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qwertymodo edited this page Nov 5, 2014 · 1 revision

Getting Started

This patch currently only works in higan/bsnes and on the SD2SNES flash cart. If you want to see this functionality supported in other emulators, bug the developers to add MSU-1 support (note: the ZSNES devs will never support it, so don't bother...). In order to use this patch, you will need a few things. First of all, a copy of the USA version of The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past ROM, unheadered. It should have a file size of 1,048,576 bytes and an MD5 hash of 608C22B8FF930C62DC2DE54BCD6EBA72. Second, you will need a set of audio files, converted to the proper .pcm format. You can read more about the audio files on the Audio page. Third, you will need this patch, in either .ips or .asm form, as well as the corresponding program to apply the patch (Lunar IPS or bass v14).

Setting up higan (v094)

Higan uses a system of cartridge folders for storing game files. This folder is located in %USERPROFILE%/Emulation/Super Famicom. The easiest way to set up a game folder for Zelda, is to open higan and select the Import tab. Navigate to your unpatched Zelda ROM and import it. Now, navigate to the folder just created. If you want, you can rename this folder to indicate that it is going to be the MSU-1 version, but the folder name needs to end in .sfc. Inside this folder, you should see 2 files, manifest.bml and program.rom. Replace manifest.bml with the one provided here, program.rom is the ROM file which will need to be patched. Copy the msu1.msu file provided here into this folder, along with all of your .pcm audio tracks. Now, just patch your ROM using Lunar IPS or bass, and you should be ready to go.

Editing manifest.bml

The manifest.bml provided should work as-is, but there are a few things you can edit if you want. It is a text file, and can be opened and modified in any text editor, just be sure to maintain the line indentation, as line indentation is important (like in Python). First of all, the game title and name lines can be changed to indicate that this is an MSU-1 hack if you want (especially if you want to have both this and the original, unpatched version in your library at the same time). Second, you can change, or even remove the track number=X name="" lines if you want. If you remove these lines, higan will default to looking for audio files named track-1.pcm, track-2.pcm, etc. Finally, you may want to check that the sha-256 hash in the manifest matches the actual sha-256 hash of program.rom. I'll try to keep it up-to-date with any changes I may make, but if need be, just change the manifest. It doesn't actually matter though, higan will still load the game, even if there is a hash mismatch.

#Setting up SD2SNES I don't personally have an SD2SNES, so I'm not really sure how it handles MSU-1 files. However, from watching videos of people using it, I believe that you create a game folder much like the one higan uses, but the files are named differently. First of all, the ROM file can be named whatever you want, with a .sfc file extension. Second, the audio files are named the same as the ROM file, followed by -#.pcm, e.g. zelda3.sfc, zelda3-1.pcm, zelda3-2.pcm, etc. However, I'm not positive on whether or not single-digit tracks are named romname-1.pcm or romname-01.pcm, so you may have to try both to figure out which works.

SD2SNES does not use manifest.bml for mapping data, but it may use its own xml file for that purpose, I'm not sure. If I figure it out, I'll edit this page with correct info.

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