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Create Single Round Match Using Admin Tool

skyhit edited this page Jan 16, 2015 · 2 revisions

Creating a contest

  1. Run admin.bat for Windows or for Others. Or through Java Web Start using You may meet Java Security problem, please follow to add to the Exception Site list.

Uncheck Use SSL, login as heffan/password.

  1. Click "Actions" -> "Contest Management..." in the menu.Then click Add button.

  1. Enter any name on the Name field. Then click Apply.

  1. The Rounds button will then be enabled, click it to open the Round Selection window.
    Click Add and another window will open.
    On the new window fill the Name and Short Name fields.
    Change the Type to Single Round Match.
    Unless this is specifically necessary for your test, you can leave, Registration Limit and Invitational at default values 1024 and No, and click Apply

  1. The other buttons will now be enabled. Click the Segments button. On Round Segments window:

  2. Change Registration Start date and Coding Start date.

  3. Set the time for each date.

  4. Change Registration Length and Coding Length.

  5. Change Intermission Length and Challenge Length.

  6. Click OK button.

You can adjust the above values according to your situation

  1. Click the Problems button, on the Round Problem Frame window:

  2. Select the problem we created before and click the Assign button.

  3. Select the Division.

  4. Double click on the assigned problem, another window will open, Change the Difficulty and Points.

  1. Click Languages, Choose Select Languages and check all Languages:

  1. Now press Room assignment algorithm, click OK to set room assign algorithm.

Other settings (Survey, Questions, Languages, Event) can be left untouched, unless you specifically need them for your test match.

Click OK on all the open windows, then close everything until you go back to the Main Window of the app.

Now if you want to adjust the Time Limit or Memory Limit , you must do here before load round contest

  1. Now use File -> Load Round Access and select the round you just created. Wait for Change round successful message. Press OK.

Running the contest

  1. Click "File" -> "Load Round access..." in the menu.
  2. Select the newly created contest then click Select. A message will appear saying Change round successful. Press OK.
  3. In the main menu, click "Run contest" -> "Before contest" -> "Set Round Terms...". Click OK.

  1. Use "Run contest" -> "Before contest" -> "Load round", click Yes