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Synth Event Handler

spessasus edited this page Mar 2, 2025 · 1 revision

The Synthesizer Event Handler

The synthesizer supports event handling. For example, the MIDI Keyboard in the demo uses handling to visualize key-presses.

It is accessible via the synth.eventHandler property.

Table of contents

Managing the events

Adding event listener

synth.eventHandler.addEvent(name, id, callback);
  • name - the type of the event. refer to the table below.
  • id - unique id for the event listener. Can be anything, as long as it's unique.
  • callback. a function that gets called on the event. Callback takes an object argument. The properties depend on the event type. Refer to the table below.


// log every note played
synth.eventHandler.addEvent("noteon", "note-on-listener", data => {
    console.log(`Note ${data.midiNote} played for channel ${} with velocity ${data.velocity}.`)

Removing event listener

synth.eventHandler.removeEvent(name, id);
  • name - the type of the event.
  • id - the unique id of the event you wish to remove.


// remove the listener we set above
synth.eventHandler.removeEvent("noteon", "note-on-listener");

Delaying the event system

If you need to delay the events (for example, to sync up with something), you can use the timeDelay property.

synth.eventHandler.timeDelay = 5;

The delay time is specified in seconds. Set to 0 to disable (instant callback). Default is 0.

Event types

Table summary


If there's more than one property, the returned value is an object with the properties as keys.

Name Description Callback Properties
noteoff Key has been released - midiNote: number - the note that was released
- channel: number - the channel number which got the note released
noteon Key has been pressed - midiNote: number - the note that was pressed
- channel: number - the channel that the note was played on
- velocity: number - the velocity of the note
pitchwheel Pitch wheel has been altered - channel: number - the channel that was pitch bent
- MSB: number - Most Significant byte of the message
- LSB: number - least significant byte of the message
controllerchange Controller has been changed - channel: number - the channel that CC was changed on
- controllerNumber: number - the number of the MIDI controller list
- controllerValue: number - the new value of the controller
programchange Program has been changed - channel: number - the channel that had its program changed
- program: number - the new MIDI program number
- bank: number - the new bank number of the preset
channelpressure Channel's pressure has been changed - channel: number - the channel affected
- pressure: number - the new pressure
polypressure Note's pressure has been changed - midiNote: number - the note that was affected
- channel: number - the channel affected
- pressure: number - the new pressure
drumchange Channel's drum mode was changed - channel: number - the channel
- isDrumChannel: boolean - if the channel is now a drum channel or not
stopall All voices were stopped None
newchannel A new channel was added to the synth None
mutechannel A channel has been muted/unmuted - channel: number - the channel that was altered
- isMuted: boolean - if the channel is muted or unmuted
presetlistchange The preset list has been changed/initialized - presetList: array - The soundfont preset list. Each item is an object: {presetName: string, program: number, bank: number}
allcontrollerreset All controllers have been reset (and programs!) None. Note: if there were any locked controllers, they will be restored via controllerchange event after. For example allcontrollersreset will be called and then controllerchange for the locked controller.
soundfonterror The loaded soundfont was invalid - error: object - The error message from the SoundFont2 class
synthdisplay A SysEx to display some text has been received - displayData: Uint8Array - the data to display,
- displayType: the type of display. Read more below.


presetlistchange is the recommended way of retrieving the preset list. It automatically combines the soundfonts and sends the list of presets as they will be played. It also signals that the soundfont has been fully loaded.

Detailed descriptions


This event is triggered when a note is released on any channel.


  • midiNote: number - the MIDI key number of the note that was released. Ranges from 0 to 127.
  • channel: number - the channel number which got the note released. Usually it ranges from 0 to 16, but it depends on the channel count.


This event is triggered when a note is pressed on any channel.


  • midiNote: number - the MIDI key number of the note that was pressed. Ranges from 0 to 127.
  • channel: number - the channel that the note was played on. Usually it ranges from 0 to 16, but it depends on the channel count.
  • velocity: number - the velocity of the note (usually more means louder). Ranges from 0 to 127.


This event is triggered when the pitch wheel is altered on any channel.


  • channel: number - the channel that was pitch bent. Usually it ranges from 0 to 16, but it depends on the channel count.
  • MSB: number - Most Significant byte of the message. Ranges from 0 to 127.
  • LSB: number - least significant byte of the message. Ranges from 0 to 127.

