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#Tech Annihilation v2.44.4

Unit Pic UnitName Name Side
armcom Commander Arm
corcom Commander Core
tllcom Commander The Lost Legacy
talon_com Commander Talon
Unit Pic UnitName Name Description
aach Advanced Construction Hover Tech Level 2
aafus Advanced Fusion Reactor Enhanced Energy Output / Storage
aahp Advanced Hovercraft Platform Builds T2 Hovercrafts
aahpns Advanced Hovercraft Platform - NS Builds T2 Hovercrafts
abroadside BROADSIDE Hero (Arm)
abuilderlvl1 Colipper Combat Engineer
abuilderlvl2 Ditawn Makes Adv T1 Combat Units
abuilderlvl3 Builder Level 3 Cruiser
acovertopscentre OPS Center T4 Builds T4 Con
aexxec Exxec Heavy Assault Kbot
afusionplant Mega Fusion Reactor Produces Energy
ahermes Hermes Anti-Air Misile tank
airwolf3g Air Wolf Super Fighter
ajuno Arm Juno Anti Minefield Energy Pulse Weapon
akmech Vengence AK X-1 General Heavy Assault Vengence
ametalmakerlvl1 T1.5 Metal Maker Converts upto 200 Energy to Metal
ametalmakerlvl2 T3 Metal Maker Converts upto 16000 Energy to Metal
amgeo Moho Geothermal Powerplant Hazardous Energy Source
amortor Land Slide Range Mortar Cannon
ananotower Hardened Nanotower Experimental Nanotower
anvil Anvil Ultimate Unit Paralyser
apache Apache Flak Resistant Gunship
arm_big_bertha Big Bertha Paralizer Long Range EMP Paralizer
arm_furie Arm Furie The Legendary Kbot
arm_immolator Immolator Plasma Tower
arm_wind_generator Advanced Wind Generator Produces Energy
armaak Archangel Advanced Amphibious Anti-Air Kbot
armaap Advanced Aircraft Plant Produces T2 Aircraft
armaas Archer Anti-Air Ship
armaca Advanced Construction Aircraft Tech Level 2
armack Advanced Construction Kbot Tech Level 2
armacsub Advanced Construction Sub Tech Level 2
armacv Advanced Construction Vehicle Tech Level 2
armadvsol Advanced Solar Collector Produces Energy
armah Swatter Anti-Air Hovercraft
armah256 AH-256 Club Heavy Flak Resistant Gunship
armalab Advanced Kbot Lab Produces T2 Kbots
armamaker Advanced Metal Maker Converts upto 200 Energy to Metal
armamb Ambusher Cloakable Heavy Plasma Cannon
armamd Protector Anti-Nuke System
armamd1 Advanced Protector Long Range Anti-Nuke System
armamd2 T3 Protector T3 Anti-Nuke System
armamex Twilight Stealthy Cloakable Metal Extractor
armamph Pelican Amphibious Kbot
armanac Anaconda Hovertank
armanni Annihilator Tachyon Accelerator
armanni1 Advanced Annihilator Super Tachyon Accelerator
armantar Antarion Experimantal Tank - Anti T3/T4
armap Aircraft Plant Produces T1 Aircraft
armarad Advanced Radar Tower Long-Range Radar
armarty Gladius Level 1 Artillery
armaser Eraser Radar Jammer Kbot
armason Advanced Sonar Station Extended Sonar
armasp Air Repair Pad Automatically Repairs Aircraft
armasy Advanced Shipyard Produces T2 Ships
armatidal Advanced Tidal Generator Produces Energy
armatl Moray Advanced Torpedo Launcher
armatlas Atlas Air Transport
armavp Advanced Vehicle Plant Produces T2 Vehicles
armawac Eagle Radar/Sonar Plane
armawin Advanced Wind Generator Produces Energy
armbanth Bantha Assault Mech
armbanth1 Super Bantha Very Heavy Assault Mech
armbats Millennium Battleship
armbc Nemo Heavy Artillery Battleship
armbeaver Beaver Amphibious Construction Vehicle
armblz Blaze Napalm Bomber
armbrawl Brawler Gunship
armbrtha Big Bertha Long Range Plasma Cannon
armbrtha1 Big Bertha TECH 3 Heavy Long Range Plasma Cannon
armbull Bulldog Heavy Assault Tank
armbull2 Pittbull Very Heavy Assault Tank
armca Construction Aircraft Tech Level 1
armcarry Colossus Aircraft Carrier with Anti-Nuke
armcav Cavalier All-Terrain - Multipurpose Assault Kbot
armcbomb Stratos Fast Bomber
armcd Coodos Heavy Laser Tank
armch Construction Hovercraft Tech Level 1
armcir Chainsaw Bomb-Resistant Medium-Range Missile Battery
armcir1 Rapid Chainsaw Rapid-Fire Bomb-Resistant Medium-Range Missile Battery
armck Construction Kbot Tech Level 1
armckfus Cloakable Fusion Reactor Produces Energy / Storage
armckmakr Cloakable Metal Maker Converts upto 400 Energy to Metal
armclaw Dragon's Claw Pop-Up Lightning Turret
armcom Commander Commander
armcom1 Ecoing Commander Commander
armcom4 Battle Commander Commander
armcom5 Assault Commander Commander
armcom6 Star Commander Commander
armcom7 Supreme Commander Commander
armcp Helipad Produces Helicopters
armcrabe Crabe All-Terrain Kbot Biomechanics
armcrack Cracker Rocket Artillery Kbot
armcroc Triton Heavy Amphibious Tank
armcrus Conqueror Cruiser
armcs Construction Ship Tech Level 1
armcsa Construction Seaplane Tech Level 2
armcspider All-Terrain Construction Spider Tech level 1
armcv Construction Vehicle Tech Level 1
armcybr Liche Atomic Bomber
armcyclone Arm Cyclone Cyclone Precise Bomber
armdark Dark Rocket Tank
armdf Fusion Reactor Produces Energy / Storage
armdfly Dragonfly Stealthy Armed Transport
armdl Anemone Depthcharge Launcher
armdrag Dragon's Teeth Perimeter Defense
armdragf Drillerfly Medium Amphibious Air Transport
armeap Experimental Aircraft Plant Produces T3 Aircraft
armemp Detonator EMP Missile Launcher
armestor Energy Storage Increases Energy Storage (15000)
armesy Experimental Shipyard Produces T3 Ships, water depth 86 or more required
armevp Experimental Vehicle Plant Produces T3 Vehicles
