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WIP:Implement watcher behaviour #45

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49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -278,6 +278,55 @@ We can use a single stream for multiplex watches, see [example](/test/eetcd_watc
- `Active` is normal connection.
- `Freeze` is a broken connection who try to reconnect after `ReconnectSecond`.

##### Watcher - Watcher which use `eetcd_watcher` behaviour

``` erlang


-export([ start_link/2, watch/1, unwatch/0, stop/0 ]).

-export([ handle_watch_events/1, handle_unwatch_response/2 ]).

-type options() :: eetcd_watcher:options().

-type response() :: eetcd_watcher:response().

-type event() :: eetcd_watcher:event().

-type watch_req() :: eetcd_watcher:watch_req().

-spec watch(watch_req()) -> ok.
watch(WatchReq) ->
eetcd_watcher:watch(?MODULE, WatchReq).

-spec unwatch() -> ok.
unwatch() ->

-spec start_link(name(), options()) -> ok.
start_link(Client, Options) ->
eetcd_watcher:start_link(?MODULE, Client, Options).

-spec stop() -> ok.
stop() ->

-spec handle_watch_events([event()]) -> ok.
handle_watch_events(Events) ->
%% Handle watch events ...

-spec handle_unwatch([response()], [event()]) -> ok.
handle_unwatch(Responses, Events) ->
%% Handle unwatch response ...


Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions erlang_ls.config
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- "_build/default/lib/*"

- "include"
- "_build/default/lib/*/include"
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions include/eetcd.hrl
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Expand Up @@ -34,4 +34,8 @@

-define(ETCD_CONNS, eetcd_conns).
-record(eetcd_conn, {id, gun, conn, token = []}).

-define(ETCD_WATCHERS, eetcd_watchers).
-record(eetcd_watcher, {name :: atom(), pid :: pid()}).

277 changes: 277 additions & 0 deletions src/eetcd_watcher.erl
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@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@



%% API
-export([start_link/3, stop/1]).
-export([watch/2, watch/3, unwatch/1, unwatch/2]).

%% gen_statem callbacks
-export([callback_mode/0, init/1, ready/3, watching/3, recovering/3, terminate/3, code_change/4]).

-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).

-export_type([watcher/0, options/0, response/0, event/0, watch_req/0]).

%% Types
-type reg_name() :: atom().

-type watch_id() :: integer().

-type options() :: #{retry_watch_interval_ms => integer(),
retry_watch_max_times => non_neg_integer(),
reg_name => reg_name(), %% register name for watcher process
client => name() %% watcher name for eetcd watch process

-type revision() :: integer().

-type watch_req() :: context().

-type watching_item() :: {watch_req(), revision()}.

-type watching() :: #{watch_id() := watching_item()}.

-type statedata() :: #{callback_mod := module(),
watching := watching(),
retry_watch_interval_ms := integer(),
retry_watch_max_times := non_neg_integer(),
retry_times := non_neg_integer(),
client := name(),
conn := undefined | eetcd_watch:watch_conn()

-type retry_times() :: non_neg_integer().

-type retry_item() :: {watch_req(), revision(), retry_times()}.

-type response() :: router_pb:'Etcd.WatchResponse'().

-type event() :: router_pb:'mvccpb.Event'().

-type state() :: ready | watching | recovering.

-type watcher() :: gen_statem:server_ref().

-define(DEFAULT_RETRY_WATCH_MAX, infinity).
-define(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, 5000).

-callback handle_unwatch([response()], [response()]) -> ok.

-callback handle_watch_events([event()]) -> ok.

-optional_callbacks([ handle_unwatch/2 ]).

%%% API

%% @doc send the watch request to the watcher.
-spec watch(watcher(), watch_req()) -> ok | {error, any()}.
watch(Watcher, WatchReq) ->
watch(Watcher, WatchReq, ?DEFAULT_WATCH_TIMEOUT).

-spec watch(watcher(), watch_req(), timeout()) -> ok | {error, any()}.
watch(Watcher, WatchReq, Timeout) ->
gen_statem:call(Watcher, {watch, WatchReq, Timeout}, infinity).

