Releases: wang-ruifan/Scientific-Calculator-ForAndroid
Releases · wang-ruifan/Scientific-Calculator-ForAndroid
Homework submit version
- 横竖屏切换科学/普通计算器
- 暗色模式和亮色模式切换
- 历史记录显示(显示运算过程和结构)
- 历史记录结构调用(点击某一条历史记录后),返回输入选择的结果
- 历史记录清空
Version Submitted for Additional Course Assignment
- Switch between scientific/standard calculators in landscape/portrait mode
- Toggle between dark mode and light mode
- Display of history records (showing the calculation process and results)
- Recall history records (clicking on a specific history record will return its result for input)
- Clear history records
Note: History records are stored temporarily and are not written to files. They will disappear after the app is closed.