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Releases: sreachtools/SReachTools

SReachTools now works with CVX v2.2

11 May 04:02
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  • Maximum volume ellipsoid option in SReachSetCcO
  • SReachSetCcO can now handle non-2D set of direction vectors
  • Updated SReachTools.pdf to peer-reviewed copy
  • GUROBI abandoned as the preferred CVX backend solver, and instructions for MOSEK included due to issues with CVXv2.2
  • SReachSet provides the maximum probability of safety if no set_of_dir_vecs is provided


19 Apr 04:57
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SReachPoint has chance-affine-uni | Documentation updates

  • SReachPoint has a new method chance-affine-uni
    • Performs affine controller synthesis using uniform risk allocation (via bisection) and chance constraint optimization.
    • This method is an adaptation of Vitus and Tomlin's CDC 2011 paper.
  • Documentation has been moved to a separate repository
  • Minor bug fixes on output control and covariance sanitization.


15 Feb 13:44
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See for a more comprehensive list of changes.

Major updates to SReachTools:

  • Handles arbitrary disturbances (via a realization generator) in SReachSet via lag-over and lag-under options
  • Synthesizes a set-based feedback controller using Lagrangian methods (lag-under)
  • Adds a new methodvoronoi-open to SReachPoint.
  • Dynamic programming updated for memory leak
  • Repeatability package evaluated

Version 1.0.0 Release

23 Oct 01:23
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Official release of SReachTools!

SReachTools is a MATLAB toolbox (code set) to facilitate stochastic reachability computations.

SReachTools 0.3.6 (Repeatability evaluation)

19 Oct 17:54
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This tag is mainly meant for testing CodeOcean capsules.

Most of the APIs have been overhauled for a simpler condensed APIs.

Updated to GPLv3 license

SReachTools 0.2 (Examples + Online docs)

05 Jul 17:37
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SReachTools toolbox is a set of MATLAB codes to facilitate stochastic reachability computations.

This release has the following updates:

SReachTools 0.1 (First release)

05 Jul 17:35
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First commit of the public repo