%% @doc send the unwatch request to the watcher.
%% Notice: it would unwatch all requests in
-spec unwatch(watcher()) -> ok | {error, any()}.
unwatch(Watcher) ->

-spec unwatch(watcher(), timeout()) -> ok | {error, any()}.
unwatch(Watcher, Timeout) ->
gen_statem:call(Watcher, {unwatch, Timeout}, infinity).

%% @doc stop the eetcd watcher.
-spec stop(watcher()) -> ok.
stop(Watcher) ->

%%% API

%% @doc
%% Create a watcher process and start watching the keys in `WatchReq'.
%% @end
-spec start_link(module(), name(), options()) -> gen_statem:start_ret().
start_link(Mod, Client, Options) ->
RegName = maps:get(reg_name, Options, Mod),
gen_statem:start_link({local, RegName}, ?MODULE, {Mod, Client, Options}, []).

%%% gen_statem callbacks

%% @private
%% @doc
%% Define the callback_mode() for this callback module.
%% @end
-spec callback_mode() -> gen_statem:callback_mode_result().
callback_mode() -> state_functions.

%% @private
%% @doc
%% Initialize the watcher state.
%% @end
-spec init({module(), name(), options()}) -> {ok, ready, statedata()}.
init({Mod, Client, Options}) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
RetryWatchInterval = maps:get(retry_watch_interval_ms, Options, ?DEFAULT_RETRY_WATCH_INTERVAL_MS),
RetryWatchMax = maps:get(retry_watch_max_times, Options, ?DEFAULT_RETRY_WATCH_MAX),
StateData = #{callback_mod => Mod,
watching => #{},
retry_watch_interval_ms => RetryWatchInterval,
retry_watch_max_times => RetryWatchMax,
conn => undefined,
retry_times => 0,
client => Client
{ok, ready, StateData}.

-spec ready({call, gen_statem:from()}, {watch, watch_req(), timeout()}, statedata()) ->
keep_state_and_data | {next_state, watching}.
ready({call, Caller}, WatchReq = {watch, #{key := _Key}, _Timeout}, StateData) ->
{next_state, watching, StateData, [{next_event, {call, Caller}, WatchReq}]};
ready(EventType, Msg, _StateData) ->
?LOG_ERROR("Receive unexpected msg ~p of event type: ~p in ready state", [Msg, EventType]),

-spec watching({call, gen_statem:from()}, {watch, watch_req(), timeout()}, statedata()) ->
keep_state_and_data | {next_state, watching}.
watching({call, Caller}, {watch, WatchReq, Timeout},
StateData = #{watching := Watching, conn := WatchConn, client := Client}) ->
case eetcd_watch:watch(Client, WatchReq, WatchConn, Timeout) of
{ok, NewWatchConn = #{watch_ids := WatchIds}, WatchId} ->
#{revision := Revision} = maps:get(WatchId, WatchIds),
NewWatching = Watching#{WatchId => {WatchReq, Revision}},
NewStateData = StateData#{conn => NewWatchConn, watching => NewWatching},
{keep_state, NewStateData, {reply, Caller, ok}};
Err = {error, _Reason} ->
{keep_state_and_data, {reply, Caller, Err}}

watching({call, Caller}, {unwatch, Timeout}, StateData = #{callback_mod := Mod, conn := Conn}) ->
{Reply, Responses, Events} = case eetcd_watch:unwatch(Conn, Timeout) of
{ok, Responses0, OtherEvents} ->
{ok, Responses0, OtherEvents};
{error, Reason, Responses0, OtherEvents} ->
{{error, Reason}, Responses0, OtherEvents}
try Mod:handle_unwatch(Responses, Events)
catch _Class:_Reason -> ok
NewStateData = StateData#{conn => undefined, watching => #{}},
{next_state, ready, NewStateData, {reply, Caller, Reply}};
watching(info, Msg, StateData = #{conn := Conn,
watching := Watching,
callback_mod := Mod}) ->
case eetcd_watch:watch_stream(Conn, Msg) of
{ok, NewConn, WatchEvent = #{ events := Events }} ->
try Mod:handle_watch_events(Events) catch _C:_R -> ok end,
NewWatching = update_revision(Watching, WatchEvent),
{keep_state, StateData#{conn => NewConn, watching => NewWatching}};
{more, NewConn} ->
NewStateData = StateData#{conn => NewConn},
{keep_state, NewStateData};
Err ->
?LOG_ERROR("Watching stream failed for ~p", [Err]),
%% Due to the watch strategy is reuse the same stream by default.
