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Release Train Kay
Mark Paluch edited this page Jul 26, 2018
30 revisions
This page contains a list of the most significant features and bugfixes implemented in the Spring Data Kay release train that will not be back-ported into Ingalls service releases.
- M1 - November 23rd, 2016
- M2 - April 3rd, 2017
- M3 - May 9th, 2017
- M4 - June 14th, 2017
- RC1 - July 25th, 2017
- RC2 - July 25th, 2017
- RC3 - September 11th, 2017
- GA - October 2nd, 2017
- SR1 - October 27th, 2017
- SR2 - November 27th, 2017
- SR3 - January 24th, 2018
- SR4 - February 19th, 2018
- SR5 - February 28th, 2018
- SR6 - April 4th, 2018
- SR7 - May 8th, 2018
- SR8 - June 13th, 2018
- SR9 - July 26th, 2018
- Reactive support for MongoDB, Redis, Couchbase, and Apache Cassandra.
- Upgrade to Java 8.
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.
- Upgrade to Elasticsearch 5.4.
- Migrate to MongoDB Document API.
- Support composable repositories.
- Remove Support for SRP and JRedis drivers in Spring Data Redis.
- Revised blocking and asynchronous Template API for Apache Cassandra.
- Java 9 compatibility.
- Add Spring Data Geode to the release train.
- Tooling support for null-safety via Spring's
- Spring Data Build 2.0
- Spring Data Commons 2.0
- Spring Data JPA 2.0
- Spring Data MongoDB 2.0
- Spring Data Neo4j 5.0
- Spring Data for Apache Solr 3.0
- Spring Data Elasticsearch 3.0
- Spring Data Couchbase 3.0
- Spring Data for Apache Cassandra 2.0
- Spring Data Gemfire 2.0
- Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.0
- Spring Data Redis 2.0
- Spring Data REST 3.0
- Spring Data KeyValue 2.0
- Spring Data Envers 2.0
#251- Upgrade to Mockito 2.
DATACMNS-836- Add components to support reactive repositories.
DATACMNS-867- Update internal APIs to Java 8. -
DATACMNS-988- Support for RxJava2 return types in repositories. -
DATACMNS-1007- Support forIsEmpty
keywords in repository query derivation. -
DATACMNS-977- Support for component index creation in Spring 5.
DATACMNS-944- Better naming scheme forCrudRepository
. -
DATACMNS-1014- Remove support for JodaTime's deprecatedDateMidnight
. -
DATACMNS-1021- AddOrder.asc(…)
factory methods. - DATACMNS-1034 - API for bi-directional, type-based converters.
DATACMNS-1035- ExtractCustomConversions
from MongoDB, Couchbase and Cassandra. -
DATACMNS-1050- IntroduceBound
value object forRange
DATACMNS-102- Allow Repositories to be composed of an arbitrary number of implementation classes. -
DATACMNS-991- UpdateDefaultMethodInvokingMethodInterceptor
to Java 9 compatible method handle invocation. -
DATACMNS-1063- Accept Publisher instead of Mono in findById(…), existsById(…) and deleteById(…). -
DATACMNS-1065- Add support for Vavr (successor of Javaslang). -
DATACMNS-1076- DeprecateRxJava1CrudRepository
DATACMNS-1114- Introduce@NonNullApi
annotations. -
DATACMNS-1120- Introduce caching forPropertyPath
DATAJPA-1016- Upgrade JPA baseline to JPA 2.1. -
DATAJPA-1085- Upgrade to Hibernate 5.2 as baseline. -
DATAJPA-1074- Support forIsEmpty
keywords in repository query derivation.
DATAMONGO-1176- Useorg.bson
types instead ofcom.mongodb
. -
DATAMONGO-1444- Reactive support in Spring Data MongoDB. -
DATAMONGO-1509- Write type hint as last element of a Document.
DATAMONGO-1637- Add support for aggregation result streaming. -
DATAMONGO-1447- Support for isolations on updates.
DATAMONGO-1325- Add support for$sample
to aggregation. -
DATAMONGO-1518- Add support for Collations. -
DATAMONGO-1667- Rename@InfiniteStream
DATAMONGO-1563- Fluent collection API for CRUD and aggregation operations. -
DATAMONGO-1714- Deprecate MongoLog4jAppender.
