Releases: torognes/vsearch
Several new commands and option added, including subsampling and fastq file processing. New autotools build system.
VSEARCH version 1.1.3
More bug fixes for large datasets
VSEARCH version 1.1.2
Fix bug with all commands involving searches in large datasets (>4Gbp). Fix format of help text.
VSEARCH version 1.1.1
Added info about --log and --quiet options to the help text.
VSEARCH version 1.1.0
VSEARCH 1.1.0: Support for options --quiet and --log
VSEARCH version 1.0.16
Integrate patches to the code from Debian
VSEARCH version 1.0.15
Fix bug in calculation of identity metric between sequences when using the MBL definition (--iddef 3).
VSEARCH version 1.0.14
VSEARCH 1.0.14: Fix for ignored strand in multiple sequence alignment after clustering
VSEARCH version 1.0.13
VSEARCH 1.0.13 fixes a memory allocation problem with multiple sequence alignments with clustered sequences and a memory leak. It also increases the maximum FASTA header line length to 4MB.
VSEARCH version 1.0.12
VSEARCH version 1.0.12 has a temporary fix for long FASTA header lines.