armeyes Dragon's Eye Perimeter Camera
armfark Fark Combat Engineer
armfark1 Helper Fast Assist Engineer
armfast Zipper Fast Raider Kbot
armfatf Floating Targeting Facility Enhanced Radar Targeting
armfav Jeffy Light Scout Vehicle
armfboy Fatboy Heavy Plasma Kbot
armfboy1 Heavy Fatboy Very Heavy Plasma Kbot (heavy boost)
armfdrag Shark's Teeth Perimeter Defense
armfflak Flakker NS Anti-Air Flak Gun - Naval Series
armfhlt Stingray Floating Heavy Laser Tower
armfhp Floating Hovercraft Platform Builds Hovercraft
armfido Fido Mortar/Skirmish Kbot
armfig Freedom Fighter Fighter
armflak Flakker Anti-Air Flak Gun
armflash Flash Fast Assault Tank
armflash1 Agile Flash Very Fast Assault Tank
armflea Flea Fast Scout Kbot
armflea1 Pulcina Fast Scout Kbot
armflosh Saint Floating Plasma Deflector
armfmine3 Mega NS Heavy Mine - Naval Series
armfmkr Floating Metal Maker Converts upto 100 Energy to Metal
armfnanotc Nano Turret Level 1 Repairs and builds in large radius
armfnanotc1 Nano Turret Level 2 Repairs and builds in large radius
armfnanotc2 Nano Turret Level 3 Repairs and builds in large radius
armfnanotc3 Nano Turret Level 4 Repairs and builds in large radius
armfor Atomic Geothermal Advanced Geothermical reactor
armfort Fortification Wall Perimeter Defense
armfrad Floating Radar Tower Early Warning System
armfrt Sentry Floating Anti-Air Tower
armfsilo Armageddon Ultimate Nuclear Missile Launcher
armfus Fusion Reactor Produces Energy / Storage
armgate Keeper Plasma Deflector
armgate1 Super Shield Long Range Plasma Deflector
armgate2 Small Shield Small Plasma Deflector
armgen Energy Driller Hybrid Energy Producer/Metal Maker
armgeo Geothermal Powerplant Produces Energy / Storage
armgeo_mini Dwarf Geothermal Powerplant Produces Energy
armgmm Prude Safe Geothermal Powerplant
armgor Gorilla Experimental Kbot
armguard Guardian Medium Range Plasma Battery
armham Hammer Light Plasma Kbot
armham1 Heavy Hammer Light Plasma Kbot
armhawk Hawk Stealth Fighter
armhcar Atlantis Aircraft Carrier with Advanced Nuclear ICBM
armhdpw Hell Diver The Hunter Hell
armhevsenan Floating Nano Turret Repairs and builds on big radius
armhls Century Antiswarm Hover Cruiser
armhlt Sentinel Heavy Laser Tower
armhobo Hobo All-terrain Assault Spider
armhorg Horgue Long Range Missile Vehicle
armhp Hovercraft Platform Builds Hovercraft
armhplasma Mamba Heavy Plasma HoverTank
armhuntsman Huntsman All-terrain Anti-Air Spider
armhys Hysteric Very Heavy Anti-Air Flak Gun
armiguana Iguana Heavy Flak Hovercraft
armjade Jade Eagle Laser Gunship
armjag Jaguar All-Terrain Bantha Brother's
armjam Jammer Radar Jammer Vehicle
armjamt Sneaky Pete Cloakable Jammer Tower
armjanus Janus Twin Medium Rocket Launcher
armjanus1 Ruinous Janus Twin Heavy Rocket Launcher (Boost)
armjeth Jethro Amphibious Anti-air Kbot
armjugg Juggernaught Fast Experimental Kbot
armkam Banshee Light Gunship
armkamo kamovas Advanced Heavy Flak Resistant Gunship
armkrmi Krally Fast & Jump Kbot
armlab Kbot Lab Produces T1 Kbots
armlance Lancet Torpedo Bomber
armlashover Python Lightning Hovercraft
armlatnk Panther Lightning Tank
armlightfus Light Fusion Power Plant Produces Energy / Storage
armllt LLT Light Laser Tower
armllt1 Boosted LLT Boosted Light Laser Tower
armmakr Metal Maker Converts upto 50 Energy to Metal
armmanni Penetrator Mobile Tachyon Weapon
armmark Marky Radar Kbot
armmart Luger Mobile Artillery
armmarv Marvin Advanced T1 Amphibious Construction Vehicle
armmas Mass Extractor Deep Core Metal Extractor, Amphibious
armmav Maverick Skirmish Kbot (Combat Auto-Repair)
armmcv Kronos Mobile Command Vehicle (amphibious)
armmech Killer Heavy Amphibious Mech
armmedt Hound Medium Battle Tank
armmerl Merl Mobile Rocket Launcher
armmex Metal Extractor Extracts Metal
armmex1 Metal Extractor Overcharged Metal Extractor, Amphibious
armmh Wombat Hovercraft Rocket Launcher
armmin Saper Air Mine Layer
armmine1 Micro Light Mine
armmine2 Kilo Medium Mine
armmine3 Mega Heavy Mine
armmine5 Stopper EMP Mine
armmine6 Mininuke mine Camouflaged Nuke Warhead
armmine7 Singularity Bomb Singularity Bomb
armmlrs MLRS Multi Launch Rocket System
armmls Steadfast Naval Engineer
armmlv Podger Stealthy Minelayer/Minesweeper
armmmkr Moho Metal Maker Converts upto 800 Energy to Metal
armmoho Moho Mine Advanced Metal Extractor / Storage
armmship Ranger Cruise Missile Ship
armmstor Metal Storage Increases Metal Storage (3000)
armnanotc Nano Turret Level 1 Repairs and builds in large radius
armnanotc1 Nano Turret Level 2 Repairs and builds in large radius
armnanotc2 Nano Turret Level 3 Repairs and builds in large radius
armnanotc3 Nano Turret Level 4 Repairs and builds in large radius
armor Ornith Very Heavy Air Transport, Min load 2000 - Max Load 15000
armorbweaver Orbweaver All-Terrain Jammer Spider
armorca Orca Amphibious Siege Tank
armorco Orcone Experimental Assault Kbot
armorion Orion Heavy Carpet Bomber
armpb Pit Bull Pop-Up Gauss Cannon
armpcan PeeWee Cannon PeeWee Cannon
armpeep Peeper Scout Plane
armpers Perseus Advanced Gunship - Anti T3/T4
armpincer Pincer Light Amphibious Tank
armplat Seaplane Platform Builds Seaplanes
armpnix Phoenix Strategic Bomber