Note that the two bytes combined like this MSB << 7 | LSB will give you the pitch bend value from 0 to 16,383. Also note that the pitch bend depends on the pitch bend range, usually two semitones up and down.


This event is triggered when a controller is changed on any channel.


  • channel: number - the channel that CC was changed on. Usually it ranges from 0 to 16, but it depends on the channel count.
  • controllerNumber: number - the number of the MIDI controller list. Ranges from 0 to 127.
  • controllerValue: number - the new value of the controller. Ranges from 0 to 127.

Note that this event is also called after allcontrollerreset if there were any locked controllers. For example, if CC#1 was locked to 64, after allcontrollerreset a controllerchange event will be called with controllerNumber 1 and controllerValue 64.


This event is triggered when a program is changed on any channel (usually MIDI program change, though Some SysExes can change it too). It is also called when receiving a system reset message.


  • channel: number - the channel that had its program changed. Usually it ranges from 0 to 16, but it depends on the channel count.
  • program: number - the new MIDI program number. Ranges from 0 to 127.
  • bank: number - the new bank number of the preset. Ranges from 0 to 127.


This event is triggered when a MIDI channel pressure event is received. This usually controls channels' vibrato.


  • channel: number - the channel affected. Usually it ranges from 0 to 16, but it depends on the channel count.
  • pressure: number - the new pressure. Ranges from 0 to 127.


This event is triggered when a MIDI polyphonic pressure event is received. This controls the pressure of a single note. By default, this controls vibrato in SpessaSynth, though it can be changed with SoundFont modulators.


  • midiNote: number - the MIDI key number of the note that was affected. Ranges from 0 to 127.
  • channel: number - the channel affected. Usually it ranges from 0 to 16, but it depends on the channel count.
  • pressure: number - the new pressure. Ranges from 0 to 127.


This event is triggered when a channel is changed to a drum channel or back to a normal channel. Either with a SysEx message or with a MIDI CC message when the synthesizer is in XG mode.


  • channel: number - the channel that was altered. Usually it ranges from 0 to 16, but it depends on the channel count.
  • isDrumChannel: boolean - if the channel is now a drum channel or not.


This event is triggered when all voices are stopped. Either manually or when receiving a system reset.




This event is triggered when a new channel is added to the synthesizer. Either manually, or when the sequencer detects a Multi-Port MIDI file.




This event is triggered when a channel is muted or unmuted. This only can be done manually, there's no MIDI message to mute a channel.


  • channel: number - the channel that was altered. Usually it ranges from 0 to 16, but it depends on the channel count.
  • isMuted: boolean - if the channel is muted or unmuted.


This event is triggered when the preset list has been changed or initialized, by adding, removing or changing soundfonts, or when a MIDI with an embedded soundfont is loaded. Note that this is the recommended way of retrieving the preset list, rather than loading the soundfont manually.


  • presetList: array - The soundfont preset list. Each item is an object:
    • presetName: string - The name of the preset.
    • program: number - The MIDI program number. Ranges from 0 to 127.
    • bank: number - The bank number of the preset. Ranges from 0 to 127.


This event is triggered when all controllers and programs have been reset. Effectively a system reset.


None. Note that if there were any locked controllers, they will be restored via controllerchange event after (like described in controllerchange).


This event is triggered when the loaded soundfont was invalid.


  • error: Error - The error message from the parser, a JavaScript error object.


This event is triggered when a SysEx to display some text has been received.


  • displayData: Uint8Array - the data to display, as raw bytes extracted from the MIDI SysEx message.
  • displayType: string - the type of display. It can be one of the following:
    • 0 → Sound Canvas Text: The display data is ASCII text for Roland Sound Canvas.
    • 1 → XG Display Letters: Note that the first byte is the sixth byte of the message, also called "Display Letters" is included in the displayData. It is not the part of the text itself, but contains some information that you may want to parse. Refer to the XG specification for more information.
    • 2 → Sound Canvas Dot Display: The Sound Canvas Dot Display message. Usually used for the SC-55 and SC-88. Read page 193 from SC-88Pro owner's manual for more information.
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