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Jake Ross edited this page Dec 19, 2020 · 2 revisions

Configuring DVC with an RDBMS (MySQL, MSSQL, etc)

  1. Open Preferences

  2. Goto DVC image

  3. Click "Add saved connection" dvcconnection1

  4. Click the "Enabled" and "Default" column. dvcconnection2

  5. Set Kind to mysql, mssql, or postgres(experimental)

  6. Set a name for this connection

  7. Set the username for your database connection

  8. Set the password for your database connection

  9. Set the host for your database connection

  10. Click "Load available schemas on the selected server"

  11. Select the correct database

  12. Set the github organization that contains your repositories

  13. Set the name of the "MetaData" repository

  14. Set the name of the local "MetaData" directory

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