armpraet Praetorian Experimental Shielded Kbot
armpt Skeeter Scout Boat/Light Anti-Air Ship
armpw Peewee Infantry Kbot
armpw1 Carbyne-plated Peewee Infantry Kbot
armrad Radar Tower Early Warning System
armrad1 Advanced Radar Tower Medium Warning System
armraptor Raptor All-Terrain Siege Assault Kbot
armraven Catapult Heavy Rocket Kbot
armraven1 Medium Catapult Rocket Kbot
armraz Razorback Battle Mech
armraz1 Mega Razorback Very Heavy Battle Mech
armrech18 Advanced T2 Research Center Unlocks Advanced Units
armrech21 Advanced T3 Research Center Unlocks Advanced Units
armrech3 Advanced T1 Research Center Unlocks Advanced Units
armrecl Grim Reaper Ressurection Sub
armrectr Rector Stealthy Rez Kbot
armrl Defender Anti-Air Tower
armrl1 Boosted Defender Boosted Anti-Air Tower
armrock Rocko Rocket Kbot
armrock1 Insistent Rocko Rocket Kbot
armrottweiler Rottweiler Medium Combat Riot Tank
armroy Crusader Destroyer
armsaber Sabre Seaplane Gunship
armsam Samson Missile Truck
armsam1 Godlike Samson Missile Truck
armsb Tsunami Seaplane Bomber
armscab Scarab Mobile Anti-Missile Defense
armscab1 Long Range Scarab Mobile Long Range Anti-Missile Defense
armscar Scar Fusilage Combat Tank
armscpion Scorpion Very Heavy Stealth Amphibious Tank
armsd Tracer Intrusion Countermeasure System
armseap Albatross Torpedo Seaplane
armseer Seer Radar Vehicle
armsehak Seahawk Advanced Radar/Sonar Plane
armses T3 Energy Storage Increases Energy Storage (1M)
armsfig Tornado Seaplane Fighter
armsh Skimmer Fast Attack Hovercraft
armsh175 SH-175 Recon Scout Helicopter
armshltx Experimental Gantry Produces Heavy T3 Units
armshltx1 Prototype Gantry Produces T4 Units
armshock Vanguard All-Terrain Heavy Plasma Cannon
armshock1 Medium Vanguard Heavy Plasma Cannon
armsiege Demolisher Mobile Artillery Siege Vehicle
armsilo Retaliator Nuclear ICBM Launcher
armsilo1 Enriched Retaliator Enriched Nuclear ICBM Launcher
armsjam Escort Radar Jammer Ship
armsl Seahook Assault Transport
armsnipe Sharpshooter Sniper Kbot
armsolar Solar Collector Produces Energy
armsonar Sonar Station Locates Water Units
armsonic RaTastrophe Sonic Riot Tank
armspider Spider All-Terrain EMP Spider
armspy Infiltrator Radar-Invisible Spy Kbot
armst Gremlin Stealth Tank
armstump Stumpy Medium Assault Tank
armstump1 Sturdy Stumpy Medium Assault Tank
armsub Lurker Submarine
armsubk Piranha Submarine Killer
armsy Shipyard Produces T1 Ships
armtabi Tabitha Total Annihilation TSAR bomber (ARM)
armtarantula Tarantula All-Terrain Rocket Spider
armtarg Targeting Facility Enhanced Radar Targeting, more facilities enhance accuracy
armtem Tempest Very Heavy Battle Hovertank
armthovr Bear Transport Hovercraft
armthund Thunder Bomber
armtick Tick All-Terrain Resurrection Spider
armtide Tidal Generator Produces Energy
armtigre2 Black Tiger All-Terrain Assault evo Tank
armtl Harpoon Torpedo Launcher
armtrmph Triumph Super Battleship
armtship Hulk Armored Transport
armtys Tyson Land Attack Helicopter
armuwadves Hardened Energy Storage Increases Energy Storage (75000)
armuwadvms Hardened Metal Storage Increases Metal Storage (10000)
armuwes Underwater Energy Storage Increases Energy Storage (18000)
armuwfus Underwater Fusion Plant Produces Energy / Storage
armuwfus1 Advanced Underwater Antimater Fusion Produces Highly Energy / Storage
armuwlightfus Underwater Light Fusion Plant Produces Energy / Storage
armuwmex Underwater Metal Extractor Extracts Metal
armuwmme Underwater Moho Mine Advanced Metal Extractor / Storage
armuwmmm Underwater Moho Metal Maker Converts upto 1000 Energy to Metal
armuwms Underwater Metal Storage Increases Metal Storage (3000)
armvader Invader Crawling Bomb
armveil Veil Long-Range Jamming Tower
armvhlt High-Energy Sentinel Very Heavy Laser Tower
armvisit Visitor Fast Assault Hovercraft
armvp Vehicle Plant Produces T1 Vehicles
armvulc Vulcan Medium-Fire Long-Range Plasma Cannon
armvulc1 Super Vulcan T3 Rapid-Fire Long-Range Plasma Cannon
armvulc2 Rapid-Vulcan Rapid-Fire Long-Range Plasma Cannon
armwar Warrior Medium Infantry Kbot
armweaver Weaver All-Terrain Heavy Attack Spider
armwin Wind Generator Produces Energy
armyork Phalanx Anti-Air Flak Vehicle
armzeus Zeus Assault Kbot
armzeus1 Wrathful Zeus Heavy Assault Kbot
aseadragon Epoch Flagship
ashipyardlvl3 Shipyard Produces AeroShips
aspdbunk Spider Bunker Multiple Energy Defense
asubpen Amphibious Complex Produces Amphibious/Underwater Units
avtr Avatar Mobile LRPC
blackdawn BlackDawn Advanced Gunship [Anti T3/T4]
blade Blade Rapid Assault Flak Resistant Gunship
bladew Bladewing Light Paralyzer Drone
blotter Blotter Radar-Jamming Hovercraft
cach Advanced Construction Hover Tech Level 2
cadvmsto T3 Metal Storage Increase Metal Storage (350000)
cafus Advanced Fusion Reactor Enhanced Energy Output / Storage
cahp Advanced Hovercraft Platform Builds T2 Hovercraft
cahpns Advanced Hovercraft Platform - NS Builds T2 Hovercraft - Naval Series
cbrutus Brutus Rocket Battle Tank
cbuilderlvl1 Kalupper Combar Engineer
cbuilderlvl2 Constructer Makes Adv T1 Combat Units
cbuilderlvl3 Builder Level 3 Cruiser
ccovertopscentre OPS Center T4 Produces T4 Con
cdevastator DEVASTATOR Hero (Core)
cfusionplant Mega Fusion Reactor Produces Energy
