Should probably work almost anywhere, was tested on termux(android), linux(debian,ubuntu) and windows 11(with w64devkit).
pip install numpy opencv-python
(on termux is necessary to apt install x11-repo && apt update && apt install opencv && apt install opencv-python
Passing the flag --cuda on NVIDIA GPUs it will use the gpu to compute, also there is the --f32 flag to use float32 on almost all operations, it may improve speed in some machines.
git clone https://github.com/Ar57m/another_fractal_generator
cd another_fractal_generator
bash build.sh
build.sh builds the generator, once is built you can just run the python file.
python server.py
On that python script there is a lot of options to change if needed. You can zoom into fractals(until some depth where precision limits hits).
You can see the flags by running:
python server.py -h



Abelian Sandpile Fractal

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