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Imperfect balances (player experience)

nixtux edited this page Dec 10, 2016 · 1 revision

This page is about units which are made obsolete by others or make sense to build almost never or have less than the desired advantage.

It is also about visual problems that makes it difficult or differentiate between important units.

Balance issues:

TLL T1 adv. Solar (not tidal-solar):


  • If there is wind, you usually make wind generators - the advanced solar component is too inefficient here.
  • It also costs too much energy if TLL T1 eco should be superior AND normal solar cost no energy.

Finkky responds

  • TLL has by far the strongest T1 eco of all 3 factions, you can easily compare efficiencies and find out that if there is at least average wind speed on a map, TLL T1 adv eco reaches the efficiency of ARM/CORE T1.5 powerplants. Also its better even when there is no wind on the map, in addition to this removing adv. solar would cripple the TLLs eco on nowind maps.


  • TLL could get a fortified wind generator with a small solar component
  • TLL could get a T1.3 generator instead adv solar

ARM/CORE T1.5 fusions:


  • Drillers are build faster and start to pay back earlier.
  • Fusions have only 125% hp, but cost 400% produce 400% and have bigger footprint, thus receive more damage through bombs

Finkky responds

  • Drillers are meant to be more efficient and overall better if one has sufficient reserves of energy and is lacking metal (greenfield like maps), but the T1.5 fusions are useful when player is energy-stalling. has fair amount of metal in storage and needs to get decent energy source quickly. This is usually case of early (pre T1.5 era) attacking players that can quickly get some energy supplies even if they e-stall.


  • Give core a bomb resistant version incl. maker (T1 efficiency, driller maker efficiency is 16% below T1)
  • Give arm a cloak-able T1.5 fusion

#Visual issues:

Unit Pics:


  • you search for something and have to watch 1 hour at build pics to see what is where.
  • That's difficult for newbes and if you change your factions from time to time.
  • On normal maps you can't build wrong because of mex snap - if you haven't disabled it.
  • But you shouldn't build mexes on greenfields or makers on metal maps.


  • disable mexes if map has no metal or disable makers on metal maps
  • make things you don't have reddish.
  • let you alter your favorites with ALT/META+click and make these build pics special.
    • that can also be used for statistics.
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