champ Champion Assault Tank - Anti T3/T4
chopper Chopper Heavy Flak Resistant Gunship
cjuno Core Juno Anti Minefield Energy Pulse Weapon
clb Mauler Mobile LRPC
cmetalmakerlvl1 T1.5 Metal Maker Converts upto 256 Energy to Metal
cmetalmakerlvl2 T3 Metal Maker Converts upto 20480 Energy to Metal
cmgeo Moho Geothermal Powerplant Hazardous Energy Source
cmortor Avalanche Range Mortar Cannon
cnanotower Hardened Nanotower Experimental Nanotower
commando Commando Stealthy Capture Kbot
concealer Concealer Radar-Jamming Hovercraft
consul Consul Combat Engineer
consul1 Cooler Combat Engineer
coraak Manticore Heavy Amphibious Anti-Air Kbot
coraap Advanced Aircraft Plant Produces T2 Aircraft
coraca Advanced Construction Aircraft Tech Level 2
corack Advanced Construction Kbot Tech Level 2
coracsub Advanced Construction Sub Tech Level 2
coracv Advanced Construction Vehicle Tech Level 2
coradon Adonis Very Heavy Battle Hovertank
coradvsol Advanced Solar Collector Produces Energy
corah Slinger Anti-Air Hovercraft
corak A.K. Infantry Kbot
corak1 Armored A.K. Infantry Kbot
coralab Advanced Kbot Lab Produces T2 Kbots
coramaker Advanced Metal Maker Converts upto 256 Energy to Metal
coramph Gimp Amphibious Kbot
corap Aircraft Plant Produces T1 Aircraft
corape Rapier Gunship
corarad Advanced Radar Tower Long-Range Radar
corarch Shredder Anti-Air Ship
corason Advanced Sonar Station Extended Sonar
corasp Air Repair Pad Automatically Repairs Aircraft
corasship Specter Antiswarm Hover Cruiser
corassis Mole Combat Engineer
corasy Advanced Shipyard Produces T2 Ships
coratidal Advanced Tidal Generator Produces Energy
coratl Lamprey Advanced Torpedo Launcher
coravp Advanced Vehicle Plant Produces T2 Vehicles
corawac Vulture Radar/Sonar Plane
corawin Advanced Wind Generator Produces Energy
corbats Warlord Battleship
corbhmth Behemoth Geothermal Plasma Battery
corbhmth1 Long Range Behemoth Geothermal Long Range Plasma Battery
corblackhy Black Hydra Flagship
corboucher The Bucher Anti Experimental Cannon
corbt Metron Heavy Weapons Platform
corbtrans Vindicator Very Heavy Air Transport, Min load 2000 - Max Load 16000
corbuzz Buzzsaw Medium-Fire Long-Range Plasma Cannon
corbuzz1 Super Buzzsaw T3 Rapid-Fire Long-Range Plasma Cannon
corbuzz2 Rapid-Buzzsaw Rapid-Fire Long-Range Plasma Cannon
corca Construction Aircraft Tech Level 1
corcan Can Armored Assault Kbot
corcarry Hive Aircraft Carrier with Anti-Nuke
corch Construction Hovercraft Tech Level 1
corck Construction Kbot Tech Level 1
corcom Commander Commander
corcom1 Ecoing Commander Commander
corcom3 Combat Commander Commander
corcom5 Assault Commander Commander
corcom6 Star Commander Commander
corcom7 Supreme Commander Commander
corcrab Tarantel All-Terrain Assault Kbot
corcrash Crasher Amphibious Anti-Air Kbot
corcrus Executioner Cruiser
corcrw Krow Flying Fortress
corcs Construction Ship Tech Level 1
corcsa Construction Seaplane Tech Level 2
corct All-Terrain Construction Tortoise Tech Level 1
corcut Cutlass Seaplane Gunship
corcv Construction Vehicle Tech Level 1
cordem Archdemon Experimental Flame Kbot
cordl Jellyfish Depthcharge Launcher
cordoom Doomsday Machine Energy Weapon
cordoom1 Advanced Doomsday Machine Hight Energy Weapon
cordrag Dragon's Teeth Perimeter Defense
core_immolator Immolator Plasma Tower
core_intimidator Intimidator Paralizer Long Range EMP Paralizer
core_riptide Riptide All-Terrain Heavy Duty Attack Tortoise
core_wind_generator UPG Wind Generator Produces Energy
coreap Experimental Aircraft Plant Produces T3 Aircraft
coreavalanche Avalanche All-Terrain Flame Thrower Tortoise
corech18 Advanced T2 Research Center Unlock's Advanced Units
corech21 Advanced T3 Research Center Unlock's Advanced Units
corech3 Advanced T1 Research Center Unlock's Advanced Units
corechelonian Chelonian All-Terrain Riot Tortoise
coreclipse Eclipse Very Heavy Bomber
coredauber Dauber Heavy Laser Escort
corehingeback Hingeback All-Terrain Paralysis Tortoise
corehpad Helipad Produces Helicopters
coreleopard Leapord All-Terrain Resurrection Tortoise
corenaa Cobra - NS Anti-Air Flak Gun - Naval Series
corerad Eradicator Bomb-Resistant Medium-Range Missile Battery
corerad1 Rapid Eradicator Rapid-Fire Bomb-Resistant Medium-Range Missile Battery
corerex Rex All-Terrain Assault Tank
coreslingshot Slingshot All-Terrain Anti-Air Tortoise
corestor Energy Storage Increases Energy Storage (16000)
coresupp Supporter Corvette
coresy Capital Shipyard Produces T3 Ships, water depth 89 or more required
coreter Deleter Radar Jammer Vehicle
coretnt TnT Very Heavy Crawling Bomb
corevp Experimental Vehicle Plant Produces T3 Vehicles
corexp Exploiter Armed Metal Extractor
coreyes Dragon's Eye Perimeter Camera
corfalc Falcon Medium Amphibious Air Transport
corfast Freaker Combat Engineer
corfast1 Helper Fast Assist Engineer
corfatf Floating Targeting Facility Enhanced Radar Targeting
corfav Weasel Light Scout Vehicle
corfdrag Shark's Teeth Perimeter Defense
corfhlt Thunderbolt Floating Heavy Laser Tower
corfhp Floating Hovercraft Platform Builds Hovercraft
corfiend Fiend Fast Bomber
corfink Fink Scout Plane
corflak Cobra Anti-Air Flak Gun
corflshd Cerebus Floating Plasma Deflector
corflu Influence Total Annihilation TSAR Bomber (CORE)
