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Usage As Library
If you encounter any errors in this documentation, please open an issue!
It is recommended to obtain spessasynth_lib
via git
rather than releases as it usually has the latest bugfixes. (and bugs ;)
- Getting Started with SpessaSynth
- Examples
To use the program as a library, copy the spessasynth_lib
folder to your desired destination.
Or use the npm package
npm install --save spessasynth_lib
I might forget to add a method to the npm's index.js, which results with it not being importable. If that happens, please open an issue.
The minimal working setup requires Synthetizer
class and adding the worklet module.
The setup is initialized as follows:
const synth = new Synthetizer(outputNode, soundFontBuffer);
Make sure to replace /path/to/worklet/
with one of the paths described here.
Using the npm package? Make sure you've read this
These examples assume that you have a soundfont named soundfont.sf2
in the same folder as the .js file.
These examples assume that you've copied the spessasynth_lib folder, rather than the npm package.
This demo demonstrates how to quickly set up a synthesizer and a sequencer to play a MIDI file.
The demo uses three classes:
class, MIDI
class and Sequencer
<p id="message">Please wait for the soundFont to load.</p>
<input type="file" id="midi_input" accept=".mid, .rmi">
<script src="simple_demo.js" type="module"></script>
Note the type="module" in the script tag.
What the script does:
- Import the necessary variables
-es thesoundfont.sf2
- Parses the read file using
- Initializes an
and adds the worklet - Initializes
instance with the parsed soundfont - Adds an
for the file input:- Initializes a
instance and connects it to theSynthetizer
instance we created earlier - Starts the playback via
- Initializes a
// import the modules
import { Sequencer } from "./spessasynth_lib/sequencer/sequencer.js";
import { Synthetizer } from "./spessasynth_lib/synthetizer/synthetizer.js";
import { WORKLET_URL_ABSOLUTE } from "./spessasynth_lib/synthetizer/worklet_url.js";
// load the soundfont
fetch("soundfont.sf2").then(async response => {
// load the soundfont into an array buffer
let soundFontArrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
document.getElementById("message").innerText = "SoundFont has been loaded!";
// add an event listener for the file inout
document.getElementById("midi_input").addEventListener("change", async event => {
// check if any files are added
if (!event.target.files[0]) {
const midiFile = await(event.target.files[0].arrayBuffer()); // get the file and conver to ArrayBuffer
const context = new AudioContext(); // create an audioContext
await context.audioWorklet.addModule(new URL("path/to/spessasynth_lib/" + WORKLET_URL_ABSOLUTE, import.meta.url)); // add the worklet
const synth = new Synthetizer(context.destination, soundFontArrayBuffer); // create the synthetizer
const seq = new Sequencer([{binary: midiFile}], synth); // create the sequencer
It's that simple!
The code above is very basic, it only allows uploading a midi file. We can add more features such as play/pause and time controls to our player without much effort.
Let's add some control buttons:
<h1>SpessaSynth demo</h1>
<p id="message">Please wait for the soundFont to load.</p>
<input type="file" id="midi_input" multiple accept=".mid, .rmi">
<input type="range" min="0" max="1000" value="0" id="progress">
<button id="previous">Previous song</button>
<button id="pause">Pause</button>
<button id="next">Next song</button>
<!-- note the type="module" -->
<script src="advanced_demo.js" type="module"></script>
Now we need to add functionality to those buttons:
- Input can now accept more files
- Previous song button
- Pause button
- Next song button
- Song progress slider
// import the modules
import { WORKLET_URL_ABSOLUTE } from '../spessasynth_lib/synthetizer/worklet_url.js'
import { Sequencer } from '../spessasynth_lib/sequencer/sequencer.js'
import { Synthetizer } from '../spessasynth_lib/synthetizer/synthetizer.js'
// load the soundfont
fetch("soundfont.sf2").then(async response => {
// load the soundfont into an array buffer
let soundFontBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
document.getElementById("message").innerText = "SoundFont has been loaded!";
// create the context and add audio worklet
const context = new AudioContext();
await context.audioWorklet.addModule(new URL("path/to/spessasynth_lib/" + WORKLET_URL_ABSOLUTE, import.meta.url));
const synth = new Synthetizer(context.destination, soundFontBuffer); // create the synthetizer
let seq;
// add an event listener for the file inout
document.getElementById("midi_input").addEventListener("change", async event => {
// check if any files are added
if (!event.target.files[0]) {
// resume the context if paused
await context.resume();
// parse all the files
const parsedSongs = [];
for (let file of event.target.files) {
const buffer = await file.arrayBuffer();
binary: buffer, // binary: the binary data of the file
altName: file.name // altName: the fallback name if the MIDI doesn't have one. Here we set it to the file name
if(seq === undefined)
seq = new Sequencer(parsedSongs, synth); // create the sequencer with the parsed midis
seq.play(); // play the midi
seq.loadNewSongList(parsedSongs); // the sequencer is alreadu created, no need to create a new one.
