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TParis edited this page Nov 24, 2021 · 5 revisions

CMSgt Cordero (the 1D7 CFM) is asking for a white paper on what the ideal state of the 1D7X1Zs should be, be it our mission, training, organization, deployments, etc. MSgt Pearson and I would like to get your input! Please feel free to edit this wiki with what you think our career field should encompass. I'm also opening this up to the 1D7X1K shred, as this will also affect them.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions!

1D7X1Z Learning Program Manager
Keesler AFB, MS

The ideal would be to crowd source ideas, and then vote/collaborate on a final talking paper. We want to know what training would look like, what missions we'd be aligned to support, and how we would be organized within the force. This isn't to say that any of this gets implemented, but it will inform discussions at the HAF level. For a career field that feels largely misunderstood at all echelons of command, this is a chance to influence leaderships view.

Chief, Rapid Development
688 Cyberspace Wing

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