corfmd Fortitude Anti-Nuke System
corfmd1 Long Range Fortitude Long Range Anti-Nuke System
corfmd2 T3 Defensor T3 Anti-Nuke System
corfmine3 1100 NS Heavy Mine
corfmkr Floating Metal Maker Converts upto 128 Energy to Metal
corfnanotc Nano Turret Level 1 Repairs and builds in large radius
corfnanotc1 Nano Turret Level 2 Repairs and builds in large radius
corfnanotc2 Nano Turret Level 3 Repairs and builds in large radius
corfnanotc3 Nano Turret Level 4 Repairs and builds in large radius
corfort Fortification Wall Perimeter Defense
corfrad Floating Radar Tower Early Warning System
corfred Fred Advanced T1 Amphibious Construction Vehicle
corfrog F.R.O.G. Heavy Flak Hovercraft
corfrt Stinger Floating Anti-Air Tower
corfsilo Remover Ultimate Nuclear Missile Launcher
corfus Fusion Reactor Produces Energy / Storage
corgala Galacticus Anti T3/T4 Very Heavy Kbot
corgant Experimental Gantry Produces Heavy T3 Units
corgant1 Prototype Gantry Produces T4 Units
corgarp Garpike Light Amphibious Tank
corgate Overseer Plasma Deflector
corgate1 Super Shield Long Range Plasma Deflector
corgate2 Small Shield Small Plasma Deflector
corgator Instigator Light Tank
corgator1 Insistent Instigator Light Tank
corgen Energy Driller Hybrid Energy Producer/Metal Maker
corgeo Geothermal Powerplant Produces Energy / Storage
corgeo_mini Dwarf Geothermal Powerplant Produces Energy
corgfbt Grimani Magnesium FireBall Tank (anti spam)
corgol Goliath Very Heavy Assault Tank
corgol1 Reinforced Goliath Master Assault Tank
corgripn Stiletto EMP Bomber
corhcar Nexus Aircraft Carrier with Advanced Nuclear ICBM
corhelo Harrier Scout helicopter
corhevsenan Floating Nano Turret Repairs and builds in big radius
corhind Hind Advanced Heavy Flak Gunship
corhlt Gaat Gun Heavy Laser Tower
corhmakr Hardened Metal Maker Converts upto 3072 Energy to Metal
corhover3g Venom Heavy Laser Hovercraft
corhowie Howie Heavy Rocket Kbot
corhp Hovercraft Platform Builds Hovercraft
corhrk Dominator Heavy Rocket Kbot
corhunt Hunter Advanced Radar/Sonar Plane
corhurc Hurricane Heavy Strategic Bomber
corint Intimidator Long Range Plasma Cannon
corint1 Intimidator TECH 3 Heavy Long Range Plasma Cannon
corjamt Castro Short-Range Jamming Device
corjeag Jeager Anti-Air Vehicle
corjurgen Jurgen Pro Football Kbot
corkarg Karganeth All-Terrain Assault Mech
corkarg1 MegaTron All-Terrain Very Heavy Assault Mech
corkrog Krogoth Experimental Assault Kbot
corkrog1 Super Krogoth Prototype Super-Heavy Assault Kbot
corlab Kbot Lab Produces T1 Kbots
corlevlr Leveler Riot Tank
corlevlr1 Savage Leveler Riot Tank
corlightfus Light Fusion Power Plant Produces Energy / Storage
corllt LLT Light Laser Tower
corllt1 Rapid-Fire LLT Rapid-fire Light Laser Tower
cormabm Hedgehog Mobile Anti-missile Defense
cormabm1 Long Range Hedgehog Mobile Long Range Anti-missile Defense
cormakr Metal Maker Converts upto 64 Energy to Metal
cormart Pillager Mobile Artillery
cormas Dildo Planet Crust Deep Penetration Mine, Amphibious
cormatch Matcher Flamethrower Hovertank
cormaw Dragon's Maw Pop-Up Flamethrower Turret
cormddm Gargoyle Mobile Energy Weapon
cormenacer Menacer All-Terrain Artillery Tortoise
cormex Metal Extractor Extracts Metal
cormex1 Metal Extractor Overcharged Metal Extractor, Amphibious
cormexp Moho Exploiter Convertible Metal Extractor
cormh Nixer Hovercraft Rocket Launcher
cormin Repas Air Mine Layer
cormine1 11 Light Mine
cormine2 110 Medium Mine
cormine3 1100 Heavy Mine
cormine5 2200 EMP Mine
cormine6 Deployed Skuttle Camouflaged Nuke Warhead
cormine7 Singularity Bomb Singularity Bomb
cormist Slasher Missile Truck
cormist1 Two Tailed Slasher Missile Truck
cormls Pathfinder Naval Engineer
cormlv Spoiler Stealthy Minelayer/Minesweeper
cormmkr Moho Metal Maker Converts upto 1024 Energy to Metal
cormoho Moho Mine Advanced Metal Extractor / Storage
cormonsta Defiler All-Terrain Assault Unit
cormort Morty Mobile Mortar Kbot
cormship Messenger Cruise Missile Ship
cormstor Metal Storage Increases Metal Storage (3000)
cormuskrat Muskrat Amphibious Construction Vehicle
cornanotc Nano Turret Level 1 Repairs and builds in large radius
cornanotc1 Nano Turret Level 2 Repairs and builds in large radius
cornanotc2 Nano Turret Level 3 Repairs and builds in large radius
cornanotc3 Nano Turret Level 4 Repairs and builds in large radius
cornecro Necro Stealthy Rez Kbot
corparrow Poison Arrow Very Heavy Amphibious Tank
corpcan A.K. Cannon A.K. Cannon
corplat Seaplane Platform Builds Seaplanes
corpre Precipitator Very Heavy Anti-Air Flak Gun
corprot Protos Heavy Sniper Support Kbot
corpt Searcher Scout Boat/Light Anti-Air
corpun Punisher Medium Range Plasma Battery
corpunk Punkie Stealthy Scout Kbot
corpyro Pyro Fast Assault Kbot
corpyrox Demon Hell Fire Captain (Auto-Repair 25)
corpyrox1 Inferal Demon Hell Fire General (Auto-Repair 100)
corrad Radar Tower Early Warning System
corrad1 Advanced Radar Tower Medium Warning System
corrag Dragona Anti-Air Gunship
corraid Raider Medium Assault Tank
corraid1 Rugged Raider Medium Assault Tank
correap Reaper Heavy Assault Tank
correcl Death Cavalry Ressurection Sub
corrl Pulverizer Anti-Air Tower
corrl1 Boosted Pulverizer Boosted Anti-Air Tower
