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Content Example

Quantumrunner edited this page May 16, 2021 · 1 revision

This was the early concept which showed how to define a schema for creating/importing content from the official Fantasy Flight Apps, it hasn't changed much but at some point this needs to be updated with proper documentation.

; content packs include a content header ini which has:
name=Descent Journeys in the Dark Second Edition

; Optional description
description=Base Game, required to play

; Optional image locaiton

; Data, all of these files will be read
; names are cosmetic, data can be anywhere

; Further data from here can be in files listed above

;Each named tile has A and B sides (in the case of D2E this is just A/B)
; optional priority, allows content packs to duplicate content and replace items
; priority=0


; Each tile side has a section
; Optional name for display (if spaces or other formatting required)
; name="Fred"
; Length in number of character spaces (partial required for jigsaw fit)
; Width in number of character spaces (partial required for jigsaw fit)
; offset to top of first space (allow for jigsaw)
; offset to left of first space (allow for jigsaw)
; image to display
; list of traits that tile has
; This will probably need some work to standardise
traits=water inside
; optional priority, allows content packs to duplicate content and replace items
; priority=0

; Optional name for display (if spaces or other formatting required)
name="Fred the Amazing"
; image to display
; Hero Archetype
; This will probably need some work to standardise
traits=male amazing
; optional priority, allows content packs to duplicate content and replace items
; priority=0

; Optional name for display (if spaces or other formatting required)
name="Foo Bringer"
; Class Archetype
; This will probably need some work to standardise
; List of skills
skills=this that other
; List of starting items
items=foo moreFoo
; optional secondary archetype for hybrid classes (type for second class)
; secondaryArchetype=
; optional priority, allows content packs to duplicate content and replace items
; priority=0

; Optional name for display (if spaces or other formatting required)
name="Foo Bringer"
; Experience Cost (default 0)
; optional priority, allows content packs to duplicate content and replace items
; priority=0

; Optional name for display (if spaces or other formatting required)
name="Foo Bringer"
; Sell price (default 0 - not for sale)
; Buy price 0 is special case (not for sale) default 0
; buy=0
; act 1, 2 or 0 (undefined, default)
; act=0
; optional Minimum Fame for purchase (default 0)
; fameMin: 0
; optional Maximum Fame for purchase (default to -1, unlimited)
; fameMax: -1
; This will probably need some work to standardise (relics can be a trait)
traits=starting foo weapon
; optional priority, allows content packs to duplicate content and replace items
; priority=0

; Optional name for display (if spaces or other formatting required)
name="Foo Destroyer"
; image to display
; Description text regarding surge/ability use
info="Applies Foo"
; This will probably need some work to standardise
; optional priority, allows content packs to duplicate content and replace items
; priority=0

; Optional name for display (if spaces or other formatting required)
; name="Foo Destroyer Rush"
; Unique ability text
ability="Double damage!"
; Minion actication
minion="Do things"
; Master activation
master="Do other things"
; Optionally force master to activate first
; masterfirst = 0
; Optionally force minion to activate first
; minionfirst = 0
; optional priority, allows content packs to duplicate content and replace items
; priority=0
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