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Releases: torognes/vsearch

VSEARCH 2.25.0

10 Nov 17:33
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Allow a given percentage of mismatches, specified with the chimeras_diff_pct option, between chimeras and parents for the experimental chimeras_denovo command.

VSEARCH 2.24.0

26 Oct 15:40
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Update documentation. Improve code. Allow up to 20 parents for the undocumented and experimental chimeras_denovo command. Fix compilation warnings for sha1.c. Compile for release (not debug) by default.

VSEARCH 2.23.0

07 Jul 11:20
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Update documentation. Add citation file. Modernize and improve code. Fix several minor bugs. Fix compilation with GCC 13. Print stats after fastq_mergepairs to log file instead of stderr. Handle sizein option correctly with dbmatched option for usearch_global. Allow maxseqlength option for makeudb_usearch. Fix memory allocation problem with chimera detection. Add lengthout and xlength options. Increase precision for eeout option. Add warning about sintax algorithm, random seed and multiple threads. Refactor chimera detection code. Add undocumented experimental long_chimeras_denovo command. Fix segfault with clustering. Add more references.

VSEARCH 2.22.1

19 Sep 09:11
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Add the derep_smallmem command for dereplication with less memory usage. Remove compiler warnings.

VSEARCH 2.21.2

12 Sep 16:13
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Fix problems with the --lcaout option.

VSEARCH 2.21.1

18 Jan 17:35
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Fix dereplication with empty input file.

VSEARCH 2.21.0

12 Jan 17:36
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This version adds the sample, qsegout and tsegout options. It also enables the use of UDB databases with uchime_ref.

VSEARCH 2.20.1

11 Jan 09:56
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Fix hang in fastq_mergepairs with multiple threads.

VSEARCH 2.20.0

10 Jan 14:56
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Added the fastx_uniques command and the fastq_qout_max option for dereplication of FASTQ files. Some code cleaning.

VSEARCH 2.19.0

21 Dec 15:38
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Added the lcaout and lca_cutoff options to enable the output of last common ancestor (LCA) information about hits when searching. The randseed option was added as a valid option to the sintax command. Code improvements.