corroach Roach Crawling Bomb
corrock Rocketeer Rocket Artillery Kbot
corroy Enforcer Destroyer
corsb Maelstrom Seaplane Bomber
corsbomb Black Lily Invisible Heavy Bomber
corsd Nemesis Intrusion Countermeasure System
corseal Croc Medium Amphibious Tank
corseap Typhoon Torpedo Seaplane
corsent Copperhead Anti-Air Flak Vehicle
corses T3 Energy Storage Increases Energy Storage (1.1M)
corsfig Voodoo Seaplane Fighter
corsfus Airstrike Resistant Fusion Reactor Produces Energy / Storage
corsh Scrubber Fast Attack Hovercraft
corshad Shadow Bomber
corshark Shark Submarine Killer
corshieldgen Oust Safe Plasma Deflector Kbot
corshieldgen_static Oust Static Safe Plasma Deflector
corshroud Shroud Long-Range Jamming Tower
corsilo Silencer Nuclear ICBM Launcher
corsilo1 Enriched Silencer Enriched Nuclear ICBM Launcher
corsjam Phantom Radar Jammer Ship
corsktl Skuttle Advanced Crawling Bomb
corsnap Snapper Hovertank
corsolar Solar Collector Produces Energy
corsonar Sonar Station Locates Water Units
corspec Spectre Radar Jammer Kbot
corspy Parasite Radar-Invisible Spy Kbot
corssub Leviathan Battle Submarine
corstorm Storm Rocket Kbot
corstorm1 Distant Storm Rocket Kbot
corsub Snake Submarine
corsumo Sumo Heavily Armored Assault Kbot
corsumo1 Heavy Sumo Very Heavily Armored Assault Kbot
corsy Shipyard Produces T1 Ships
cortarg Targeting Facility Enhanced Radar Targeting, more facilities enhance accuracy
cortermite Termite All-Terrain Assault Spider
corthovr Turtle Transport Hovercraft
corthud Thud Light Plasma Kbot
corthud1 Massive Thud Light Plasma Kbot
cortide Tidal Generator Produces Energy
cortitan Titan Torpedo Bomber
cortl Urchin Torpedo Launcher
cortlab Tortoise Lab Produces All-Terrain Tortoise Bots
cortoast Toaster Heavy Plasma Cannon
cortotal Totalitarian Long Range Plasma Artillery
cortron Catalyst Tactical Nuke Launcher
cortship Envoy Armored Transport
cortyrnt Tyrant Super Battleship
corupmex Intelligence Jump Enables jumps on large radius
coruwadves Hardened Energy Storage Increases Energy Storage (64000)
coruwadvms Hardened Metal Storage Increases Metal Storage (10000)
coruwes Underwater Energy Storage Increases Energy Storage (16000)
coruwfus Underwater Fusion Plant Produces Energy / Storage
coruwlightfus Underwater Light Fusion Plant Produces Energy / Storage
coruwmex Underwater Metal Extractor Extracts Metal
coruwmme Underwater Moho Mine Advanced Metal Extractor / Storage
coruwmmm Underwater Moho Metal Maker Converts upto 1280 Energy to Metal
coruwms Underwater Metal Storage Increases Metal Storage (3000)
corvalk Valkyrie Air Transport
corvamp Vamp Stealth Fighter
corveng Avenger Fighter
corvhlt Gatling Gaat Gun Very Heavy Laser Tower
corvipe Viper Pop-Up Sabot Battery
corvoyr Voyeur Radar Kbot
corvp Vehicle Plant Produces T1 Vehicles
corvrad Informer Radar Vehicle
corvroc Diplomat Mobile Rocket Launcher
corwin Wind Generator Produces Energy
corwolv Wolverine Light Mobile Artillery
corwolv1 Rapid-Fire Wolverine Light Mobile Artillery
crnns Advanced Antimater Fusion Produces Energy / Storage
cshipyardlvl4 Shipyard Builds AeroShips
cslicer Slicer Fast Assault Tank
csubpen Amphibious Complex Produces Amphibious/Underwater Units
dao Dao Medium Laser Tank
decade Decade Corvette
devastator Destruitor Mobile Tachyon Hovercraft
ferret Ferret Land Atack Helicopter
gladiator Gladiator Medium Infantry Kbot
gorg Juggernaut Experimental Heavily Armored Assault Kbot
heavyimpact Heavy Impact Heavy Artillery Amphibious Mech
hllt HLLT Anti-Swarm Double LLT
hyperion Hyperion Gigantic Siege Kbot
intruder Intruder Amphibious Heavy Assault Transport
irritator Irritator Shielded Mech Experimental Siege Unit
krogtaar KrogTaar Heavy Weapons Mech
macross Macross Krogoth Class All-Terrain Kbot
madsam SAM Anticombomb Hardened Missile Battery
marauder Marauder Amphibious Assault Mech
mercury Mercury Long-Range Missile Tower
monkeylord Cybran Monkeylord Shielded Mech Experimental Siege Unit
nebraska NEBRASKA Anti Experimental Cannon
nsaagriz Krypto-Blaster Armored Mobile Blaster
nsaatorph Undertow Anti-Submarine HoverCraft
nsacanglr Angler Anti-Submarine HoverCraft
nsacbehe Behegoli Very Heavy Assault Hovercraft
nsaclash Halberd Assault Hovertank
nsacskv Absolutor Skirmish Tank
packo Pack0 Anticombomb Pop-Up Missile Battery
r75v Detector Battlefield Intelligence Hover Radar and Sonar
requ1 Aegis Tactical Mobile Nuclear Tank
screamer Screamer Long-Range Missile Tower
shiva Shiva Amphibious Siege Mech
shrike Shrike Stealth Fighter
skykrogoth Black Dragon The Sky Krogoth
smasher AH-309 smasher Flak Resistant Gunship
speeder Long Tom Heavy Laser Hovertank
spiderlab Spider Lab ARM Produces All-terrain Kbots
taipan K-74 Taipan Cloakable Assault KBot
tankanotor Tankanotor Heavy Rocket Tank
tawf001 Beamer Beam Laser Turret
tawf009 Serpent Battle Submarine
tawf013 Shellshocker Light Artillery Vehicle
tawf0131 Precise Shellshocker Light Artillery Vehicle
tawf015 Liberty Anti-Air/Universal Gunship
tawf114 Banisher Heavy Missile Tank
tawf116 Separator Extended Armour Assault Vehicle
terraunit Terraform Spent: 0
tllaak Spreader Advanced Amphibious Anti-Air Kbot
tllaap Advanced Aircraft Plant Produces T2 Aircraft
tllabomber Ghost Advanced Bomber