seq.loop = false; // the sequencer loops a single song by default
// make the slider move with the song
let slider = document.getElementById("progress");
setInterval(() => {
// slider ranges from 0 to 1000
slider.value = (seq.currentTime / seq.duration) * 1000;
}, 100);
// on song change, show the name
seq.addOnSongChangeEvent(e => {
document.getElementById("message").innerText = "Now playing: " + e.midiName;
}, "example-time-change"); // make sure to add a unique id!
// add time adjustment
slider.onchange = () => {
// calculate the time
seq.currentTime = (slider.value / 1000) * seq.duration; // switch the time (the sequencer adjusts automatically)
// add button controls
document.getElementById("previous").onclick = () => {
seq.previousSong(); // go back by one song
// on pause click
document.getElementById("pause").onclick = () => {
if (seq.paused) {
document.getElementById("pause").innerText = "Pause";
seq.play(); // resume
else {
document.getElementById("pause").innerText = "Resume";
seq.pause(); // pause
document.getElementById("next").onclick = () => {
seq.nextSong(); // go to next song
This example creates a simple piano to be played with the mouse. It also allows uploading a soundfont instead of using a built-in one.
We need to add an input for uploading the soundfont and the table for our piano.
<h1>SpessaSynth demo: piano</h1>
<label for='soundfont_input'>Upload the soundfont.</label>
<input accept='.sf2, .sf3, .dls' id='soundfont_input' type='file'>
<tr id='piano'>
<!-- note the type="module" -->
<script src='piano.js' type='module'></script>
We create a 36-key keyboard and add pointer events to it which control the note-on and note-off messages.
// import the modules
import { Synthetizer } from "../src/spessasynth_lib/synthetizer/synthetizer.js";
import { WORKLET_URL_ABSOLUTE } from "../src/spessasynth_lib/synthetizer/worklet_url.js";
document.getElementById("soundfont_input").onchange = async e =>
// check if there's a file uploaded
if (!e.target.files[0])
const file = e.target.files[0];
const soundFontBuffer = await file.arrayBuffer(); // convert to array buffer,
// create the context and add audio worklet
const context = new AudioContext();
await context.audioWorklet.addModule(new URL("../src/spessasynth_lib/" + WORKLET_URL_ABSOLUTE, import.meta.url));
const synth = new Synthetizer(context.destination, soundFontBuffer); // create the synthesizer
// create a 36-key piano
const piano = document.getElementById("piano");
for (let i = 0; i < 36; i++)
// create the key and add some styles
const key = document.createElement("td");
key.style.background = "white";
key.style.height = "10em";
key.style.width = "2em";
key.style.margin = "0.2em";
// add mouse events
key.onpointerdown = () =>
// key press: play a note
synth.noteOn(0, 46 + i, 127);
key.style.background = "red";
key.onpointerup = () =>
// key release: stop a note
synth.noteOff(0, 46 + i);
key.style.background = "white";
key.onpointerleave = key.onpointerup;
Let's spice up our demo a bit! This is a very simplified version of the web app visualization, but feel free to expand upon it to create something amazing!
