius as a concept. All silenced guns now have 0 noise radius when firing and all loud guns will have a fixed 25 meter noise range when in stealth. Restored threat being displayed.
    • Cute idea but ultimately confusing and frustrating to deal with.
  • Increased the headshot multiplier of the GenSec FTSU agent to have roughly the same head health as GenSec reds.
    • This was done to make have them properly serve the role of punishing bodyshots in stealth as was intended.


  • Implemented part one of the Skirmish rework.
    • HRTs are now the only unit that will actively go for the hostage. The hostage being rescued is still an instant failure state.
      • This was done to allow HRTs to have a properly defined role in the gamemode and improve overall clarity.
    • Waves now end based on the number of kills. This value grows with the number of players and as you progress through the waves.
    • Enemy health and damage will slowly grow to Death Sentence values from Wave 1 up to Wave 6.
    • Enemy types will now scale as you progress through the waves:
      • FBI will spawn on waves 1 and 2.
      • GenSec will spawn on waves 3 and 4.
      • Zeals will spawn on waves 5 and onward.
    • Special and other enemy types will slowly be introduced as waves progress.
      • Wave 1 will consist of just Light and Heavy SWATs with Shield and HRT support.
      • Wave 2 introduces Medics, Tasers, and Grenadiers
      • Wave 4 introduces Black Bulldozers.
      • Wave 5 introduces Green Bulldozers and Cloakers.
      • Wave 6 has the full unit composition and behaviors as normal Death Sentence.
      • Wave 7 allows a 50% chance for Bravo units to replace regular Zeal Units.
      • Wave 8 has Bravos completely replacing their Zeal counterparts.
      • Wave 9 will spawn a random Captain with appropriate support.
    • Certain waves will introduce modifiers to increase difficulty
      • Wave 2 makes enemies 50% resistant to stagger effects.
      • Wave 4 increases the heal speed of Medics by 50%.
      • Wave 6 increases the aim speed of Snipers by 100%.
      • Wave 8 increases the chance of a Titanshield spawning by 15%.
    • Heisters can now enter custody in a skirmish without triggering an instant fail state, but cannot be traded.

Crime Spree

  • Added a new mid-tier modifier
    • Snipers will now aim their rifles 100% faster.
  • Removed the modifier that allowed Cloakers downing players on a jump kick (instead of cuffing).
    • Replaced with Cloakers being able to cuff players on a melee strike.
  • Removed the +Titancloaker modifier.
    • Replaced with having Cloakers now having a chance to drop a flashbang when they dodge.
  • Removed the +Titan Shotgunner modifier.
    • Replaced with allowing Titan Snipers to fire their rifles on full auto at close range.
  • Reduced the effect of the +Dozer modifier to be +1 per tier (from +2).
  • Reduced the effect of the +Medic modifier to be +1 per tier (from +2).
    • These ended up making both of these caps for these units at a massive 7 each. This should make it feel more reasonable.
  • Removed the changes to the stealth modifiers and reverted them to a near vanilla like state as the changes were never finished to be in a working state.
    • Set the Less Concealment modifier to only work in stealth as to not destroy dodge builds in loud.
  • Removed the changes to the Dozer rage modifier. Instead it now adds 10% extra damage to a dozer with a broken visor. Stacks with Dozer Rage from playing on the Death Sentence difficulty.
    • Never finished or worked properly.


  • Re-introduced a mildly updated version of our Firestarter edits.
  • Hoxout day 1 infinite assaults restored. Spawn caps adjusted instead.
    • Whoops
  • Reduced spawn caps on No Mercy.
    • The meat grinder should be slightly less meat grindery.
  • Doghouse now takes place in Mexico.
  • Reduced the favor cost of the Sniper Vantage Point asset in preplanning to 1. (from 3)


  • Brightened the lighting on the Bomb: Dockyard night time of day.
    • While Restoration does have stronger flashlights, having an RNG dark environment notably increases difficulty in a less than intended manner.
  • Added an option to restore the hit flash effect from earlier versions of the game- for masochists.
  • Replaced certain low resolution textures in the Alpha Hud with higher resolution ones.
  • Reworked lighting on Doghouse.

Restoration HUD

  • Improved Big Lobby compatibility.