DATAMONGO-1646- Support reactive aggregation streaming. -
DATAMONGO-1705- Deprecate cross-store support. -
DATAMONGO-1715- Remove spring-data-mongodb-log4j module. -
DATAMONGO-1719- Add fluent alternative forReactiveMongoOperations
. -
DATAMONGO-1719- Add terminatingfindOne
methods toFluentMongoOperations
value instead ofOptional<T>
. -
DATAMONGO-1733- Allow usage of projection interfaces in FluentMongoOperations. -
DATAMONGO-1734- Addcount()
to fluent API. -
now returns aStream
directly. -
DATAMONGO-1748- Add Kotlin extensions for Criteria API.
DATAMONGO-1762- Annotate packages and types with@NonNullApi
for null-safety tooling support. -
DATAMONGO-1768- Query-by-Example support without type matching. -
DATAMONGO-1770- Upgrade to mongo-java-driver 3.5.0 and mongodb-driver-reactivestreams 1.6.0.
DATAGRAPH-928- Upgrade to Neo4j OGM 2.1.
DATAGRAPH-979- Upgrade to Neo4j OGM 3.0.
DATASOLR-309- Upgrade to Solr 6.
DATASOLR-285- Upgrade to Elasticsearch 5.4.
DATACOUCH-146- Experimental support for reactive repositories.
DATACOUCH-90- Support for java.time for DateConverters.
DATACOUCH-315- Upgrade to couchbase client 2.4.6.
DATACASS-292- DATACASS-292 Break Async and Sync operations inCqlOperations
into separate interfaces and templates. -
DATACASS-335- Reactive support in Spring Data Cassandra.
DATACASS-330- Add routing capabilities to support per tenant keyspace. -
DATACASS-415- Provide insert methods on TypedIdCassandraRepository. -
DATACASS-416- Add overrides on TypedIdCassandraRepository for methods returning Lists. -
DATACASS-418- Remove Jackson 1 usage.
DATACASS-367- Id's are no longer required to beSerializable
. -
DATACASS-424- Upgrade to Cassandra driver 3.2.0. -
DATACASS-429- SupportDuration
type. -
DATACASS-434- Remove ownConsistencyLevel
DATACASS-250- Support lightweight transactions (if [not] exists). -
DATACASS-265- Merge Spring CQL into Spring Data for Apache Cassandra. -
DATACASS-343- Introduce Query and Update objects. -
DATACASS-403- Modular CachedPreparedStatementCreator. -
DATACASS-448- Align CQL, mapping and convert packages. -
DATACASS-452- Better names forCassandraRepository
DATACASS-213- Add index creation to table creation via@Indexed
. -
DATACASS-376- Support ALLOW FILTERING using derived query methods. -
DATACASS-468- Moveo.s.d.cql
. -
DATACASS-469- RemoveCassandraOperations.selectBySimpleIds
. -
DATACASS-472- Upgrade to Cassandra driver 3.3.0.
DATACASS-482- Annotate packages and types with@NonNullApi
for null-safety tooling support.
DATACASS-56- Support pagination feature in Cassandra. -
DATACASS-145- Support forQueryOptions
with repository query methods.
SGF-402- Add Lucene integration support. -
SGF-567,SGF-580, - -
SGF-607- Upgrade to Pivotal GemFire 9.
SGF-604- Add Configurers to enable dynamic configuration in the new SDG Annotation configuration model.
DATAGEODE-20- Upgrade to Apache Geode 1.2.0. -
SGF-609- Add Geode module to Spring Data release train.
DATAREDIS-525- Add support for reactiveRedisConnection
. -
DATAREDIS-567- Remove Support for SRP and JRedis.
DATAREDIS-602- Provide reactive Redis template. -
DATAREDIS-617- Drop support for Jackson 1.
DATAREDIS-626- Split up RedisConnection and add defaulting to *.Command interfaces. -
DATAREDIS-642- Upgrade to Lettuce 5.0 M2.
DATAREDIS-574- Introduce dedicated RedisClientConfig.
DATAREDIS-481- ImproveRedisCache
Manger implementation. -
DATAREDIS-659- ProvideReactiveServerCommands
for basic server interaction. -
DATAREDIS-661- Change RedisServerCommands.getConfig() result to Properties. -
DATAREDIS-665- Upgrade to Lettuce 5.0 RC1.
DATAREDIS-665- Upgrade to Lettuce 5.0 RC2.
DATAREDIS-692- Annotate packages and types with@NonNullApi
for null-safety tooling support.
when JPA entity has enum attribute. -
DATAREST-1079- Upgrade to EvoInflector 1.2.2. -
DATAREST-1105- Association links now advertise projections if available.
DATAKV-169- Add support for IN keyword in derived queries.
DATAKV-187- Remove restriction of ID type to be Serializable.