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Liqueur Librazy edited this page May 14, 2019 · 4 revisions

This is general commands to use the plugin, or customize an item.

Plugin Commands

/rpgitem list <page>

List all items, with item identical name (in plugin) and item details (item itself). Like this:

RPGItems: 1/41
hidden_blade - Ezio's hidden blade

With mouse hover onto item name (the later name Ezio's hidden blade), an item tooltip will show details of this item.

Each page will list command.list.item_per_page items. See Configuration for detail.

/rpgitem list simply list all RPGItems, /rpgitem list 3 will list items in page 3.

/rpgitem listpower <page> <n:name>

List all power including its key, description and properties.

Each page will list command.list.power_per_page powers. See Configuration for detail.

/rpgitem version

Check version string.

/rpgitem reload

Reload the plugin, including all items and configs.

/rpgitem worldguard

Toggle WorldGuard integration.

/rpgitem wgforcerefresh

Toggle WorldGuard force refresh. See Configuration support.world_guard.force_refresh for detail.

/rpgitem wgignore [item]

Toggle WorldGuard ignore status for a RPGItem .

/rpgitem create [name]

Create a new RPGItem named [name]

/rpgitem giveperms

Toggle permission requirement for item giving. See Configuration general.give_perms for detail.

/rpgitem give [item] <player> <count>

Give an itemstack of RPGItem to yourself or a player.

When executing this command from console, the player name is required.

/rpgitem remove [item]

Remove a RPGItem.

/rpgitem display [item] [display name]

Set display name for a RPGItem.

/rpgitem damage [item] [damage] <max-damage>

Set damage for a RPGItem. It can be either a value or a range.

/rpgitem armour [item] [armour]

Set armour for a RPGItem.

/rpgitem item [item] [material]

Set item material for a RPGItem.

/rpgitem print [item]

Print informations about this RPGItem.

/rpgitem enchantment [item] clone|clear

Clone enchantments from enchanted book or another itemstack in mainhand to the RPGItem.

Use /rpgitem enchantment [item] to inspect current enchantment on item.

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