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Key Modifier Manager

spessasus edited this page Mar 2, 2025 · 1 revision

Synthesizer Key Modifier Manager

This powerful tool allows modifying each key on each channel to your needs.

It is accessible via the synth.keyModifierManager property.

Currently, it supports overriding:

  • the velocity of that note
  • the preset used on that note

Adding a key modifier

This function modifies a single key.

synth.keyModifierManager.addModifier(channel, midiNote, options);
  • channel - the MIDI channel to use. It usually ranges from 0 to 15, but it depends on the channel count.
  • midiNote - the MIDI note to modify. Ranges from 0 to 127.
  • options - the note's modifiers. An Object:
    • velocity - number - optional. Forces this key on this channel to be the given velocity. Unchanged if undefined.
    • patch - Object - optional. Forces this key on this channel to play with the given patch.
      • program - number - the program number of the desired patch.
      • bank - number - the bank number of the desired patch.
      • Note that both program and bank must be provided if the patch option is used.

Removing a key modifier

Clears the modifier from a note, making it behave normally.

synth.keyModifierManager.deleteModifier(channel, midiNote)
  • channel - the MIDI channel to use. It usually ranges from 0 to 15, but it depends on the channel count.
  • midiNote - the MIDI note to modify. Ranges from 0 to 127.

Retrieving a key modifier

Get the key modifier for a given key on a given channel. Returns undefined if there's none.

synth.keyModifierManager.getModifier(channel, midiNote)
  • channel - the MIDI channel to use. It usually ranges from 0 to 15, but it depends on the channel count.
  • midiNote - the MIDI note to modify. Ranges from 0 to 127.

The returned value is a KeyModifier object.

Clearing all modifiers

Clears ALL modifiers in this synthesizer instance.
