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SoundFont Manager

spessasus edited this page Mar 2, 2025 · 2 revisions

The SoundFont Manager

The soundfont manager allows for handling multiple soundfonts with a single synthesizer instance.

It is accessible via the synth.soundfontManager property.

Every operation sends a new presetlist event.

Accessing the list of soundfonts


Which is a list of objects defined as follows:

  • id - string - the unique soundfont identifier.
  • bankOffset - number - the bank offset for the soundfont.

The list is ordered from the most important soundfont to the least (e.g., first soundfont is used as a base and other soundfonts get added on top (not override))


When first creating the synthesizer, soundfontList contains one soundfont with the identifier main and bank offset of 0.

The behavior is defined as follows:

  • The program looks for the first soundfont that has the requested program:bank combo and uses it.
  • If not found, the program looks for the first soundfont that has the requested program number and uses it.
  • If not found, the program uses the first preset of the first soundfont.

Adding a new Soundfont

This function adds a new soundfont at the top of the soundfont stack.

await synth.soundfontManager.addNewSoundFont(soundfontBuffer, id, bankOffset = 0);
  • soundfontBuffer - ArrayBuffer - the soundfont binary data.
  • id - string - unique ID for the soundfont. Any string as long as it's unique.
  • bankOffset - number, optional - the bank offset for the soundfont.


This function is asynchronous.

Removing a Soundfont

This function removes a specified soundfont.

  • id - string - unique ID for the soundfont to delete.

Changing the order of Soundfonts

This function reorders the soundfonts.

  • newOrderedList - array of string - The new list of the soundfont identifiers, in the desired order.

Clearing the Soundfonts

This function removes all soundfonts and adds a new one with id main and bank offset of 0.

await synth.soundfontManager.reloadManager(soundfontBuffer);
  • soundfontBuffer - ArrayBuffer - the new soundfont to reload the synth with.


This function is asynchronous.