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Releases: torognes/vsearch


27 Aug 10:44
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Added the fasta2fastq command. Fixed search bug on ppc64le. Fixed bug with removal of size and ee info in uc files. Fixed compilation errors in some cases. Made some general code improvements. Updated manual.

VSEARCH 2.17.1

14 Jun 16:20
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Modernized code. Minor update to help info.

VSEARCH 2.17.0

29 Mar 16:15
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The fastq_mergepairs command has been changed. It now allows merging of sequences with overlaps as short as 5 bp if the --fastq_minovlen option has been adjusted down from the default 10. In addition, much fewer pairs of reads should now be rejected with the reason 'multiple potential alignments' as the algorithm for detecting those have been changed. The orient command has also been improved.

VSEARCH 2.16.0

22 Mar 14:37
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This version adds the orient command. It also handles empty input files properly. Documentation has been updated.

VSEARCH 2.15.2

26 Jan 12:45
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No real functional changes, but some code and compilation changes. Code updated for C++11. Switch to C++ header files. Minor adaptations for Windows compatibility, including the use of the C++ standard library for regular expressions. Minor changes for compatibility with Power8. Compiles successfully on macOS running on Apple Silicon (ARMv8).

VSEARCH 2.15.1

28 Oct 16:25
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Fix for derep_fulllength when including reverse complement sequences and headers. Make some extra checks when loading compression libraries and add more diagnostic output about them to the output of the version command. Report an error when fastx_filter is used with FASTA input and options that require FASTQ input. Update manual.

Added binary for macOS on Apple Silicon.

VSEARCH 2.15.0

19 Jun 14:55
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Update manual and documentation. Turn on notrunclabels option for sintax command by default. Change maxhits 0 to mean unlimited hits, like the default. Allow non-ascii characters in headers, with a warning. Sort centroids and uc too when clusterout_sort specified. Add cluster id to centroids output when clusterout_id specified. Improve error messages when parsing FASTQ files. Add missing fastq_qminout option and fix label_suffix option for fastq_mergepairs. Add derep_id command that dereplicates based on both label and sequence. Remove compilation warnings.

VSEARCH 2.14.2

28 Jan 14:51
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Fixed some issues with the cut, fastx_revcomp, fastq_convert, fastq_mergepairs, and makeudb_usearch commands. Updated manual.

VSEARCH 2.14.1

18 Sep 12:07
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Fixed bug with sequences written to file specified with fastaout_rev for commands fastx_filter and fastq_filter.

VSEARCH 2.14.0

11 Sep 14:07
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Added relabel_self option. Added fasta_width, sizein, sizeout and relabelling options as valid for certain commands.