Skills and Perk Decks

  • Grinder
    • Armor penalty increased to -80 from -70.
      • This means that your armor will only eat 1 rifle shot at close range, rather than 2, assuming no other survivability skills.
      • Grinder was getting a tad too consistent relative to its raw sustain.
  • Stoic
    • Health regen reduced to 250% of DOT from 300% of DOT.
      • The perk deck was still a bit overtuned with decent flask usage.
  • Ex Presidents
    • Max Stored Health Values Adjusted
      • Very slightly increased on heavier armors (up to +10 in ICTV), while decreased on lighter armors (down to -20 with the suit).
    • Health stored per kill decreased to 8 from 10.
      • This is to compensate for the next change.
    • Only stored health that actually heals you is consumed.
      • The last set of adjustments to the deck left it on the weak side, and made wasted healing feel excessively punishing.
  • Inspire
    • Now usable in stealth.
  • Sixth Sense Ace
    • No longer required for Bodybag Cases and Expert Driver.
    • Now required for Vault Keys on Bank Heist variants.
    • Now required for the Sniper asset.
      • Snipers are often a very strong, thematically fitting, low cost option in many heists. This gives the skill more balanced utility between stealth and loud.
  • The Protector bot boost now grants 10% bonus armor, rather than a flat 15 bonus armor.
    • No longer turns the suit in a dodge build into being absolutely insane.
    • It makes more intuitive sense that the armor bot boosts benefits armor builds more (ICTV gets 20 armor now, armorer ICTV gets 25!).
  • The Invigorator bot boost now grants 15 stamina from 25.
    • Brings it more in line with other options. It now ranges from a 30%-50% bonus instead of a 55-83% bonus.
  • The Concealer bot boost now grants 2 concealment from 1.
    • Temporary bump up until a better replacement can be worked out.

Weapons and Equipment

  • Increased the damage of fire pools (left by Incendiary Grenades, Fire Trap enhanced Trip Mines, and Molotovs).
    • They previously felt a bit too underwhelming, requiring far more effort than a normal grenade for questionably better rewards.
  • Dragan's Cleaver and Cleaver Knife:
    • Damage and knockdown increased by 1.5x.
    • Overall speed increased by 25%.
    • Headshot damage reduced by 50%.
      • Think of cleavers as inverse picks. They offer consistent body shot damage, but limited benefits from the head.
  • Chainsaw and Kazaguruma
    • Can no longer parry enemy melee attacks.
      • It felt awkward when this occurred, since that was rarely the intent when these were drawn.
      • Also serves as a bit of a nerf since they're still a tad nutty. Mostly with Infiltrator.
  • Enabled tactical reloading (+1 in the chamber) on the Repeater 1874 and Bernetti Rangehitter.
    • Felt like something was missing from these.
  • Added support for the optics added with U201.
  • Updated VMP2 support.
    • Added stats for the Hammer 23.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed angled sights on Bernetti Rangehitter.
  • Captain death lines now play correctly.
  • Shooting patrol caps or other non-metal hats no longer generates metal hit effects.
  • Fixed the loading screen tip for dozers dealing more damage when their visors are broken to now say the correct % increase.
  • Added a fallback to english if users are using an unsupported language to avoid error string spam.
  • Fixed a crash relating to statistics manager.
  • Fixed incorrect reload timers with the Benelli.
  • Fixed spawns on the Harvest and Trustee South Branch custom heist.
  • Fixed difficulty skulls being cut off in the lobby screen and Crimenet.
  • Removed the 'producing fdasfdsfasdffasdfsa' logspam.
  • Fixed the upgrade_value crash.
  • Fixed Titan Snipers still having normal VO.
  • Fixed Titan Shields still having normal VO.
  • Fixed a missing package on the Skirmish edit of Heat Street that would cause instant crashes.
  • Fixed a jobmanager related crash.
  • Fixed friendly AI (such as Hoxton on Hoxton breakout) sometime acting in a bizarre manner.
  • Fixed issues with the Armor Flash Fix option when using the alpha hud.
  • Implemented the ambient cubemap fix by Fuglore.
  • Fixed Deflection reducing damage from Tear Gas.
    • Tear Gas is intended to ignore all forms of damage reduction.
  • Fixed the Halloween dozer sword being unlocked at level 0. It will now properly unlock at level 50.
  • Fixed clients crashing in CrimeSpree at the end of heists.
  • Fixed enemies equipped with buzzers not actually tasing players.
  • Fixed Saws and Throwables not correctly piercing Veteran Cop's dodge ability.
  • Fixed the Breaker 12g, Mosconi, and Joceline having less stability than intended.
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