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Liqueur Librazy edited this page Nov 27, 2018 · 20 revisions

Welcome to RPGItems Wiki.

Current stable version - 3.5 for 1.11/1.12

Version 3.6 for 1.13 is on its way but still considered as unstable. Starting from this version you need NyaaCore, LangUtils and Vault to work.

Item auto update from 1.12 to 1.13

Items will be automatically updated on first start of 1.13 version. items.yml will be renamed to items.bak and each item saved into items/ separately.

If you need to update command/throw related powers (command format, nbt, item/entity names, etc.), follow these procedure:

  1. Install Nodejs (tested working v10.13.0 LTS).
  2. Run git clone && cd spu && git checkout work && npm i && npm run restful.
  3. Edit RPGItems/config.yml, add spu_endpoint: under general section. Change the endpoint URL when necessary.
  4. /rpgitem reload and then /rpgitem updatecmdandentity all

Nearly all vanilla commands will be updated to 1.13 format. Other commands can't be recognized by spu will keep unchanged.

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