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rusefillc edited this page Apr 4, 2022 · 31 revisions

Proteus Manual

Q: where can I buy a Proteus?

A: As of Feb 2022 please DM Andrey on the forum, Proteus is in stock just not listed on eBay!

With fabrication files for Proteus you can get a 80% assembled unit from JLCPCB. QTY 2 price XXX, QTY 10 price YYY. While the most complicated main chip is soldered you would still solder a few dozens of surface mount components.


Forum thread here

Source & production files here


TE Ampseal Connectors

Ampseal tutorial video

Ampseal application specification (instruction manual): This document includes how to crimp connectors, how to install them in to headers, and how to remove pins from a header.

Image showing mod for V0.3 DFU problem

3D cases

vented/unvented by Kneelo

by OrchardPerformance

by Kon

We have a plastic CNCed case here

McM 90417A118 black oxide, #4 3/8" long screws recommended

Dev Access

Most boards will need a debug header installed if you want to attach a debugger (not used for normal users). The recommended connector is Samtec PN FTSH-105-01-F-DV-007-K. When soldering the connector, the keying notch goes towards the center of the board, nearer to the 23p center connector.

Any debugger compatible with the standard 10-pin Cortex Debug Header should work, though the STLINK-V3 Mini is recommmended. It's available for $10-12 US from normal distributors like Mouser/Digikey. A ribbon cable is included so the connector and programmer are all that's required to debug on Proteus.


20A Power GND

10A 12V_MR


2A Low side, High side

0.5A 12V_IGN

Adapters DONE

Proteus Honda K 125 Adapter

Proteus M73TU Adapter

Proteus Honda OBD2A Adapter

Proteus M54 Adapter

Proteus Ford

Proteus Mitsubishi 76 adapter

Adapters WIP

Proteus 80pin VAG adapter

Proteus 2004 STI Adapter

Proteus Honda OBD1 Adapter

Proteus N73 Adapter

Proteus 68pin VAG adapter

Adapters maybe NOT

Proteus RX8 Adapter

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