Releases: telmotrooper/squash-the-creeps
Releases · telmotrooper/squash-the-creeps
feat/house-keeping (#79) * Smoke looks at camera, not player * Adjusting Goweti * Using simpler collision shapes for floating platforms * Using same green in Goweti as in main platform * Using convex polygon shape instead of concave * Giving meaningful names for nodes in Goweti * No 'goweti' scene anymore * Reorganizing nodes in TestMap * Removed invisible cylinders * Cleaning up test_map * Cleaning up test_map #2 Co-authored-by: Telmo Valverde <[email protected]>
feat/gem-types (#78) * Fixed a few errors in 'reload_current_scene' * Added green gems * Added purple gems Co-authored-by: Telmo Valverde <[email protected]>
feat/portal-requirements (#77) * Implemented initial version of portals locked by number of Godot Heads collected * Outline in labels, portal shows hud when requirement is not met * Changed text for Godot Heads requirement * Adjusted render priority for 3D labels in portals * Split 'map_name' and 'label' in portals Co-authored-by: Telmo Valverde <[email protected]>
feat/gem-hud (#76) * Made ScoreLabel unique * Added a basic HUD for the gems * Fixed bug of menu skybox not looping * Added animation to hide and disply HUD * Play HUD animation when Godot Head is collected * HUD is hidden by default * HUD is shown when game is paused and hidden when it unpauses Co-authored-by: Telmo Valverde <[email protected]>
feat/gems (#75) * Moved 'menu_env' to folder 'ui' * Have separation in HBoxContainer and VBoxContainer set in the theme instead of in each node * Remove separation from UI elements at node-level * Added condition in 'generate_progress_report' to be able to load map straight from editor * Added red gem * Adjust shape for red_gem * Making gem follow player * Make gem disappear when it's too close to player * Play sound when gem is collected * Put a bunch of gems in the map Co-authored-by: Telmo Valverde <[email protected]>
feat/fonts (#74) * Removed unnecessary comment * Using font Montserrat Semi Bold for most UI elements and Extra Bold for HUD Co-authored-by: Telmo Valverde <[email protected]>
feat/refactor-collectables (#73) * Do not recalculate progress every time a godot head is registered * Do not call 'count_godot_heads' every time a godot head is registered * Added method 'initialize' in GameState * Removed signal pointing to invalid function * Added function 'generate_progress_report' * Simplified 'count_godot_heads' now that the progress dict has all the information needed * Removed unnecessary operation from 'generate_progress_report' * Removed 'count_godot_heads' Co-authored-by: Telmo Valverde <[email protected]>
feat/progress-menu (#72) * Fixed separation between 'Toggle Fullscreen' and 'Controls' * Refactoring pause menu * Working on Progress menu * Trying to improve pause menu and submenus * Refactoring submenu logic * Replaced all back button functions with a single one * Removing 'TODO' comment * Added function 'open_submenu' * Renamed a couple nodes * Renamed 'Reload Map' to 'Restart Map'; Fixed horizontal size in Settings. * Allow using Alt+Enter in Pause menu * Make it so materials are read from .glb instead of creating .material files by default * Do not loop OGG files by default * Initial version of Progress submenu implemented * Added data structure to manage global progress * Displaying percentage per level * Showing global percentage in progress button Co-authored-by: Telmo Valverde <[email protected]>
Update Godot from 3.5 RC 2 to 3.5 RC 3
feat/total-collectables (#70) * Showing how many godot heads are there in a level * Making 'godot_heads_collected' be a multi-level dict * Working as intended * Refactoring changes * Removed method 'update_godot_head_counter' * Renamed variable to maintain consistency * Deleted commented lines * Printing warning if Godot Head is not correctly registered Co-authored-by: Telmo Valverde <[email protected]>