tllaca Advanced Construction Aircraft Tech Level 2
tllacid Acidic Rain Long Range Vertical Missile Vehicle
tllack Advanced Construction Kbot Tech Level 2
tllacs Advanced Construction Ship Tech Level 2
tllacsub Advanced Construction Sub Tech Level 2
tllacv Advanced Construction Vehicle Tech Level 2
tlladt Fortification Wall Perimeter Defense
tlladvfight Falcon Stealth Fighter
tlladvsolar Advanced Solar/Wind Generator Produces Energy
tllaether Aether Very Heavy Armored Bomber
tllajam Jinx Long Range Radar Jammer
tllalab Advanced Kbot Lab Produces T2 Kbots
tllambassador Ambassador Armored Transport Ship
tllamex Moho Mine Advanced Metal Extractor/ Storage
tllammaker Moho Metal Maker Converts upto 1000 Energy into Metal
tllamphibot Seagull Amphibious Kbot
tllanhur Anhur Heavy Torpedo Bomber
tllannouncer Announcer Missile Truck
tllantinuke Peacemaker Anti-Nuke System
tllantinuke1 Long Range Peacemaker Long Range Anti-Nuke System
tllap Aircraft Plant Produces Aircraft
tllarad Advanced Radar Tower Long Range Radar Tower
tllarchnano Archnano Ampibious & All Terrain Combat Engineer
tllares Ares Fast Assault Tank
tllariman Ariman Medium Assault Tank
tllartybot Troll Heavy Gauss Kbot
tllasonar Advanced Sonar Station Locates Water Units
tllasp Air Repair Pad Automatically Repairs Aircraft
tllaspns Air Repair Pad NS Automatically Repairs Aircraft - Naval Series
tllasship Petrel Sub Exterminator
tllasy Advanced Shipyard Produces T2 Ships
tllatidal Underwater Advanced Tidal Generator Produces Energy
tllatorp Advanced Torpedo Launcher Torpedo & Depth Charge Launcher
tllauwmex Advanced Underwater Mex Advanced Metal Extractor/ Storage
tllavp Advanced Vehicle Plant Produces T2 Vehicles
tllawindtrap Advanced Wind Trap Produces Energy
tllbats2 Interceptor Laser Battleship
tllbind Binder Heavy Armored Assault Kbot
tllblind Dreadnought Heavy Armored Riot Kbot
tllboat2 Shrinker Laser Destroyer
tllbomber Pterodactyl Bomber
tllbug Bug Fast & Paralyse Scout Kbot
tllburner Burner Assault Kbot
tllca Construction Aircraft Tech Level 1
tllchover Construction Hovercraft Tech Level 1
tllck Construction KBot Tech Level 1
tllcoldfus Super Heavy Elemental Reactor Produces Metal and Energy/ Storage
tllcom Commander Commander
tllcom1 Ecoing Commander Commander
tllcom3 Battle Commander Commander
tllcom5 Assault Commander Commander
tllcom6 Star Commander Commander
tllcom7 Supreme Commander Commander
tllconfuser Confuser Radar Jammer Kbot
tllconvincer Convincer Mobile Heavy Rocket Vehicle
tllcop1 Wasp Fast Gunship
tllcopter Dark Crow Flak Resistant Gunship
tllcoyote Coyote Heavy Assault Tank
tllcrawlb Armadillo Heavy Crawling Bomb
tllcs Construction Ship Tech Level 1
tllcsa Construction Seaplane Tech Level 2
tllcsub Construction Sub Combat Engineer
tllcv Construction Vehicle Tech Level 1
tlldb Dragons Breath Very Heavy Anti-Air Hybrid Gun
tlldcsta Depth Charge Station Depth Charge Launcher
tlldemon Demon Slayer Mark II Prototype Tank - Anti T3/T4
tlldischarge Discharge JetPack Kbot
tlldivine Divine Mobile Radar
tlldmc DMC Dark Matter Cannon
tlldt Dragon's Teeth Dragon's Teeth
tlldtns Shark's Teeth Shark's Teeth
tlleap Experimental Aircraft Plant Produces T3 Aircraft
tllemp Freezer Long range EMP Launcher
tllemstor Super Storage Increases Energy & Metal Storage [250000/50000
tllequalizer Equalizer Cruiser
tllestor Energy Storage Increases Energy Storage (20000)
tllevp EVP Produces T3 Vehicles
tllfflak Flakker NS Anti-Air Flak Gun - Naval Series
tllfgate Saint Floating Plasma Deflector
tllfight Sparrow Fighter
tllfireraiser Fireraiser Rocket Kbot
tllfirestarter Firestarter Amphibious Anti-Air Kbot
tllflak Candlestick Anti-Air Flak Gun
tllfnanotc Nano Turret Level 1 Repairs and builds in large radius
tllfnanotc1 Nano Turret Level 2 Repairs and builds in large radius
tllfnanotc2 Nano Turret Level 3 Repairs and builds in large radius
tllgate Shield Generator Plasma Deflector
tllgate1 Shield Generator High Strength Plasma Deflector
tllgazelle Gazelle T3 Anti-Nuke System
tllgen Energy Driller Hybrid Energy Producer/Metal Maker
tllgeo Geothermal Foundry Produces Energy/Metal
tllgeo_mini Geothermal Forge Produces Energy / Metal
tllgiant Giant Aircraft Carrier with Anti-Nuke
tllgladius Vampire Fast Scout Vehicle
tllgrim Grim Reaper Anti T3/T4 Sniper Kbot
tllhailstorm Hailstorm Very Long range Plasma Heavy Kbot
tllhevsenan Floating Nano Turret Repairs and builds in big radius
tllhickatee Hickatee Mobile Radar/Sonar Turtle
tllhlt H.L.T. Heavy Laser Tower
tllhltns NS H.L.T. Heavy Laser Tower - Naval Series
tllhmt H.M.T. Long-Range Anti-Air Tower
tllhoplit Hoplit Anti-Air Rocket Tank
tllhovergauss Maggot Laser Hovertank
tllhoverlight Fox Scout Hovercraft
tllhovermissile Snake Anti-Air Hovercraft
tllhoverrocket Vandal Hovercraft Vpulse Launcher
tllhp Hovercraft Platform Builds Hovercraft
tllhplasma Rimpler Hover Plasma Tank
tllhpns Hovercraft Platform - NS Builds Hovercraft
tllhrk Rlik All-Terrain Heavy Rocket Kbot
tllhtca Advant Makes Advanced T1 Combat Units
tllhtcb High Tech Construction Vehicle Tech Level 3
tllhtcp High Tech Construction Plant Produces Heavy T3 Units
tllhtml Bumblebee Heavy Combat Mechbot