%% If one `watch_stream' failed, all watch requests should be retried.
RetryItems = maps:values(Watching),
NewStateData = StateData#{conn => undefined, watching => #{}},
{next_state, recovering, NewStateData, {state_timeout, 0, RetryItems}}
watching(EventType, EventContent, _StateData) ->
?LOG_ERROR("Receive unexpected msg ~p of event type ~p in watching state",
[EventContent, EventType]),

-spec recovering(state_timeout, [retry_item()], statedata()) ->
keep_state_and_data |
{next_state, ready, statedata()} |
{next_state, watching, statedata()} |
{keep_state, statedata(), {state_timeout, non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}} |
{keep_state_and_data, {reply, gen_statem:from(), {error, recovering}}}.
recovering(state_timeout, _RetryItems , StateData = #{retry_watch_max_times := RetryWatchMaxTimes,
retry_times := RetryTimes})
when RetryTimes >= RetryWatchMaxTimes ->
?LOG_WARNING("Exceeded max retry times: ~p", [RetryWatchMaxTimes]),
{next_state, ready, StateData};
recovering(state_timeout, RetryItems, StateData = #{retry_watch_interval_ms := RetryInterval,
retry_times := RetryTimes}) ->
case retry_watch(RetryItems, StateData) of
{ok, NewStateData} ->
{next_state, watching, NewStateData};
{error, Reason} ->
?LOG_ERROR("Retry watch error for ~p", [Reason]),
NewStateData = StateData#{rety_times => RetryTimes + 1},
{keep_state, NewStateData, {state_timeout, RetryInterval, RetryItems}}
recovering({call, Caller}, _Request, _StateData) ->
{keep_state_and_data, {reply, Caller, {error, recovering}}};
recovering(EventType, EventContent, _StateData) ->
?LOG_ERROR("Receive unexpected msg ~p of event type ~p in recovering state",
[EventType, EventContent]),

-spec terminate(any(), state(), statedata()) ->
terminate(_Reason, _State, _Data) ->

-spec code_change(
OldVsn :: term() | {down,term()},
State :: state(), Data :: statedata(), Extra :: term()) ->
{ok, NewState :: term(), NewData :: term()} |
(Reason :: term()).
code_change(_OldVsn, State, Data, _Extra) ->
{ok, State, Data}.

%%% Internal functions

%% @doc If one request failed, it must be `stream_error' or `conn_error' or `http2_down' and
%% all requests should be retried.
-spec retry_watch([retry_item()], statedata()) -> {ok, statedata()} | {error, any()}.
retry_watch([], StateData) ->
{ok, StateData};
retry_watch([{WatchReq, Revision} | RestRetryItem], StateData = #{conn := Conn,
client := Client,
watching := Watching
}) ->
NewWatchReq = eetcd_watch:with_start_revision(WatchReq, Revision + 1),
case eetcd_watch:watch(Client, NewWatchReq, Conn, ?DEFAULT_WATCH_TIMEOUT) of
{ok, NewWatchConn = #{watch_ids := WatchIds}, WatchId} ->
#{revision := NewRevision} = maps:get(WatchId, WatchIds),
NewWatching = Watching#{WatchId => {NewWatchReq, NewRevision}},
NewStateData = StateData#{conn => NewWatchConn, watching => NewWatching},
retry_watch(RestRetryItem, NewStateData);
{error, Reason} ->
{error, Reason}

-spec update_revision(watching(), router_pb:'Etcd.WatchResponse'()) -> watching().
update_revision(Watching, #{header := #{revision := Rev}, watch_id := WatchId}) ->
maps:update_with(WatchId, fun({Key, _}) -> {Key, Rev} end, Watching).
