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Warren Tode edited this page Apr 23, 2023 · 2 revisions

Standard Currency


Copper Coin

  • 1 Currency Stamp + 1 Copper Nugget in Coin Press = 2 Copper Coins

Iron Coin

  • 1 Currency Stamp + 1 Iron Nugget in Coin Press = 2 Iron Coins

Gold Coin

  • 1 Currency Stamp + 1 Gold Nugget in Coin Press = 2 Gold Coins

Netherite Coin

  • 1 Currency Stamp + 1 Netherite Nugget in Coin Press = 2 Netherite Coins

Lucky Coin

  • 1 Currency Stamp + 1 Lucky Nugget in Coin Press = 2 Lucky Coins


Emerald Quarter Bank Note

  • 1 Currency Stamp + 1 Emerald Coarse Wove Paper in Coin Press = 1 Emerald Quarter Bank Note

Emerald Half Bank Note

  • 1 Currency Stamp + 1 Emerald Wove Paper in Coin Press = 1 Emerald Half Bank Note

Emerald Bank Note

  • 1 Currency Stamp + 1 Emerald Smooth Wove Paper in Coin Press = 1 Emerald Bank Note

Currency Stamps

Currency Stamp

  1. Smooth Stone Slab
  2. Cobblestone
  3. Smooth Stone Slab

Nether Currency


Nether Gold Coin

  • 1 Currency Stamp + 1 Gold Ingot in Coin Press = 1 Nether Gold Coin

Currency Stamps

Nether Currency Stamp

  1. Blackstone Slab
  2. Chiseled Polished Blackstone
  3. Blackstone Slab

For those interested in learning alongside us as I work on this project...

History of Currency

  1. Minting
  2. Hammered Coinage
  • (which later became the automated process we know today)
  1. Cast Coinage
  • (a process in which the metal is smelted and then cooled in a mold)
  • on my possible to-do list
  1. Banknotes
  • the Chinese were the first to use banknotes as paper currency

Mythos of the Leprechaun

  1. Brief and Basic Rundown of the Mythos
  • my to-do list includes a buried treasure structure to reflect the mythos

History of Banking

  1. Overview
  2. mintmasters and moneyers
  3. Münzmeister
  4. Master of the Mint
  5. Warden of the Mint
  6. Numismatist * I had no idea that this was even a thing, now added to the mod as a Wandering Trader type
  1. engraver
  • It's really fascinating to me how much overlap there is between the minters and the goldsmiths and jewelers throughout this history.
  • on my possible to-do list is to create additional professions to reflect this

Textiles, Fabric, and Currency Paper

  1. Banknote Materials
  2. Oriental Paperbush
  3. Washi
  4. US currency material
  5. cotton paper
  6. rag paper
  7. linen paper
  8. textile industry
  9. 12 different types of fabric
  10. Wove Paper
  11. A Brief History of Wove Paper
  12. A Turning Point in the History of Paper Making

History of Bartering

  1. Overview
  2. History and Examples of the Barter Trade System
  3. Guide to the Barter Economy & the Barter System History
  4. The History of the Trade and Barter System
  5. The Myth of the Barter Economy
  • I find this article particularly interesting, especially when you compare the idea presented in it to how the Piglin's barter system works in Minecraft - currency is still being used, but it's more of a trade and bargaining process with the Piglins, isn't it?
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