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Release Train Moore
Mark Paluch edited this page Mar 9, 2021
47 revisions
This page contains a list of the most significant features and bugfixes implemented in the Spring Data Moore release train that will not be back-ported into Lovelace service releases.
- M1 - December 11th, 2018
- M2 - March 7th, 2019
- M3 - April 8th, 2019
- M4 - May 10th, 2019
- RC1 - Jun 14th, 2019
- RC2 - August 5th, 2019
- RC3 - September 6th, 2019
- GA - September 30th, 2019
- OSS Support until: October 2020
- End of Life: July 2021
- Revised entity callback API (complementing the application event-based model)
- Spring Data Elasticsearch REST high-level client API support (imperative and reactive)
- Type-safe Kotlin query extensions
- Kotlin Coroutines extensions
- Redis Streams support
- Reactive Querydsl in Spring Data MongoDB
- Reactive Transaction Manager support in Spring Data MongoDB
- Optimistic Locking and Auditing in Spring Data Cassandra
- Drop support for Javaslang (in favor of already existing support for Vavr)
- Improved support for
and wrapper types thereof as query method return type - Introduce Spring Data Relational (as a foundation for both JDBC and R2DBC modules)
- Inception of Spring Data R2DBC on top of Moore
- Spring Data Build 2.2
- Spring Data Commons 2.2
- Spring Data JPA 2.2
- Spring Data MongoDB 2.2
- Spring Data Neo4j 5.2
- Spring Data for Apache Solr 4.0
- Spring Data Elasticsearch 3.2
- Spring Data Couchbase 3.2
- Spring Data for Apache Cassandra 2.2
- Spring Data Gemfire 2.2
- Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.2
- Spring Data Redis 2.2
- Spring Data REST 3.2
- Spring Data KeyValue 2.2
- Spring Data LDAP 2.2
- Spring Data JDBC 1.1
- Spring Data Envers 2.2
DATACMNS-1430- Support forStreamable
wrappers as query method return types. -
DATACMNS-1432,DATACMNS-1433- Improved support forStreamable
as query method return type. -
DATACMNS-1346- AddedCrudRepository.findByIdOrNull(…)
Kotlin extension. -
DATACMNS-1434- Removed Javaslang support.
DATACMNS-1470- Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 1.0. -
DATACMNS-1439- UseIntrosepctor.uncapitalize(…)
to generate implementation class bean names. -
DATACMNS-1476- AddSlice.nextOrLastPageable()
. -
DATACMNS-1081- Querydsl support for reactive repositories. -
DATACMNS-1471- Upgrade to Vavr 0.10. -
DATACMNS-1447- Add collector methods toStreamable
DATACMNS-1499- Add convenience factory methods toRange
DATACMNS-1467- Introduce EntityCallback API
DATAJPA-1418- Fixes a regression where Hibernate generates inner jons instead of the required left join. -
DATAJPA-1446- Prevent memory leak in tests using Spring Data JPA. -
DATAJPA-1449- Removed superfluousSpecifications
DATAJPA-707- Support for multiple OUT parameters of stored procedures.
DATAMONGO-1798- Introduce@MongoId
to customize Id conversion. -
DATAMONGO-2138- Type-safe Kotlin query extension.
DATAMONGO-2072- Support forRange
in derived repository query methods usingbetween
. -
DATAMONGO-2209- Support for Kotlin Coroutines. -
DATAMONGO-2215- Support for array filters inUpdate
. -
DATAMONGO-2054- Support for$[]
operators inUpdate
. -
DATAMONGO-2198- Upgrade to MongoDB Java driver 3.10. -
now considers optimistic locking version. -
DATAMONGO-2077- SpEL support for aggregations introduced in MongoDB 3.6 and 4.0. -
DATAMONGO-2188- Configuration option to enable / disable automatic index creation. -
DATAMONGO-1855- Reactive GridFS support. -
DATAMONGO-2182- Querydsl support for reactive repositories.
DATAMONGO-1783- ApplyQuery.skip
options toCountOptions
. -
DATAMONGO-1849- Generate$jsonSchema
out of domain type meta information. -
DATAMONGO-2212- Add support for SpEL expression in@Indexed
. -
DATAMONGO-2248- Remove cross-store module. -
DATAMONGO-2254- Upgrade MongoDB Java driver to 3.10.2. -
DATAMONGO-2255- Add CoroutinesFlow
DATAMONGO-1854- Add annotation-based Collation support. -
DATAMONGO-2265- AddReactiveMongoTransactionManager
. -
DATAMONGO-2268- Upgrade to MongoDB Java Driver 3.11.0-beta3.