We need to add the canvas and our "keyboard"
<h1>SpessaSynth demo: visualizer</h1>
<p id="message">Please wait for the soundFont to load.</p>
<input type="file" id="midi_input" multiple accept=".mid, .rmi">
<canvas id="canvas" width="1000" height="500"></canvas>
<tr id="keyboard"></tr>
<!-- note the type="module" -->
<script src="visualizer.js" type="module"></script>
We use two functions of the API to achieve this:
This connects the AnalyserNode
s to the synthesizer,
allowing visualizations.
synth.eventHandler.addEvent("noteon", event => {/*...*/})
Event system allows us to hook up events (in this case, note on and off to visualize key presses)
// import the modules
import { Sequencer } from './spessasynth_lib/sequencer/sequencer.js'
import { Synthetizer } from './spessasynth_lib/synthetizer/synthetizer.js'
import { WORKLET_URL_ABSOLUTE } from './spessasynth_lib/synthetizer/worklet_url.js'
// add different colors to channels!
const channelColors = [
'rgba(255, 99, 71, 1)', // tomato
'rgba(255, 165, 0, 1)', // orange
'rgba(255, 215, 0, 1)', // gold
'rgba(50, 205, 50, 1)', // limegreen
'rgba(60, 179, 113, 1)', // mediumseagreen
'rgba(0, 128, 0, 1)', // green
'rgba(0, 191, 255, 1)', // deepskyblue
'rgba(65, 105, 225, 1)', // royalblue
'rgba(138, 43, 226, 1)', // blueviolet
'rgba(50, 120, 125, 1)', //'rgba(218, 112, 214, 1)', // percission color
'rgba(255, 0, 255, 1)', // magenta
'rgba(255, 20, 147, 1)', // deeppink
'rgba(218, 112, 214, 1)', // orchid
'rgba(240, 128, 128, 1)', // lightcoral
'rgba(255, 192, 203, 1)', // pink
'rgba(255, 255, 0, 1)' // yellow
// adjust this to your liking
// load the soundfont
fetch("soundfont.sf2").then(async response => {
// load the soundfont into an array buffer
let soundFontArrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
document.getElementById("message").innerText = "SoundFont has been loaded!";
// create the context and add audio worklet
const context = new AudioContext();
await context.audioWorklet.addModule(new URL("path/to/spessasynth_lib/" + WORKLET_URL_ABSOLUTE, import.meta.url));
const synth = new Synthetizer(context.destination, soundFontArrayBuffer); // create the synthetizer
let seq;
// add an event listener for the file inout
document.getElementById("midi_input").addEventListener("change", async event => {
// check if any files are added
if (!event.target.files[0]) {
await context.resume();
const midiFile = await event.target.files[0].arrayBuffer(); // convert the file to array buffer
if(seq === undefined)
seq = new Sequencer([{binary: midiFile}], synth); // create the sequencer with the parsed midis
seq.play(); // play the midi
seq.loadNewSongList([{binary: midiFile}]); // the sequencer is alreadu created, no need to create a new one.