tllion Command Center Ultimate Nuclear Missile Launcher
tlljam Jammer Radar Jammer
tlljuno Tll Juno Anti Minefield Energy Pulse Weapon
tllkrak KrakeN Floating Plasma Battery
tlllab Kbot Lab Produces Kbots
tlllasbot Lizard Laser Raider Kbot
tlllbt Reliser Plasma Tower
tllleatherback Leatherback Anti-Submarine Torpedo Turtle
tlllft L.F.T. Blazing Flame Tower
tllllt LLT Light Lightning Tower
tlllmt Besom Light Anti-Air Tower
tlllmt1 Boosted Besom Boosted Light Anti-Air Tower
tlllmtns NS Besom Light Anti-Air Tower - Naval Series
tllloggerhead Loggerhead Mobile Flak
tllloki Loki Mobile Artillery
tlllongshot Longshot Long Range EMP Paralizer Tank
tlllrpt L.R.P.T. Long Range Plasma Canon
tllmanta Manta Submarine Killer
tllmatamata Matamata Heavy Assault Turtle
tllmedfusion Heavy Elemental Reactor Produces Metal and Energy/ Storage
tllmegacoldfus Dark Matter Converter Produces Metal and Energy/ Storage
tllmex Metal Extractor Extracts Metal
tllmex1 Metal Extractor Overcharged Metal Extractor, Amphibious
tllmine1 Stopper EMP Mine
tllmine2 Medium Mine Low Damage High Impulse Mine
tllmine3 Mega Heavy Mine
tllmine4 Thermite Mine Thermite Mine
tllmine5 Crippler EMP Mine
tllmine6 Mininuke mine Nuke Warhead
tllmixer Mixer Radar Jammer Ship
tllmlrpc Avatar Mobile LRPC
tllmlv Podger Stealthy Minelayer/Minesweeper
tllmm Metal Maker Converts upto 100 Energy into Metal
tllmohogeo Moho Geothermal Foundry Hazardous Geothermal Foundry Produces Energy/Metal
tllmstor Metal Storage Increases Metal Storage (4000)
tllmusk Musk Tech Level 2 Construction Turtle
tllnanotc Nano Turret Level 1 Repairs and builds in large radius
tllnanotc1 Nano Turret Level 2 Repairs and builds in large radius
tllnanotc2 Nano Turret Level 3 Repairs and builds in large radius
tllnssam NS Wiper Floating SAM Tower
tllnuada Nuada Advanced Gunship [Anti T3/T4]
tllobliterator Obliterator Energy weapon
tllobscurer Obscurer Mobile Radar Jammer
tllobserver Observer Mobile Radar Kbot
tllom Om All-Terrain Heavy Duty Attack Turtle
tllorc Orc Battle Sub
tllotter Otter Scout Ship
tllpbot Rainman Rapid Plasma Kbot
tllpcan Private Cannon PeeWee Cannon
tllplasma Happlic Pop-Up Heavy Plasma Cannon
tllplat Seaplane Platform Builds Seaplanes
tllplunger Plunger Submarine
tllprivate Private Infantry Kbot
tllprob Mosquito Air Scout
tllpulaser Adder Pop-Up Heavy Laser
tllpuncher Puncher Mobile Flak Vehicle
tllradar Radar Tower Early Warning System
tllradarns Floating Radar Tower Early Warning System
tllrichter Richter Seismic System
tllriot Pacifier Medium Riot Tank
tllrlrpc Barret Rapid-Fire Long Range Lighting Beam
tllroaster Roaster Mobile Energy Weapon
tllrobber Robber Heavy Armored Air Transport
tllrsplane EC-33 Radar/Sonar Stealth Plane
tllsalamander Salamander Medium Amphibious Tank
tllsam Wiper SAM Tower
tllseab Osprey Torpedo & Fighter Seaplane
tllseaf Gull Seaplane Fighter
tllshaker Earth Shaker Light Mobile Artillery
tllsham Shaman Resurrection Kbot
tllshark Shark Kamikaze Sub
tllshoretorp Fish Hook Shore Torpedo Launcher
tllshu Shu Stealth Fighter
tllsideneck Sideneck Mobile Anti-Air Defense
tllsilo Revenger Nuclear Missile Launcher
tllsnakeneck Snakeneck Mobile Artillery Turtle
tllsniper Assassin Sniper Kbot
tllsoftshell SoftShell Mobile Jammer Turtle
tllsolar Solar Collector Produces Energy
tllsolarns Hybrid Solar Collector/Tidal Generator Produce Energy
tllsonar Sonar Station Locates Water Units
tllsonpl Swallow Sonar Aircraft
tllspy Sneak Radar-Invisible Spy Kbot
tllsquid Squid Sonar Jamming Sub
tllsr SoulRaiZer Ressurection Sub
tllsting Stinger Anti-Air Ship
tllstuner Sleeper Stuner Cannon
tllsubpen Sub Pen Produces T2 Subs
tllsy Shipyard Produces T1 Ships
tlltarg Center Station Automatic Targeting, Very Long Range Radar/Sonar
tlltelsatnk Telsa Tank Telsa Assault Tank
tllthumper Thumper Very Heavy Assault Tank
tlltide Tidal Generator Produces Energy
tlltorp Torpedo Launcher Torpedo Launcher
tlltorpcop Fisher Gunship Copter
tlltorpp Trawler Torpedo Bomber
tlltower Hasseloff Watch Tower
tlltplane Zergon Air Transport
tlltraq Tracker Inflitration Kbot
tlltrid Trident Energy weapon
tllturtle Turtle Mobile Anti-Missile Defense
tllturtle_lab Turtle Lab Produces Kbots
tllupgweb Charged Tesla High-Voltage Lightning Tower
tlluwestorage Underwater Energy Storage Increases Energy Storage (21000)
tlluwfusion Underwater Heavy Elemental Reactor Produces Metal and Energy/ Storage
tlluwjam UW Sonar Jammer Sonar Jammer
tlluwmex Underwater Metal Extractor Extracts Metal
tlluwmstorage Underwater Metal Storage Increases Metal Storage (4100)
tllvaliant Valiant Hero (TLL)
tllviking Viking Battleship
tllviolator Violator Destroyer
tllvisitor Visitor Missile Ship
tllvp Vehicle Plant Produces T1 Vehicles
tllweb Tesla Lightning Tower
tllwhale Whale Missile Sub
tllwindtrap Wind Trap Produces Energy
tllwmconv Metal Producer Converts upto 100 Energy into Metal
tllwmmohoconv Floating Moho Metal Maker Converts upto 1000 Energy into Metal
trem Tremor Heavy Artillery Vehicle
troman Troman Experimental Sniper Gaus Kbot
uppercut Uppercut Tactical Nuclear Submarine
vaporiser Vaporiser High Energy Laser Tank
watcher Watcher Batlefield Radar and Sonar Hovercraft
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