DATAMONGO-1183- Hash index support -
DATAMONGO-2153- Aggregation pipeline support via annotated repository methods. -
DATAMONGO-2261- Use Entity Callback API for before-save operations.
DATAMONGO-2089- Add fluent API for ChangeStreams. -
DATAMONGO-2200- Derive fields for aggregation$project
stage from a given type.
DATAGRAPH-1158- Support for Neo4j spatial types.
DATAGRAPH-1197- Support for exists projection in repositories. -
DATAGRAPH-1199- Introduce@ExistsQuery
shortcut annotation. -
DATAGRAPH-1161- Upgrade to Neo4j OGM 3.2.
DATAES-407- Support for the high level REST client. -
based reactive Elasticsearch client. -
DATAES-504- Reactive template support via theReactiveElasticsearchClient
. -
DATAES-521- Remove specific repository implementations forUUID
DATAES-510- Support for reactive scrolling. -
DATAES-519- Support for reactive repositories.
DATAES-569- Add index operations to reactive Elasticsearch client. -
DATAES-575- Upgrade to Elasticsearch 6.7.2.
DATACASS-627- Support forRange
in derived repository query methods usingbetween
. -
DATACASS-575- Support for conditions in lightweight transactions. -
DATACASS-576- Support optimistic locking. -
DATACASS-632- Support for Kotlin Coroutines. -
DATACASS-623- Support for read-only properties.
DATACASS-648- Add CoroutinesFlow
DATACASS-4- Implement Auditing. -
DATACASS-618- Add support for entity updates before save usingEntityCallbacks
DATACASS-454- Extend@Query
to declare idempotent CQL queries. -
DATACASS-611- Add query derivation for delete queries.
SGF-809- Upgrade to Pivotal Gemfire 9.7.
DATAGEODE-148,DATAGEODE-143- Upgrade to Apache Geode 1.7.
DATAGEODE-160- Upgrade to Apache Geode 1.8.
DATAREDIS-721- ExtendLettuceConnectionProvider
to non-blocking connect. -
DATAREDIS-864- Add support for Redis Streams. -
DATAREDIS-873- Accept single collection parameter in SetOperations diff/inter/union methods -
DATAREDIS-874- Implement accumulate/update methods onRedisAtomicInteger
, andRedisAtomicDouble
DATAREDIS-937- Support for Kotlin Coroutines. -
DATAREDIS-749- Upgrade to Jedis 3.0.
DATAREDIS-794- ImproveJedisClusterConnection
topology caching.
DATAREST-1348- Upgrade to Spring Plugin 2.0. -
DATAREST-1341- Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 1.0.
DATAJDBC-263- TriggerAfterLoadEvent
for instances created via@Query
-annotated methods. -
DATAJDBC-266- No longer require an id-attribute for one-to-one relationships. -
DATAJDBC-286,DATAJDBC-273- Fix issues with instantiation with constructor arguments -
DATAJDBC-294- Properly respect theNamingStrategy
for id columns in where clauses.
DATAJDBC-324- Support for read-only properties. Thanks to Oleksandr Kucher for the PR. -
DATAJDBC-290- Allow to specifyResultSetExtractor
instead of or additionally to aRowMapper
on query methods. -
DATAJDBC-293- Allow to specify ajdbcOperationsRef
to control whichNamedParameterJdbcTemplate
bean is used when there are multiples available. -
DATAJDBC-282- Addsinsert
methods to theJdbcAggregateTemplate
which skip the is-new-check and perform the respective action directly. Useful especially for inserting aggregates with a preset id. Thanks to Thomas Lang for the PR. -
DATAJDBC-111- Support for embedded entities that get mapped to the same table as the referencing entity. Thanks to Bastian Wilhelm for the PR. -
DATAJDBC-309- Support for SQL generation. -
DATAJDBC-335- Support forINSERT
API. -
DATAJDBC-331- Introduce@MappedCollection
. -
DATAJDBC-239- Support for multipleJdbcTemplate
s in@EnableJdbcRepositories
DATAJDBC-327- Support for storingbyte[]
DATAJDBC-374- Configuration options for loading embeddables.
#146- Avoid failure for empty results offindRevisions