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VM Problem Trouble Shooting

skyhit edited this page Jan 17, 2015 · 2 revisions

Problem with Web Arena Login

when logining with web arena, if you get error with callback like this url,

the main reason is the web_module is not properly servicing. You need to redeploy the web module.

  1. Login VM as tc account.
  2. cd ~/web
  3. svn up (update to latest code, optional, as when VM created, it is pulling the latest code)
  4. ant -f build_tc.xml deploy (if you meet problem this this step check following.)
  5. jbb
  6. ./ (enter 'yes').
  7. ./
  8. tn (monitoring the log to make sure the jboss services are started properly).

Problem with TopCoder Web Build

when doing 'ant -f build_tc.xml deploy', if you get error like

HttpClientHandler: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair url=

the main reason is there are problem with SVN server. to get round it, is to use JDK 7 or higher.

  1. vi ~/.bash_profile
  2. update JAVA_HOME to /opt/jdk1.7.0_67
  3. for PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$JBOSS_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin, move $JAVA_HOME/bin at first, like PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH:$HOME/bin:$JBOSS_HOME/bin
  4. relogin as tc account to make sure the environment variable take affect.
  5. rebuild as above.

Problem with Compilation and Testing

If you meet problem like

Could not compile solution. Error :Unable to execute HTTP request: Connection to http://localhost:9324 refused

it is because the local SQS service is down, you can fix it by the following steps.

  1. login as apps account.
  2. run jps to find the process id for elasticmq-server-x.x.x.jar
  3. kill -9 <<process id>>
  4. cd ~/dev/arena-vm
  5. java -jar ~/dev/arena-vm/elasticmq-server-0.8.3.jar &
  6. sleep 10
  7. create local sqs queues

java -cp "/home/apps/app/lib/jars/*" -Darena.sqs-endpoint='http://localhost:9324' com.topcoder.arena.util.sqs.LocalSqsSetup 'http://localhost:9324' devArenaCode- compile admin-test listener-results proc-results mm-test practice srm-test