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Eric Williams edited this page Oct 6, 2021 · 2 revisions
  1. Install AtariSIO according to the documentation.
  2. Install PyRetroPrint:
sudo pip install pyretroprint
  1. Install PyRetroPrint as the printer handler:

At the atariserver console, press I to unload the current printer driver, and then i to install a new one.

Choose raw for EOL, and then the following command for the file: |pyretroprint -p pdf -P epson -o /tmp/output.pdf

This will create PDF files on the AtariSIO host as /tmp/output.pdf.

If you want the printouts to be sent automatically to the hosts default printer, simply pipe the output of PyRetroPrinter through lp:

|pyretroprint -p pdf -P epson|lp

  1. In your application on the Atari, choose "Epson FX" or "Epson FX-80" as the printer, and print as you normally would. Your printout will appear as the /tmp/output.pdf or come out of the printer, whichever you have configured.
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