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Liqueur Librazy edited this page May 5, 2019
5 revisions
- Airborne (rpgitems:airborne) Do more damage when gliding
- And Condition (rpgitems:andcondition) Condition that requires all its Conditions are met
- AOE Effect (rpgitems:aoe) Apply effect to entities in range. PowerSelector is applicable.
- AOE Command (rpgitems:aoecommand) Run command for entities in range. PowerSelector is applicable.
- Arrow (rpgitems:arrow) Fire an arrow.
- Attachments (rpgitems:attachments) Can use other RPGItems as attachments. Firing this power will trigger ATTACHMENT trigger of attachments.
- Attract (rpgitems:attract) Pull around mobs in to player
- Attribute Modifier (rpgitems:attributemodifier) Add Attribute Modifier
- Chance Condition (rpgitems:chancecondition) Condition that met by chance
- Charge (rpgitems:charge) Do more damage when sprinting
- Color (rpgitems:color) NOT AVAILABLE YET
- Command (rpgitems:command) Run a command on click.
- Command Hit (rpgitems:commandhit) Run a command when hits someting.
- Consume (rpgitems:consume) Remove one item on click.
- Consume Hit (rpgitems:consumehit) Remove one item when hits something.
- Critical Hit and Backstab (rpgitems:criticalhit) With a chance% to deal more damage. With a backstabChance% to deal more damage when backstabing.
- Death Command (rpgitems:deathcommand) With a 1/chance to kill the target then execute the command for count times
- Deflect (rpgitems:deflect) Deflect arrows or fireballs towards player
- Delayed Command (rpgitems:delayedcommand) Run command on click with a delay
- Dummy (rpgitems:dummy) Won't do anything but give you fine control
- Durability Condition (rpgitems:durabilitycondition) Condition that requires item's durability in a range
- Economy (rpgitems:economy) Deposit to or withdraw from player
- Equipment Condition (rpgitems:equipmentcondition) Condition that requires player wear some item
- Explosion (rpgitems:explosion) Make a explosion that caused by the player
- Fire (rpgitems:fire) Fire an fireblock that burns entities hit
- Fireball (rpgitems:fireball) Fire an fireball
- Flame (rpgitems:flame) Set the target on fire on hit
- Food (rpgitems:food) Restore food points when eaten
- Force Field (rpgitems:forcefield) Creates a force field around the player
- Glove (rpgitems:glove) Catch an entity
- Gun Fu (rpgitems:gunfu) Make projectiles track enemies
- Headshot (rpgitems:headshot) Increase damage when headshot
- Ice (rpgitems:ice) Fire an ice block, then create a box of ice on impact
- Knockup (rpgitems:knockup) Send the hit target flying
- Last Result Condition (rpgitems:lastresultcondition) Requires result of last power is in a set
- Lifesteal (rpgitems:lifesteal) Restore health by damage dealt
- Lightning (rpgitems:lightning) Strike the hit target with lightning
- Lore Filter (rpgitems:lorefilter) Preserve all lore lines match the regex
- Mount (rpgitems:mount) Ride an entity
- No Immutable Tick (rpgitems:noimmutabletick) Cancel the damage delay (no-damage-tick)
- Or Condition (rpgitems:orcondition) Condition that requires at least one of its Conditions are met
- Particle (rpgitems:particle) Spawn some particles around the user
- Particle Barrier (rpgitems:particlebarrier) Spawn a barrier that redirecting energy of incoming attacks to strength
- Particle Tick (rpgitems:particletick) Spawn some particles around the user when equipped
- Potion Hit (rpgitems:potionhit) Apply effect to enemy when hit
- Potion Self (rpgitems:potionself) Apply effect to player when used
- Potion Tick (rpgitems:potiontick) Apply effect to player when equipped
- Projectile (rpgitems:projectile) Launches projectile
- Pumpkin (rpgitems:pumpkin) When hit skeleton or zombie, make them wear pumpkin head
- Rainbow (rpgitems:rainbow) Fire blocks of coloured wool
- Ranged (rpgitems:ranged) Mark this item as ranged
- Ranged Only (rpgitems:rangedonly) Mark this item as ranged only
- Real Damage (rpgitems:realdamage) Do real damage to entity hit but won't kill it
- Repair (rpgitems:repair) Repair the item with some material
- Rescue (rpgitems:rescue) Rescue player on low health or receiving high damage
- Rumble (rpgitems:rumble) Sends a shockwave through the ground and sends any hit entities flying
- Scoreboard (rpgitems:scoreboard) Add/remove tag/team to/from player's scoreboard
- Scoreboard Condition (rpgitems:scoreboardcondition) Condition that add requirements of player's scoreboard
- Selector (rpgitems:selector) Provide a selector for some AOE power
- Shulker Bullect (rpgitems:shulkerbullet) Launches shulker bullet when right clicked, target nearest entity in front of player
- Sky Hook (rpgitems:skyhook) Hook on to some material
- Sound (rpgitems:sound) Play a sound
- Stuck (rpgitems:stuck) Make target stuck
- Teleport (rpgitems:teleport) teleport you in the direction you're looking in or to the place where the projectile hit
- Throw (rpgitems:throw) Spawn and throw a entity
- Tipped Arrow (rpgitems:tippedarrow) Fire an tipped arrow
- TNT Cannon (rpgitems:tntcannon) Fire active tnt
- Torch (rpgitems:torch) Shoots torches to light up an area
- Translocator (rpgitems:translocator) Throw an translocator and teleport to it later
- Unbreakable (rpgitems:unbreakable) Mark this item as unbreakable
- Xor Condition (rpgitems:xorcondition) Condition that xor all its Conditions
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