The source code for our ECCV2022 paper "Black-Box Dissector: Towards Erasing-based Hard-Label Model Stealing Attack". Our codes are based on the source code of Knockoff-Nets kindly provided by the authors.
Can be set up as:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Prepare the folder as follows:
├── attackset
├── data
└── models
├── attack
└── victim
You will need five datasets to perform all experiment in the paper, all extracted into the 'data/' directory.
- Victim datasets:
- CIFAR10 (In
) - MNIST (In
) - Caltech256 (Images in
) - CUB-200-2011 (Images in
- CIFAR10 (In
- Attack datasets:
- ImageNet ILSVRC 2012 (Images in
- ImageNet ILSVRC 2012 (Images in
The structure of image files looks like:
└── ILSVRC2012
└── training_imgs
└── n01440764
├── n01440764_18.jpeg
├── n01440764_36.jpeg
└── ...
└── ...
└── 256_ObjectCategories
└── 001.ak47
├── 001_0001.jpg
├── 001_0002.jpg
└── ...
└── ...
└── cifar10
├── batches.meta
├── data_batch_1
└── ...
└── CUBS_200_2011
└── images
└── 001.Black_footed_Albatross
├── Black_Footed_Albatross_0001_796111.jpg
├── Black_Footed_Albatross_0002_55.jpg
└── ...
└── ...
└── mnist
├── processed
└── raw
# Format:
$ python blackbox_model/victim/ DS_NAME ARCH -d DEV_ID \
-o models/victim/VIC_DIR -e EPOCHS --pretrained
# where DS_NAME = {CUBS200, Caltech256, CIFAR10, MNIST}, ARCH = resnet34
# More details:
$ python blackbox_model/victim/ --help
# Example (CUBS-200-2011):
$ python blackbox_model/victim/ CUBS200 resnet34 -d 1 \
-o models/victim/cubs200-resnet34 -e 100 --log-interval 25 \
--pretrained imagenet
In order to simulate the online APIs, we first obtain the output value of the victim model for all images and save it. Note: This does not mean the attacker has the predicted value of all pictures, the attacker can only access a certain number according to the budget.
# Format:
$ python --victim_dataset VD_NAME \
--victim_model_dir models/victim/VIC_DIR --out_dir attackset/O_DIR/ \
--queryset DS_NAME --batch_size BS -d DEV_ID
# where VD_NAME = {CUBS200, Caltech256, CIFAR10, MNIST}, DS_NAME = ImageNet1k
# More details:
$ python --help
# Example (CUBS-200-2011):
$ python --victim_dataset CUBS200 \
--victim_model_dir models/victim/cubs200-resnet34 --out_dir attackset/cubs200-resnet34/ \
--queryset ImageNet1k --batch_size 128 -d 1
# Format:
$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES = DEV_ID python --test_dataset DS_NAME --dataset_path attackset/O_DIR/ \
--batch_size BS --modelname ARCH --cuda BOOL --train_epochs EPOCHS \
--initial_budget BUDGET --blackbox_dir models/victim/VIC_DIR --save_dir models/attack/ATT_DIR \
--tmp_dir data/TMP_DIR --sampling_strategy STRATEGY --lr LR --weight_decay WD --momentum MOMENTUM \
--sh SH --num_workers NW --pretrained PRETRAINED --step_size SS
# where DS_NAME = {CUBS200, Caltech256, CIFAR10, MNIST}, modelname = {resnet34, resnet18, resnet50, vgg16, densenet}, STRATEGY = {radom, kcenter}, pretrained = {None, imagenet}
# More details:
$ python --help
# Example (CUBS-200-2011):
$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES = 1 python --test_dataset CUBS200 --dataset_path attackset/cubs200-resnet34/attackset.pickle \
--batch_size 128 --modelname resnet34 --cuda True --train_epochs 200 \
--initial_budget 100 --blackbox_dir models/victim/cubs200-resnet34 --save_dir models/attack/cubs200-resnet34/ \
--tmp_dir data/tmp_CUBS200/ --sampling_strategy random --lr 0.02 --weight_decay 5e-4 --momentum 0.9 \
--sh 0.1 --num_workers 16 --pretrained None --step_size 60