const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); // get canvas
const drawingContext = canvas.getContext("2d");
// create analyzers for the channels
const analysers = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
analysers.push(context.createAnalyser()); // create analyzer
// connect them to the synthesizer
// render analyzers in a 4x4 grid
function render()
// clear the rectangle
drawingContext.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
analysers.forEach((analyser, channelIndex) => {
// calculate positions
const width = canvas.width / 4;
const height = canvas.height / 4;
const step = width / analyser.frequencyBinCount;
const x = width * (channelIndex % 4); // channelIndex % 4 gives us 0 to 2 range
const y = height * Math.floor(channelIndex / 4) + height / 2;
// get the data from analyzer
const waveData = new Float32Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
// set the color
drawingContext.strokeStyle = channelColors[channelIndex % channelColors.length];
// draw the waveform
drawingContext.moveTo(x, y);
for (let i = 0; i < waveData.length; i++)
drawingContext.lineTo(x + step * i, y + waveData[i] * height * VISUALIZER_GAIN);
// draw again
// create a keyboard
const keyboard = document.getElementById("keyboard");
// create an array of 128 keys
const keys = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 128; i++)
const key = document.createElement("td");
key.style.width = "5px";
key.style.height = "50px";
key.style.border = "solid black 1px";
// add listeners to show keys being pressed
// add note on listener
synth.eventHandler.addEvent("noteon", "demo-keyboard-note-on", event => {
keys[event.midiNote].style.background = channelColors[event.channel % channelColors.length];
// add note off listener
synth.eventHandler.addEvent("noteoff", "demo-keyboard-note-off", event => {
keys[event.midiNote].style.background = "";
// add stop all listener
synth.eventHandler.addEvent("stopall", "demo-keyboard-stop-all", () => {
keys.forEach(key => key.style.background = "");
Quite cool, isn't it?
Let's make use of SpessaSynth 3.0. It allows us to render an audio file to a file!
Nothing new here.
<h1>SpessaSynth demo: offline audio conversion</h1>
<p id="message">Please wait for the soundFont to load.</p>
<input type="file" id="midi_input" accept=".mid, .rmi">
<!-- note the type="module" -->
<script src='offline_audio.js' type="module"></script>
Here we use OfflineAudioContext
to render the audio to file and audioBufferToWav
helper, conveniently bundled with SpessaSynth.
Note that we pass the MIDI file directly to the Synthesizer
class this time.
// import the modules
import { WORKLET_URL_ABSOLUTE } from './spessasynth_lib/synthetizer/worklet_url.js'
import { Synthetizer } from './spessasynth_lib/synthetizer/synthetizer.js'
import { audioBufferToWav } from './spessasynth_lib/utils/buffer_to_wav.js'
import { MIDI } from '../spessasynth_lib/midi_parser/midi_loader.js'
// load the soundfont
fetch("soundfont.sf2").then(async response => {
// load the soundfont into an array buffer
let soundFontArrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
document.getElementById("message").innerText = "SoundFont has been loaded!";
// add an event listener for the file inout
document.getElementById("midi_input").addEventListener("change", async event => {
// check if any files are added
if (!event.target.files[0]) {
// hide the input
document.getElementById("midi_input").style.display = "none";
const file = event.target.files[0];
const parsedMidi = new MIDI(arrayBuffer, file.name);
// create the rendering context
const sampleRate = 44100; // 44100Hz
const context = new OfflineAudioContext({
numberOfChannels: 2, // stereo
sampleRate: sampleRate,
length: sampleRate * (parsedMidi.duration + 1), // sample rate times duration plus one second (for the sound to fade away rather than cut)
await context.audioWorklet.addModule(new URL("path/to/spessasynth_lib/" + WORKLET_URL_ABSOLUTE, import.meta.url));
// Here we set the event system to disabled as it's not needed. Also, we need to pass the parsed MIDI here for the synthesizer to start rendering it
const synth = new Synthetizer(context.destination, soundFontArrayBuffer, false, {
parsedMIDI: parsedMidi,
snapshot: undefined // this is used to copy the data of another synthesizer, so no need to use it here
// show progress
const showRendering = setInterval(() => {
const progress = Math.floor(synth.currentTime / parsedMidi.duration * 100);
document.getElementById("message").innerText = `Rendering "${parsedMidi.midiName}"... ${progress}%`;
}, 500);
// start rendering the audio
const outputBuffer = await context.startRendering();
// convert the buffer to wav file
const wavFile = audioBufferToWav(outputBuffer);
// make the browser download the file
const a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(wavFile);
a.download = parsedMidi.midiName + ".wav";
For more info about writing WAV files, see writing wave files
Look into the src/website
folder for the actual examples of spessasynth_lib
If you encounter any errors in this documentation, please open an issue!
Make sure you always update worklet_processor.min.js
along with the npm package!